Webnovel - A.F.D.E. - Chapter 7: Copier Eye(2)

He grabbed the second skill excitedly.

Silver Star Stroke - Mid-level skill

Made up of 10 levels with the number of Silver Stars increasing alongside each new level thereby increasing the destructive power embedded in the skill. The skill was previously a High-Grade Skill but it regressed in its power due to its incompleteness. Perfecting the skill can evolve the extreme level of the skill; The Silver Star Shield for defense, The Silver Star Stroke for offense and The Silver Star Formation to attack and defend on a wide range. Unfortunately, only those with high talent and top precision can perfectly cultivate this skill as there is a high risk of injuries at slight carelessness.

Other people would gave dropped this skill due to the warning of the risk involved. But, Gu Taixu was no such person. "Greatness only comes at a price I will pay." He had tasted a life of weakness and would never agree to go back there again. "No pain, no gain; no risk, no result." He said passionately. "The higher the skill, the stricter the requirements, the stronger the outcome. This cannot unfaze me."

He memorized the technique all too easily; just after one reading session. Similarly, he stepped into the first level of the technique. "This is awesome. Limitless memory. Is this for real?" He finally understood the meaning of a fortuitous encounter - only the experienced truly know. He had never dreamed to this extent - having this eye. His highest hope was to reach the Level 1 Upper Tier before a hundred years, but now he envisioned a bright future ahead. "Specialization will make me unique and high-class skill will make me really powerful. Strengthening comes first." He seemed to recall something and he laughed grimly,

"Qin Jiushang, Jing Bai, you conspirators, you schemed to kill me, thereby pushing me to the wall. You didn't think I would bounce back, right? Nevertheless, when I get stronger, I will come back to your offences. Ming Fei and others who mocked at and despised me, I will make sure you regret it." He soon adjusted his mood and begun to cultivate.

In this world, apart from high social rank and riches, martial strength and one's cultivation level drew respect as well as fear. In a scene where there is no room for negotiations, strength had a little more influence than wealth. A memory of what his consciousness heard was echoed in his mind,

"Divine Dragons of the Ancient World!... Evil Overlords of Heaven and Earth!... Evil Warlock of Magic!... Demonic Enchantress of the Ghost Dimension! You all sound stunningly strong. You too... Just wait, I will meet with you one day..... If you are still alive." Reaching great heights in the Martial World could grant corresponding long life but not an everlasting one. Millions of years might be possible but not forever. Man must die one day, he reminisced.

"Others who have the bloodline of the Dragon, hope I don't meet you in my journey, otherwise it will be a tough struggle." Curiosity got the better of him as he remembered the third book and proceeded to intimate himself with its contents.

Crescent Light Steps - High Grade Skill

Crescent Light Steps, a movement skill, split into 7 levels. Rapid and corresponding speed increase with each passing level. At the limit of the technique, there is an ability to have short bursts of very fast speeds, comparable to the 10th level of the Foundational Realm. During these short bursts, images of crescents will be left as afterimages. Speed as fast as wind.

"A real High-Grade skill at last." Unfortunately, this was not a suitable test for Gu Taixu's newborn copying talent. His eye-bloodline was just too profound. I hope this ability is truly limitless, he thought as he stepped into the first level of the technique. "The future of this eye is immeasurable and I might be endangered if this eye is recognized or identified. You should be able to hide shouldn't you?" He asked rhetorically. He infused some mental effort into the dimension and said, "Hide!", in a low shout. The strange left eye was immediately replaced with a normal eye ball. The Divine Dragon Eye obediently moved to the soul level and imprinted itself on his soul. As it moved, there were these colourless chains that pulled it towards Gu Taixu's soul. As he tried to focus on them, a pain from the soul level was transmitted to his brain. He nearly collapsed.

"One of the things, I should not attempt again." He said after he regained his composure. He sighed, greatly relieved, "It would be terrible if you could not be hid this way." He imagined himself wearing a eye patch to hide his eye. He chuckled silently.

He did not know that this Strange Eye would be one of his strongest lifelines in the future. By then, it would not be hid.

Suddenly, someone opened the door as it creaked. Gu Taixu shifted his concentration towards the approaching, familiar person.

"Dad! Dad! It's you!" He exclaimed cheerfully. The figure before him had a surprised expression, probably like someone who had seen a ghost. He was speechless for a moment before he finally spoke in a tone of surprise and glee,

"Son! You're finally awake, you have been unconscious for 9 days. It was a miracle your heart was still beating. It was also said that everyone involved in that accident died instantly but the heavens brought back my son." Gu Zhong said with a smile. He moved forward to pat Gu Taixu's cheek.

Gu Taixu smiled. Really, he had been brought back from the brink of death, but 9 days? It just seem as yesterday when the consciousness still spoke to him. After a few moments of the happy atmosphere, Gu Zhong asked,

"So you finally left."

"Left where?"

"The martial academy." Gu Zhong said straightforwardly.

"Oh that! Yes."

"Then you have given up on your training?"

"No. I will continue to cultivate my martial power. Perhaps, at some other place."

Gu Zhong sighed then said,

"Alright, we will just try a different approach. Be it as it may, I will support you in any way I can."

"Thanks Dad." He said as he stood to give him a hug.

"Ah!" Gu Zhong said, while waving him off, "you at not strong enough for that. The doctor said..." The next thing, Gu Taixu had already stood and hugged his father, whose face was as puzzled as ever.

"The doctor said some bones are broken." He said with a broad smile, "I don't think so."