Maria felt her mother's pain.

— Christophe!— she called her beloved.— Come on, let's break through there!—

She almost got scared when she ran into Bjorn. The vampire was really scary now, the blond Swede had changed a lot: his eyes became a rich scarlet color, his face stretched out and turned white, like...

The sword pierces Stefan's sturdy figure, blood drips on the metal.

— Stefan!— Maria clears the way to her non-blood brother, cutting off heads like grass.— Stefan! Run away from here, stay away, you don't belong in a combat situation! —

Stefan retreated from the battlefield so quickly that he raised violent wind currents.

It seems that air artillery came to the dogs of Wentworth - dry shots rang out from the sky.

Someone nearby picked up one of the obrotni and used it as a shield.

All the faces, the crowd mixed into a single being, struggling with itself.

Maria, Bjorn, Friedrich, Christoph and Stefan, sitting in the thick of branches on some tree, were spectators and participants in the horror of how, at the behest of some crazy dictator, the race kills itself and its own kind.

And each race is a whole world ...


Having lost sight of each other, Maria and Olga worried about each other.

Having missed one of the blows from her ex-husband, Olga almost fell down the cliff. She felt the pebbles under her feet rolling down and her heart was beating in the same frenzied rhythm.

It was still impossible to keep the balance for a long time.

The body was met by the cracking, unstable ice of some tiny lake.

The water that came to the surface immediately began to sting my back with cold. At least it turned off some of the pain.

Olga jumped to her feet and let out such a piercing scream that the Wentworth bear retreated, trampling both its own and others.

Perhaps even all the animals rushed away - in the thick of the crowd, Maria felt how the smell of animals began to become thinner.

Olga struck wilder and wilder blows, her mad eyes burned with a flame of rage the color of the dark swamps of witchcraft.

Wentworth received a painful blow to the chest, the sword cut deep into the flesh.

— We are wolves with you, not people.— he said suddenly, covering the cut with his hand.— So let's finish it like a wolf! We are eternal if we fight for what we believe to be true!—

They both took wolf form and, growling, rushed at each other.

Stefan, noticing this, hid in the thick of branches and needles deeper.

—Damn it!—Olga struck a pose.

The moments while she caught her breath seemed to stretch into eternity.

And it was a little lucky that the others didn't have anything firearms.

The company began to embrace this gathering in a ring, it seemed to suffocate everyone.

Olga noticed only now, up close, that her daughter, Stefan and Bjorn were smeared with red clay.

She seems to be good at saving vampires from the sun.

Bjorn got hit in the back and froze for a second. Maria saw this and almost forgot about the fight. She twisted the head of one of Wentworth's henchmen and knocked down several others with the same head.

Her hands and her whole body were burning with desire, all the cells of my body were eager to hurt someone. Pain...

Pain... like a maniac, the vampire essence awakens and takes its toll.

Someone whispers in her head.

Maria continued to swing the sword, but in addition, the fangs began to lengthen.

— Running!— Olga literally began to pierce the crowd with herself, clearing the way, cutting off one head after another.

Blood is everywhere, sometimes puddles make it difficult to run.

Bodies fell like the aftermath of a massacre.

Death, walking through the corpses, followed Wentforth.

Olga ran to the cliff, looked around. My heart was beating like crazy.

She threw down a couple of wolves, everything inside trembled.

—Wentworth!— she called.— I will haunt you all my life, I will never give up trying to kill you! —

— You liked this life. I know you love pain. That's why I chose you. It's you...— majestically, with his royal article, her ex-husband slowly drove up to her on a huge bear.

— I don't like slavery. My brother has been looking for you for a long time and it is not known which of us was running from whom. Get off the beast, monster, and we'll fight fair.— having passed the sword over the stone, Olga looked at the sky.

Time seemed to stretch out again.

The sword of Wentfort Karsten was three times larger, but Olga's weapon remembers not such blades.

Ducking, the wolf parried the blow, causing sparks from two touching metals.

It seemed that swords were harder than stone.

A wave, a whistle, that whistle again.

Olga swings, the blow of her ex-husband hits her shoulder hard.

The redhead screams at the top of her voice, the sword scrapes on the shoulder bone. A nasty creak makes her shudder.

Maria felt her mother's pain.

— Christophe!— she called her beloved.— Come on, let's break through there!—

She was almost scared when she ran into Bjorn. The vampire was really scary now, the blond Swede had changed a lot: his eyes became a rich scarlet color, his face stretched out and turned white, like...

The sword pierces Stefan's sturdy figure, blood drips on the metal.

— Stefan!— Maria clears the way to her non-blood brother, cutting off heads like grass.— Stefan! Run away from here, stay away, you don't belong in a combat situation!—

Stefan retreated from the battlefield so quickly that he raised violent currents of wind.

It seems that air artillery came to the dogs of Wentfort - dry shots rang out from the sky.

Someone nearby picked up one of the obrotni and used it as a shield.

All the faces, the crowd mixed into a single being, struggling with itself.

Maria, Bjorn, Friedrich, Christoph and Stefan, sitting in the thick of branches on some tree, were spectators and participants in the horror of how, at the behest of some crazy dictator, the race kills itself and its own kind.

And each race is a whole world...


Having lost sight of each other, Maria and Olga worried about each other.

Having missed one of the blows from her ex-husband, Olga almost fell down the cliff. She felt the pebbles under her feet rolling down and her heart was beating in the same frenzied rhythm.

It was still impossible to keep the balance for a long time.

The body was met by the cracking, unstable ice of some tiny lake.

The water that came to the surface immediately began to sting my back with cold. At least it turned off some of the pain.

Olga jumped to her feet and let out such a piercing scream that the Wentworth bear retreated, trampling both its own and others.

Perhaps even all the animals rushed away - in the thick of the crowd, Maria felt how the smell of animals began to become thinner.

Olga struck wilder and wilder blows, her mad eyes burned with a flame of rage the color of the dark swamps of witchcraft.

Wentworth received a painful blow to the chest, the sword cut deep into the flesh.

— We are wolves with you, not people.— he said suddenly, covering the cut with his hand.— So let's finish it like a wolf! We are eternal if we fight for what we believe to be true!—

They both assumed wolf form and, growling, rushed at each other.

Stefan, noticing this, hid in the thick of branches and needles deeper.

—Damn it!— he noticed that someone was climbing a tree.

Man! By the smell, it's definitely a person!

— They told him to run!—