Webnovel - A.F.D.E. - Chapter 3: A Threat of Death

"Jing Bai, make Gu Taixu's life here miserable, make him a wreck" A voice said in a disgusted tone.

"Alright, Senior Brother Qin",a low and subservient voice replied,

"I'll do just that it will be easy to punish that weakling. Besides it's my pleasure to see him suffer."

"Not just trivial suffering," Qin Jiushang's said, "frustrate him out of the martial path." "He has not made any progress so far but it's best he stops trying." He added.

"You know his stubborn nature more than any one else. Three years continuous training without visible results. I would have stopped long ago."

"A stubborn fly must be slapped to death."Qin Jiushang's said imperiously.

"What do you mean Senior Brother ?" Jing Bai said rather confused- or rather looking confused.

"Isn't it obvious what I mean or are you not capable?" Qin Jiushang asked in reply .


There was complete silence for a while. Gu Taixu was watching on. Whether or not Jing Bai accepted would determine his fate.

Here, Jing Bai dressed in a blue sportswear paled in comparison to the Jade King, Qin Jiushang who was clothed in azure silky robes with a jade seal attached to his belt; the seal of the Jade King, the top student of the academy. He had falling long, dark brown hair and a gorgeous face with a constant arrogant expression. Jing Bai on the other hand had short, dark hair and was about 5 feet which made him about two heads shorter than Qin Jiushang. He was a room mate who had bullied Gu Taixu throughout his fruitless journey on the Martial path at Fallen Stars Martial Academy.

"Boss Qin, do you wish to kill him?" Jing Bai queried in a tone of dread and suspicion.

"Exactly." Qin Jiushang said simply.

"Oh. That is the best way we can be sure of eliminating him for good, but, don't you think that it may be too conspicuous? It is likely to attract the higher ups of the academy."

"What? No one will know. It will be covertly done. I know how to plan it." He said wickedly.

"But here's a better way. He may be stubborn but you have something that suppresses everyone below you."

"What is it?"

"Your absolute strength and supremacy. With your cultivation level and current strength, you can intimidate him and force him to leave the academy. With him gone, your troubles are over."

"Yeah! Yeah! Why didn't I think of that? I will oppress him and show him his place. With that fear, he will run away like a little scared cat. Ha-ha-ha. Moreover, Ming Fei will be awed at my power."

"It's my pleasure to be at your service, Senior Brother Qin." Jing Bai said with excitement in his eyes.

"Anyway, it does not matter whether the ant lives or dies, but if need be, I will get back to you." Qin Jiushang said as he stood to leave.

"Thank you very much, Senior Qin." Jing Bai said as he stood too.

Qin Jiushang gave Jing Bai a pouch of coins as he left.

"And I will talk to my father about you current allowance. He will double or triple it by the end of the month." He added at he turned.

"Ah! Thanks so much. I will be ever grateful to you."

"Alright! I will take my leave now. Goodbye."

The conversation was over and Gu Taixu was in astonishment.He recovered timely from the shock of being plotted by Qin Jiushang with the collaboration of his dorm mate. As Qin Jiushang got his hand on the door knob, he immediately headed to another direction. Qin Jiushang got out and sighted Gu Taixu, heading for another direction. His suspicion rose and so did his temper as he said:

"You dog, what are you doing here? Where are you going? Since when have you been here?"

Gu Taixu was baffled at the flurry of questions that was thrown in his direction. He thought fast of an answer to them. As time passed, he still didn't have an answer to Qin Jiushang's questions. This further infuriated Qin Jiushang. He released the mountain-shaking aura of the 5th rank of the Foundational Realm. Under this atmosphere, Gu Taixu felt as if he was crushed under a mountain. He was utterly stifled. He struggled to breathe as he was suspended in the air.

Seeing the helpless Gu Taixu, Qin Jiushang was extremely pleased. Inwardly, he praised Jing Bai's "wisdom". He then cleared the aura, and said in an imperative tone.

"Now, answer my question."

Gu Taixu was still fidgeting in fear. He knew his life would have been taken right there, had Qin Jiushang wished to. He was sweating profusely at the thought of that but managed to mutter barely audibly;

"I just came from the academy's hall. I was going to pass by the lavatory." said Gu Taixu fearfully.

Qin Jiushang nodded, completely convinced that Gu Taixu had bowed to his absolute power and told him the whole truth. He left with a sneer as he said;

"You better be sure."

With Qin Jiushang gone, Gu Taixu heaved a sigh of relief but he was still vigilant, in case of his sudden return. He knew that day that he had no more place to stay in Fallen Stars Martial Academy.

Going into the dorm room, he met a Jing Bai who was beside himself with excitement. He had totally lost his composure. Noticing Gu Taixu's presence was the worst irritation.

"Hey, you what...what are you... eh..." He stammered. "Why do you have to make so much noise while coming in?" Jing Bai said with displeasure evident in his voice.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Senior Brother Jing", Gu Taixu said, apologizing. "I didn't mean to..."

"Shut your filthy mouth", Jing Bai cut in angrily. Then in a pleasant tone of voice, one which Gu Taixu was not used to hearing, he said,

"Did you see Senior Qin Jiushang on your way in?"

"Yes, I saw him."

I thought as much, Jing Bai said inwardly. The plan may have already begun working, he concluded, picturing Qin Jiushang torturing Gu Taixu.

"And what did he say to you?" Jing Bai now said with a wicked smile.

"I didn't get to talk to him. He was already afar off when I got here." Gu Taixu said in a matter-of-fact tone so as not to let any suspicion leak.

And it didn't.

Ah! Luckily for you, Jing Bai regretted in his mind. But there will be many other chances, he thought.

I escaped once and there will be no other chance for you and Qin Jiushang to perform your evil plans on me. You have got no idea what I plan to do. Gu Taixu reasoned within him.

"Besides, take your blanket out, you are sleeping in the corridor tonight, so don't tek me you were not warned. No negotiations or else you may not get to leave with that blanket." Jing Bai said as he scoffed authoritatively.

Be at ease, Jing Bai, Gu Taixu said inwardly, for not only will I take the blanket but my baggages as well.

"Are we understood?" Jing Bai asked.

"Yes, Senior Brother Jing", Gu Taixu said as he stepped out.

"Maybe he does not want the blanket. You think you are tough, hmmph! When I make you suffer that cold for two weeks, you'll know then that I am serious. But that's nice any way. I was planning to invite that girl Bao Yi. Last time she was here, I had a lot of fun. I must go and get her." He said while laughing and went out.