Strange yet small world!

William's eyes fluttered open to a dimly lit dorm room. The unfamiliar surroundings added to his disorientation. He tried to recall where he was, but his memories felt like fragments of a shattered mirror, reflecting bits and pieces of his past.

A surge of confusion swept over him as he took in the mundane details of the room—a cluttered desk, textbooks on biology neatly arranged, and posters of exotic animals adorning the walls. The air smelled different, a mixture of unfamiliar scents.

Rubbing his temples, William tried to piece together the puzzle of his identity. He glanced at the open textbooks, recognizing complex biological diagrams and terms. A student's life, it seemed, yet nothing felt familiar.

As he sat up, a wave of dizziness washed over him. A photo on the desk caught his attention—a group of smiling students in graduation gowns. Among them was a face that seemed vaguely familiar but remained elusive.

The name on the graduation cap read "William Darkborn."

Darkborn. The name echoed in his mind, as if it held the key to unlocking the mysteries of his forgotten past. Was it really his name? If so, why did it feel both foreign and strangely significant?

Shaking off the confusion, he examined the room more closely. A calendar on the wall indicated the current date—September 15, 2019. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks—almost as if he had traveled back in time.

A sudden memory flashed before his eyes—a voice in the void, an ethereal guardian, and a mission to save humanity. The GALAXY CODEX. The guardian's words echoed in his mind, urging him to follow a predetermined path.

With a deep breath, William decided to embrace this second chance. His gaze lingered on the biology textbooks, and he felt a strange sense of purpose. Maybe biology held the key to understanding the world and its interconnected web of life.

As he explored the campus and attended classes, William discovered a passion for biology that felt almost innate. The pieces of his life fell into place like a jigsaw puzzle. He made friends, faced the challenges of student life, and gradually uncovered the secrets of his past.

But beneath the facade of normalcy, the shadow of the celestial invasion lingered. Strange occurrences hinted at a reality beyond the textbooks and university walls. William, now a student navigating the intricacies of academia, felt an impending responsibility—one that transcended the boundaries of time.


the strange sound seems to be coming from inside of him as William became stiff seeing the strangeness he was feeling right now 

from the depth of his soul a deep burning feeling was ignited as he saw a darkish purple screen flashing Infront of him the strange thing was that the screen was handing midair without any support 

"so this is what you were talking about Oldman" William off course knew this was a system of Galaxy codex which the old mysterious man integrated in his soul and send him back

[Requesting a Body Reconstruction]

[yes] [no]

William wasn't surprised by this as mysterious as galaxy Codex was one thing was certain that every one knew that the holder of galaxy codex will get strong one way another

as for body reconstruction William wasn't ready yet

somehow he got a feeling that this reconstruction isn't easy as its sounds or it may be the more gruesome process it wasn't an assumption based on air it was a gut feeling William had upon reading the notification from the system



[ Due to having a strong soul body reconstruction is necessary Automatic Reconstruction will commence in 72 hours ]

[ Time remaining 71:59:58 ]

[ Time remaining 71:59:57 ]

[ Time remaining 71:59:56 ]

" oww.. this? " William was feeling rather troubled finding a place for this reconstruction is hard mainly in this densely packed university 

a sudden realization hit on his head and William soon checked the money on him and the bank account of his which showed about 1300$ as his savings

i need to reach there soon as possible otherwise everything will be lost this time too

he dialed a number and the call connected

"hey Robin "

"what is it Will" 

"i need a loan of 500k in dollar's " 

"are you sure will , being a friend i remind you the interest will be double if you couldn't pay back in time "

" i know... transfer it on my account right now " 


Oldman what kind of shit did you put me in he was cursing a certain someone feeling rather unpleased about the fact that he came to a time where there is no mana in the world 

before those aliens came to earth he have to awaken the mana of the earth but the dilemma was that he does not have money on him to travel to the place where he wants to go

He felt a sense of urgency as the countdown for the automatic body reconstruction continued. He knew that awakening the mana of the world was a crucial step in altering the course of history.

William sat up on the dorm bed and immersed himself with the galaxy codex depository where the knowledge of the world is stored 

Drawing upon the knowledge stored within the GALAXY CODEX, William recalled the ancient rituals used to connect with the consciousness of the Earth. He needed a place with strong natural energy, a nexus where the mana of the planet converged.

