Consequences & new Earth

with seal broken the earthly energy awakened the solar system trembled and milky way started vibrating as a result and energy started revolving around the earth

the whole universe was in chaos as the immense amount of mana was announcing the awakening of the earth inviting all the beings to gather to see the mystery behind this immense energy

Far away, on a distant planet, a man with golden eyes felt the disturbance. Millennia of stillness came to an end as he rose from his ancient perch. His sharp features bore the weight of untold wisdom. The thunder rumbled, announcing the awakening of powers that transcended the cosmic realms.

With a gaze fixed on a certain direction, his golden eyes moved as he moved his hands and a rune was created the mysterious man flicked his finger towards the direction and rune started vanishing

"I did what i could now it's up to you" the mysterious man again closed his eyes and returned to how he was

on planet earth the planet was covered with certain runes as the energy stopped floating out of the planet and the milky way became silent as nothing ever as happened

Unknown to the chaos he caused in the whole cosmos William was counting his gains in the system status 

"status "

[Name: William Darkborn

Species : Human

Class: None

Title: Pioneer of Earth

HP: 3000

MP: 3000

Strength: 30

Agility: 30

Vitality: 30

Intelligence: 30

Perception: 30

free stats: 00


Skills: none]

Normal human stats are only about 5-9 while Body Reconstruction boosted it to triple of the normal amount but the most eye catching thing was not the stats he gained William was more interested in the new title he got

[Title: Pioneer of Earth

"one who owns his own destiny in his hands"


Myth of Amon-

your status is inaccessible to all until you share it yourself, hides you from the most powerful detection techniques, No one can read your fate, Provides a strong shroud that hides your Presence all the time]

"Now, this is called empowerment," William muttered to himself as he marveled at the changes in his status. The immense surge of energy that had shaken the cosmos seemed to have left its mark on him in more ways than one.

The title "Pioneer of Earth" bestowed upon him not only significant stat enhancements but also a unique ability named "Myth of Amon." It granted him a level of secrecy and protection that surpassed the ordinary. William couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility and curiosity about the mysteries that now surrounded him.

As he stood on the altered Earth, covered in mysterious runes, William pondered the significance of his newfound powers. The chaos he unknowingly unleashed upon the universe had settled, but the repercussions were yet to be fully understood.

Feeling the weight of the situation, William decided to explore the extent of his abilities. Closing his eyes, he focused on the unique powers granted by the title. The "Myth of Amon" shrouded him in an unseen veil, concealing his presence from even the most potent detection techniques.

With newfound confidence, William decided to venture into the unknown. The runes that covered the planet seemed to respond to his thoughts, creating a harmonious connection between him and the awakened Earth.

As he moved, the runes shifted beneath his feet, resonating with the energy that still lingered in the air. The cosmos watched in silence as the Pioneer of Earth embarked on a journey that would unveil the secrets of the universe and the immense mana that had been awakened.

Meanwhile, on the distant planet, the man with golden eyes sensed the calming of the cosmic tremors. A faint smile crossed his face as he knew that his actions had played a crucial role in guiding William and Earth through the chaos.

"I hope you make the most of the power bestowed upon you, Pioneer of Earth," the mysterious man whispered to the cosmos, his golden eyes reflecting the eons of wisdom he carried.

Feeling a subtle change in the environment William started drawing runes on the ground earthquake shook the entire Earth, and a mysterious force swept across the planet, causing all humans to lose consciousness. However, William remained unaffected; his senses alert and his mind clear. It seemed that the awakening of the Earth had granted him a unique resilience against the unforeseen events unfolding.

With determination in his eyes, William started drawing intricate runes on the ground. The knowledge from his previous life. The runes glowed with an otherworldly light as he channeled the energy of the Earth itself.

"Alright, let's see what I can do here. The power of these runes should provide some protection," he mumbled to himself as he focused on the task at hand.

Utilizing the last bit of power from the Galaxy Codex, a powerful artifact that had accompanied him on his journey, William invoked a teleportation spell. In an instant, he found himself standing on a tall building in a city, overlooking the vast horizon.

"I hope this works. now it should be here in a day," he thought, looking around at the unconscious city below.

The city was in a state of eerie tranquility, its inhabitants unconscious and unaware of the cosmic events that had transpired. The runes he had drawn on the Earth seemed to resonate with the city's energy, creating a protective barrier that shielded it from the effects of the earthquake.

As William gazed into the vast horizon, he felt the pulse of the Earth beneath his feet. The connection between him and the awakened planet had been a one-time process, and the teleportation power was now spent.

As William stood atop the tall building, overlooking the unconscious city, the environment around him underwent a profound transformation. The aftermath of the Earth's awakening left a mesmerizing spectacle in the sky.

Space fissures appeared, resembling shimmering cracks in the fabric of the cosmos. They danced across the expanse above, releasing a faint glow that painted the heavens with ethereal hues. The fissures pulsated with latent energy, creating a mesmerizing display that seemed to bridge the gap between worlds.

Above, the sky transformed into a canvas of celestial artistry. Auroras, vibrant and otherworldly, began to unfurl across the darkness. Wisps of green, blue, and purple intertwined in a cosmic dance, casting a radiant glow that shimmered across the unconscious city below. The auroras pulsed with an energy that seemed to echo the heartbeat of the awakened Earth.

where a mysterious energy having a mind of its own ensuring the safety of creatures on the earth The atmosphere itself seemed to hum with newfound vitality. Celestial particles, charged with the energy of the awakening, created a luminous tapestry above, turning the night sky into a breathtaking display of cosmic beauty.

William couldn't help but be captivated by the celestial symphony unfolding above him. The space fissures, the auroras, and the vibrant colors painted an awe-inspiring scene that transcended the ordinary. It was as if the universe itself was celebrating the awakening of Earth, and the sky became a living testament to the profound changes occurring on a cosmic scale.

With a deep breath, William took in the surreal beauty around him. The city's unconscious inhabitants remained oblivious to the celestial spectacle above, lost in a profound slumber. As the Pioneer of Earth, he stood as a witness to the harmonious convergence of the mystical and the mundane, ready to unravel the mysteries that awaited in this transformed world.

"The mysteries of the universe await, This journey has only just begun," he murmured to himself, a determined glint in his eye. The chapter closed with William standing on the tall building, a silhouette against the backdrop of a serene but unconscious city.