Webnovel - A.F.D.E. - Chapter 4: Leaving the Academy

Gu Taixu walked in one of the hallways that could lead to the headmaster's office. As he walked, he was in thought. The longer he stayed in the academy, the higher the risk. He might even be bullied to death. He didn't have a powerful backing. He wasn't even powerful himself. The problems associated with been weak dawned on him. Killing him would be a piece of cake. No one would help him. No one would care. From that conversation to Qin Jiushang's attempt and Jing Bai's hostility. There would be many more who Jing Bai and Qin Jiushang could egg on and they would be all after his life. The next attempt on his life might be brutally done. With his minute strength, he would be unable to resist death. He made up his mind to leave the academy.

He stopped by the school's account unit and checked his balances. He was quite shocked at what he saw.

"Wow! I have saved 1,500 silvers from my school's allowance in 3 years!", he exclaimed, "And that's not all, mom and dad sent me 10,000 silvers in the first year, same in the second and third year. That's 30,000 silvers. Altogether, 31,500 silvers. Nice!"

He applied to withdraw all that he had. He then changed 31,000 silvers to gold (100 silvers = 1 gold) and got 310 gold. He kept the 500 silvers as pocket change.

He applied to resign from the school and got a reply within an hour. It was positive. He was directed to the Headmaster's office to obtain a confirmation letter. He went there.

The headmaster's office was painted with different shades of yellow. The interiors were quite wide. It was decorated with rich and exotic designs. There were three bronze coloured chairs in the visitor's position. Behind the table was a mab who sat on an intricately-carved golden chair. There were gems inlaid here and there. He was a stocky man of average height and had a face that told you he had a friendly smile. He had a little black moustache. His short hair was graying in some discrete parts. His brows were furrowed as if he was in deep thought. He was in his late forties and in the 7th rank of the Foundational Realm.

Gu Taixu entered the room and was immediately awed by the exquisiteness of the room. His father was a district head at the Clan but his room was not this great. Fallen Stars Martial Academy must have some strong foundation and backing, he thought. Anyway, it should be newly renovated. It was not always this way.

His mind went back to the first time he saw the Headmaster and entered into this office. That was the only time when he entered this office apart from now. 3 years ago, the day of his registration, his hopes, his dreams, his aspirations, his focus was ignited that day. But now all that may be washed down the pipe. Now the day of his resignation, he sees him again.

He greeted and Headmaster Yong looked up. On sighting Gu Taixu, he flashed him a disarming smile and said:

"Come in."

Gu Taixu came in and stood by the chair. Headmaster Yong then said, "You can sit." Gu Taixu then sat.

"I know this is a very irky situation, young boy. You want to withdraw from the academy?"

Gu Taixu nodded.

"I would advise you not to." Headmaster Yong said with a smile.

Gu Taixu sighed heavily. I didn't know he would be this difficult.

"If you know the Grand Elder of this academy, Zhou Tianfeng, you may not know that he spent 30 years to advance to the 7th level that he currently is in today. His total years on the martial path is many times your age, boy." He added, "Even myself, at the peak of the 7th level have spent 10 years already trying to advance to the next level but I have not achieved it yet. You have to persevere if you must have a name in this world!" He said enthusiastically.

"Sir," Gu Taixu said after a long pause, "I have made up my mind and ... I have tried and failed and I'm frustrated, so I give up and want to go home."

"Ha-ha-ha-ha, I see the lies in your lips. You can deceive some people with that small talk but not me. Boy, I have seen when you train. I know that you are not the kind of person that easily gives up. I know your perseverance, your hard work... And that there is something you are not telling me."

At this point, Gu Taixu's heart was in his mouth. Oh no! This guy is so shrewd! Ah! Will I be rejected? If so, I may have to run away. His mind was in turmoil.

"But I know you just want to leave and test your luck somewhere else, so I will not go against your wishes. If you wish to return," he said as he stood, "you would have to re-register and you may face some difficulties." Headmaster Yong said in a tone of finality.

"I understand, sir." Gu Taixu said and breathed in relief. If the headmaster would have rejected me, hmm.....

He moved to a shelf and retrieved a letter of withdrawal and signed it. He then sealed it and handed it over to Gu Taixu to imprint a drop of blood on an indicated area. Gu Taixu did not hesitate and did as he was told. After that the headmaster took it from him.

He then put the script into a white cylindrical machine and it noiselessly produced a certificate.

"It is done."

He collected the certificate and handed it over to Gu Taixu.

"I guess this is goodbye, young man."

"Yes, sir." He turned to leave. Suddenly, there was a decisive glint in Headmaster Yong's eyes.

"Gu Taixu.", he called out. Gu Taixu turned.

"I just have a few words for you." He said in a tone of dismissal.

"I know that you are persistent and strong-willed," he continued, "Although you will leave the academy, you will not stop cultivating your martial power."

He withdrew a ring from his sleeves as Gu Taixu gasped.

This ring looked like any normal ring apart from the astonishing spiritual pressure it emitted. The ring was golden through and through. It shone with a brilliant light. Headmaster Yong suppressed its pressure as it was quite uncomfortable to Gu Taixu who was in close range of the treasure.

"You may not have seen this before. It's a space ring. It is used to store things. But it's space is larger than most bags and as you see it is more convenient and portable. Those that have it in Fallen Stars Martial Academy can be counted with one hand. I have 3 belonging to me. I want to give you this one as a farewell gift."

When Gu Taixu heard this, his excitement was beyond words but he recalled the worth of the treasure, he restrained himself.

"Thank you, headmaster," he said lowering his head, "but, I can't accept this rare and precious item. It is valuable for you to give it away to me. I've done nothing to deserve it."