The nodes of mana hidden in the south Asian grooves

After days of tireless searching, he stumbled upon references to an ancient grove hidden deep within a dense forest. Legends spoke of it as a sacred place where the Earth's energy pulsed with life. It was said that those who connected with the grove could channel the mana of the world.

Determined to reach the grove before the body reconstruction process began, William gathered a few essential supplies and embarked on a journey. The countdown clock in his mind served as a constant reminder of the limited time he had.

Navigating through the forest, he encountered challenges—natural obstacles, wild creatures, and an unexplainable force resisting his entry. Yet, his determination and the latent power of the GALAXY CODEX guided him.

he reached the destination but galaxy codex started responding as if it's own will and saw an ancient garden that was strange in the middle of the forest

he reached a serein area where the greenery was creating the lush environment that surrounded a well in the middle 

'it seems a lil strange to see a well in the middle of the forest'

As William approached the ancient garden, he could sense a mystical energy emanating from the well. It was as if the well held a connection to the very soul of the Earth. 

He sat near the well and started guiding the galaxy codex for possible results as soon as he closed his eyes he saw the golden seal around the well that was was sealing the immense energy within it

he started using the remaining energy of galaxy codex to connect himself with the well He began to unravel the seal that guarded the well, using his own soul as a medium to bridge the connection.

The process was intricate and demanding. As he delved into the depths of the well's magic, he felt a resonance with the soul of the Earth. It was a delicate dance, balancing the cosmic energies within him with the ancient forces that lay dormant in the well.

However, the connection came at a cost. The cosmic forces that flowed through him acted as a conduit, channeling his own essence into the well. William felt a profound loss, as if a part of his soul was sacrificed to awaken the dormant mana of the Earth.

His vision blurred, and the world around him seemed to waver. The sacrifice was not without consequence, and William grappled with the weight of the choices he had made. Yet, the well responded to the infusion of his essence, and the once-sealed magic began to stir.

The ground trembled, and a surge of mana erupted from the well, spreading across the ancient garden. Plants and flowers that had long been dormant burst into vibrant life, fueled by the revitalized mana. The very air seemed charged with a newfound energy.

[ The Body Reconstruction will commence in 00:00:01 ]




The countdown clock continued its relentless ticking, but William felt a profound shift within the Earth's energy. The ancient grove, once forgotten, now echoed with the renewed vitality of a world awakening from a long slumber.




As he completed the ritual, the GALAXY CODEX resonated within him, absorbing the awakened mana. The countdown halted, and the screen displaying the reconstruction process faded away.


As the process of body modification commenced, William felt a profound transformation taking place within him as his physical form underwent a metamorphosis guided by the GALAXY CODEX.

His bones resonated with a subtle hum, as if they were being reshaped from the very core. The sensation was strange, a mix of discomfort and awe, as if his entire skeletal structure was turning to dust and rebuilding itself anew. The process was meticulous, ensuring that each bone was stronger and more resilient than before.

The skin on his body burned momentarily, a sensation that bordered on pain and ecstasy. As the heat subsided, he ran his hands over his transformed skin, feeling a new smoothness that seemed both natural and otherworldly. It was as if his skin had become a protective layer, firm yet flexible.

Internally, his organs underwent a significant upgrade. They pulsed with newfound vitality, each organ enhanced to operate at peak efficiency. William could sense the increased strength of his heart, the efficiency of his lungs, and the heightened function of every vital organ. The GALAXY CODEX had not only reconstructed but optimized his internal systems.

The muscles, once familiar but now redefined, underwent a transformation at the fiber level. Each muscle group was reconstructed with a precision that went beyond human understanding. They were now infused with a strength that hinted at the cosmic power coursing through his veins.

As the process neared completion, William felt a surge of energy, a fusion of his own essence with the power of the GALAXY CODEX.


[Body modification finished]

The countdown clock had vanished, replaced by a profound sense of readiness. William stood up, testing the limits of his newfound abilities. He could feel the mana of the Earth resonating within him, harmonizing with the modifications granted by the GALAXY CODEX.

Armed with this newfound strength and a sense of purpose, William knew that the journey to alter the course of history had just begun. The memories of his past and the mysteries of the GALAXY CODEX guided him forward, and he set out to face the challenges that awaited him in this altered timeline.

Little did he know that the journey had only just begun, and the choices he made in this new life would shape the destiny of not just his world, but possibly the entire universe.