Webnovel - A.F.D.E. - Chapter 8: Back at the Clan: Miraculous Recovery

Gu Taixu said as he turned around and walked freely. He did not stagger like a convalescent, on the contrary, it seemed as though he had not sustained any injuries at all. His father, as surprised as he was, had his mouth hung open for few seconds like a wooden chicken. When he finally regained his composure, he was totally baffled.

"Xu'er, how did you recover so quickly? It is so miraculous." Gu Zhong said euphorically.

"First of all, the doctor said there was a 10% chance of you surviving the accident, due to your injuries. Then, a worse prediction. If you recovered, you would be partially or completely covered in injuries. You even had a chance of being permanently deformed."

"Dad, forget about those statistics. Take me as you see it!"

"I must say, son. It's so surprising that you are this healthy and strong. It's just as if you woke up from a good night's sleep. You're so energetic. It's unbelievable."

They both laughed and the family atmosphere resumed. Then Gu Zhong's tone turned serious,

"But, seriously, son, what's the big secret? How did it happen?" Gu Taixu muffled his laughter as he said;

"I don't know, myself." Gu Zhong thought seriously for a while then said, "But I know someone who might know."


"The most knowledgeable doctor and teacher of medicine in the entire Chu Zhou Province." Gu Zhong said reverentially, "Doctor Qin Shi Huang."

"Qin... Shi... Huang." He muttered under his breath, "he's from the Qin Clan."

"Yeah, but he was trained outside the province. The Qin Clan, you know, have connections with super powers outside the province." Gu Zhong said.

"You must be thinking why you just heard of him now." Gu Zhong added.

"Of course, father."

"Apart from his numerous travels that make him unavailable most of the time, other times, he is based at the Qin Clan. He is an ocean of knowledge and acts as a mediator between the clans in our province and..." Gu Zhong went on and on. Finally he said, "and I would not have had a chance to see him if not for the recent issue which caused the upper echelon of the clans to gather."

"Dad, is something big happening in our clan?"

"Not just our clan, all Clans in the Province are involved. I'll tell you about it. Let's go for a walk." Gu Zhong said as he stood. Gu Taixu followed suit.

They exited Gu Taixu's room and got to the main exit.

"Greetings to the District Head." The guards on duty said as they got in one knee respectfully.

"You may get up." Gu Zhong said in a dignified tone.

The guards got up and moved to open the gates. Suddenly, Gu Taixu's Left Eye twitched as it felt a hidden killing intent from the guards. It was directed towards him and his dad. He looked at his dad and Gu Zhong didn't seem to notice it.

Is this an additional ability? Wow! But, dad's got to be careful around these guys. They are prone to rebel.

With that thought in mind, he took a hidden glance at their faces. In doing this, he probed for their cultivation levels and he was shocked at his discovery. His father was just a figure head as a District head. He must have been appointed by the former District head and the other subordinates just had to obey his instructions. But they seemed to change their attitude, probably because of a certain reward. He was oblivious of the fact that his understanding has been sharpened; he accurately guessed 80% of the current situation.

Out of the 10 guards there were 7 guards who were at his father's level,Level 1 Upper Tier. Two were at the peak tier with one at the very limit of the level. The leader a huge man in his mid thirties named Gu Tian was at the lower level of level 2. He was robust and tall with a beard that covered most of his face. He was also Gu Taixu's uncle his father's younger brother.

If these people rebel his father will be at a complete disadvantage; there will be no way out. "I have to get stronger, fast." Gu Taixu thought as they exited the clan's headquarters. Not long after the father and son left the vicinity, the guards gathered "Their return will be their death."

"Surely." Gu Tian said hoarsely.

"Of course." Said Gu Gun, the guard who was at the limit of level 1, therefore the second in command.

"But, " he continued " there seems to be a little alteration in the reports we received. Gu Taixu is now at the upper tier? How?"

"Ah! that's nothing." Gu Tian replied, "afterall, what are two level 1 Upper Tier father and son to us? They are still ants we can crush with a movement of our fingers."

Others nodded in agreement.

"Regardless of the development, the pale faced youth spoke," there is no need to be paranoid.If it escalates,Senior Brother Liu Ning will be involved. Once he arrives there will be nothing they can do to escape.

"Yes, Liu Yuan." Gu Yun spoke addressing the pale faced youth who was at the Peak Tier." But there will be no need for that."

With a pat on Gu Tian's back, he continued, "We alone are more than enough."

Liu Yuan nodded as Gu Tian smiled. Notwithstanding, the guards had expressions of respect, confidence and admiration on their faces at the mention of Liu Ning. Even Gu Tian, the strongest present had a stiff smile when he heard of this Senior brother of Liu Yuan who had surreptitiously infiltrated the Gu Clan. His smile seemed to say he would be at a disadvantage.

Several hundred metres away, Gu Taixu and Gu Zhong were travelling in a horse driven carriage to their premeditated destination.

"Dad, where are we going?"

"You wanted to continue on the martial path, so, I am taking you to ....another martial school."

"Thanks so much, Dad."

"Alright, now back to what I was saying." Gu Zhong said as he cleared his throat to continue, "3 days ago, there was an impromptu meeting held at the clan. The Main Gu clan, I mean...."

"Eh, main Gu clan? Are we not the main Gu clan?"

"Not exactly. But we are close to them though. We are not the main Gu clan because we are not directly descendes from the Gu family ancestor. We're stepchildren therefore we are a branch clan. We're close to them because our bloodlines are purer than most of the branch clans." Gu Zhong explained.

"Alright! I understand." The revealed truth was quite in the sour side.