Lutz 04

Lutz was making his way back to the dorm area where hopefully they were looking to become a mage of Valia and/or regain that status for themselves. He found that the dorm leader for his own was there waiting for him with his own bag at their feet.

"Ummm....why is my bag out here with you at this time," Lutz asked him

His dorm leader just sighed and then causally toss it at him using their own magic

"It's over," they told him

"What's over" Lutz inquired curiously as he picked up his bag

"There have been some new rules put into place as you can not no longer apply for the mage division anymore" his now former dorm leader informed him

Lutz then just looked at them in shock as he was in a sense made homeless just now. If he was kicked out of the dorms then he would not have anywhere to live at this point. Having left home a long time ago now he was not able to get back there on his own at this point either.

"One last thing as you are at least going to be transported to the nearest town as a final goodbye for all your hard work" the dorm leader informed him.

Before Lutz could say or do anything he along with all the stuff that he had on him at the moment was transported away at that very instant with teleportation magic.

"Finally got rid of him as he just did not know when to call it quits," the dorm leader said

The mage division saw Lutz as good means to show off what not to do and how not to be to those that were trying to become a mage of Valia. However, the problem they discovered was having someone that was constantly failing to pass their exam and entering into just the academy itself for basic training. That was not looking good on their overall image. If they kept allowing someone that they did not deem as qualified continuously and endlessly take the exam. Rather than drive people like them away to only attract those that were considered desirable instead. The opposite would be possible as they had a setup currently where the claim was anyone could become a member of Valia's mage division to the general public and around the world. This was the image that the country wanted to be seen and reap the benefits of it. However, Lutz was the only one at the moment that did not realize that was merely lip service for the division image and nothing more.

This was something realized by everyone else as they knew that claims and reality were vastly different. That it was one thing to say the mage division was open to everyone but one someone actually tries out for it. They go about seeing what the division is really like then they must either give up unable to handle the reality or accept it and then work towards climbing up the ranks. Doing anything as long as it's within the confine of Valia's system and the creed is followed. Anything goes as long as it does not harm Valia and the image of the mage. Somehow this system had been working as intended since the founding of Valia without problems....or without problems that are not solved rather quickly.

Leading to the case with Lutz who was considered to be someone that was not deemed worthy. He might have had the raw talent but the mage academy was the place for him to learn how to use that talent. It was meant for those that already knew and refined it to further do so but compete against everyone else. Get better and advance through the ranks by beating everyone else around you.

Allowing Lutz to remain and continue to take the exam without him ever figuring out that he will never succeed because he was never meant to. That someone everyone else but him understood after a few tries. That the exam was created in a certain way to attract a certain crowd and you could either adapt to match them or leave. Lutz was unknowingly creating a third option and that could not stand as no one else was doing what he was doing at least not yet. So to nip a problem in the bud before it got even developed or even worse more people started being like Lutz. More people than being more that started to constantly fail and rather than keep trying as he had they would question the overall system.

A limit to the number of tries that one could take to become a mage recruit for the mage division was placed. Thus anyone that passed this limit was not allowed to take the exam anymore, thus keeping the image that the mage division was open to everyone still. The image would remain the same as it always had as the limit would not harm since the blame would be placed on the person. After all, they were allowed to try out and failed to the point where the general public would see them as the problem. After all the mage division was open for all to try out and if they met the requirement then they could join the division.

Using the exam and academy as the first filters to drain away those that did not meet the actual requirement were the purposes of those two things. Someone like Lutz coming along was an unexpected factor that they could not address properly until they fully realized it. One can not get an answer to a question they did not know needed asking in the first place. So the delay responds in dealing wit Lutz was the result of such a thing happening.

Anyway, those of Valia got rid of Lutz by not just sending him to a nearby town but to an entirely different country altogether. Of course, it was set up to make look like it was an accident that something went wrong with teleportation magic. Lutz would not be aware that it was intentional at all as unable to use such magic himself on top of not realizing the true nature of mages of the Valia either.