Webnovel - A.F.D.E. - Chapter 6: Copier Eye

In the Gu Clan Residence,

Sun rays streaked through the window panes on a black-haired figure with slightly tanned skin. He was quite tall, taller than others his age. His slightly long hair was neatly combed probably by someone else that morning. He lay on the bed and breathed continuously.

"Mmmhh." He mumbled in his sleep.

"Huh." He suddenly awoke. "I'm home." He exclaimed.

One of his eyes; the right eye seemed normal, but, the left eye had an odd tinge of ice-blue in the centre of the black pupils and also circling it also. The ice-blue hue was spreading to the rest of the eyeball at an insignificant rate. He stood with very little effort and looked at the mirror beside him. He observed himself and was shocked at the little changes. He was more surprised at the fact that he could not see any injuries he has sustained before. More ever, he felt like he was reborn and presently occupied a new body.

"I thought my eye was plucked out for good." He said as he laughed under his breath. This little changes could bring me a lot of surprises. He inspected his dantian and got the first shock. He discovered his aura had slightly risen. He had reached the Upper Tier of Level 1 after going through a lot. He had not advanced in the last three years and a single action had solved this issue. He was highly elated.

Each level of the Foundational Realm has 3 tiers; Lower Tier as a beginner, Upper Tier reached when there is a certain level of mastery of the realm, and Peak Tier, a high level of mastery or perfection of the realm.

He was extremely overjoyed to have reached the Upper Tier. But, that was just the least of the surprises.

"Wow! In one fell swoop. Upper Tier!!. Dad will surely be proud." He hurriedly strengthened his foundation in that tier, forgetting the gruesome calamity that occurred few days ago. To him, that was history. The Dragon's Eye could give him a boundless future. While consolidating his cultivation, he looked inwardly into his left eye and saw a spectacle , a transparent tank of 10 foot length. There was an ice-blue liquid that currently filled half of the first foot. Immediately, he understood the meaning behind the tank and the liquid.

"The tank is the layout of the Foundational Realm and the 10 foots are the 10 levels of the Foundational Realm. The liquid shows my cultivation level which should be around halfway of Level 1. I wonder what lies beyond the Foundational Realm." He said ecstatically. He felt he had passed through a kind of rebirth after getting the Divine Dragon's Eye. He was more enthusiastic than ever. He had a newborn, unquenchable confidence to achieve something great.

"The heavens have done their part, I must do mine." On completion of strengthening his realm, the ice-blue liquid in the depths of his eye stabilized at 1 foot 6 inches. This made Gu Taixu only strive for more improvement. He stood and looked around for his bag. He finally found it at a corner of his room. He zipped it open and rummaged around for his space ring. He found it and infused a little energy to open it but the ring stayed motionless.

"Ah!", he recalled, "it needs my recognition." He hurriedly bit his finger and let a drop or two of blood onto the ring. The ring shook and absorbed it. He put it a little energy once again and it opened with ease. Just like Headmaster Yong said, there was quite a large space, larger than most big bags. But, he was in thought. So how did Headmaster Yong open it? Was he too powerful that he directly ignored the seal? But, that could mean implosion. Maybe he wiped off the previous seal. That is most probable. That means my blood seal can also be wiped off. I must not make this ring public until I have enough strength to protect it. He thought aloud.

He retrieved the items that were contained in it. There were 3 skill books, 2 purple coloured fruits, 2 concealment talismans, 3 fire talismans and 5 spirit pills, totalling 15 items. They occupied a very little space.

The fruits were known as Profound Essence Fruits. Their essence is utilized to increase mastery over a realm. They could also be useful during breakthroughs because of their high spiritual energy.

Concealment talismans are as their names imply. They are used to hide a person's presence from someone. The higher the disparity in cultivation level, the weaker the effect of concealment.

Fire talismans are attack-type talismans. They release a large amount of fire energy to destroy or injure the enemy. These ones were 2 Level 3 talismans and 1 Level 4 talisman.

The spirit pills were in labelled bottles. The Absolute Yang Fire Pill increases potency for a Foundational Realm cultivator with fire-based skills. Can also help a Foundational Realm cultivator between Level 1-5 to break through to another Level.

3 Berserker Spirit Pills - Increases individual strength over a short period of time, replenishes stamina and gives ability to fight those of a higher tier.

Soul Purifying Elixir - Useful for those at Luminous Lord rank who have just begun to cultivate their Realm. To strengthen their foundation, it can also increase chances if a Foundational Realm cultivator breaking through the Luminous Lord rank by 50%.

The Yang Fire Pill was fiery-red in colour and strongly emiiting formless flames. The Berserker Spirit Pills were brown and emitted almost no essence but Gu Taixu did not dare to underestimate this one. It could be a life saver.

The chilling sensation emanating from the Soul Purifying Elixir that froze the air and seemed to extend to the soul. Gu Taixu shook vigorously under this atmosphere. "I won't be able to use this one soon." He said as he put them away. Soon, it was just the skill books that were before him. He was about to cultivate his first skill book.

Blazing Meteoric Line was an offensive technique that showcased the quality of a direct, narrow and explosive technique. It trains the inner strength of the body and then transforms it to the power of heat and destruction. It has 7 levels. Of the levels, the 7th is the highest and most potent as it has the ability to command the power of a meteor to command the power of destruction. Perfecting the skill can make it as powerful as a pseudo high grade skill. Originally, it's at mid grade level...

After reading through the whole book once, Gu Taixu was not only surprised at his quick understanding but at the fact that the details of the book seemed to be imprinted in his mind. He was immediately enlightened and stepped into the 1st level of the technique. He recalled the speech of the faint consciousness and attributed his current attainment to the power of his Divine Eye. This was all so new to him. A gleeful laughter escaped his lips,

"Ha-ha-ha-ha. Wow!". "I guess anything at this level or lower can be instantly photocopied. This eye is a Heavensent." He was oblivious to the fact that this ability could be termed 'limitless'.

"If this go well, I will be able to copy the rest of the skills." He said as he grabbed the second skill, excitedly.