Webnovel - A.F.D.E. - Chapter 9 - Liu Clan's Plot

"Okay, as I was saying , during the course of the meeting, a vital matter concerning our survival was discussed and although I was was not at the head table with the council of Chiefs, I gleaned some information from the Gu Clan Chief."

"I hope it will not be a civil war like what happened 3 years ago at the Luo Clan."

"It's not something like that." Gu Zhong said as he reminisced. Around the time that Gu Taixu left for the academy, there was a big civil war between the Qin Clan and the Luo Clan. At that time, the Luo Clan was ranked second among the 5 clans, just below the eminent Qin Clan. There was struggle for ownership of a mineral vein whose root was unknown. In the end, the Min Clan came to the aid of the Qin Clan. The battle was even for a time but not for long. It soon became one-sided and Luo Clan was immediately at a disadvantage. Finally, Qin Clan defeated them devastatingly. From reports early in the year, Luo Clan had been thrown down to 4th place. Presently, they had not recovered from the aftermath of the war. Also, Min Clan made themselves strong allies of the Qin Clan. They also moved to 2nd place.

"Surprisingly not, son, it's the Liu clan."

"Them?" Gu Taixu half yelled. "Liu clan is ranked last. In many aspects they are least. What dust can they raise?" Gu Taixu said on a lighter note.

"I'm afraid they do not put their senior clans in their eyes. They are coming for conflict." Gu Zhong said solemnly. Gu Taixu's expression turned serious.

"But, Dad, they are not even comparable to the forces of one-third of our branch clans put together. If they could at least put up a bitter fight with the recovering Luo Clan, they have tried a great deal, but he-he, by the time they manage to get near our borders, we would have completely exterminated them!" Gu Taixu said confidently.

"Yes, well, son if you said that a year ago, it would be unconvincingly true, but right now, that is no longer the case." "In a short period of time," he continued, "they underwent a massive change which was mainly due to their backing. Their new found partners make them a force to be reckoned with."

"Who are their partners? I don't think they are from our province. To stand against all other four clans? Impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible for these people anymore. Even the Qin Clan is apprehensive, but, certainly, their partners are not from the Chu Zhou province. It has just the Gu Clan, Luo Clan, Min Clan and the Qin Clan left!"

"But why would these people want to help a mediocre clan like the Liu clan? What is their motive? What do the Liu clan have that the other clans don't have in excess?"

"There must be reason for their actions but for now there is no information on that available to us." Gu Zhong said with furrowed brows, "but we know that the Liu clan has challenged the territorial supremacy of the Qin Clan and other clans."

"I guess a large-scale war is inevitable because the Qin Clan won't let this pass."

"No one would. No one regardless. That's why the meeting was called. The Liu clan had an ally, a sect, we think, whose origins are unknown and untraceable till date. We were informed that several spies were sent to gather information from suspicious zones they operated but none has returned."

"Hmm," Gu Taixu said thoughtfully, "something incredibly fishy is going on."

"Not just fishy. This is weird as well. The Liu clan has been low-key for as long as they existed. Now, suddenly, they are intoxicated by confidence in the mysterious backings they've got. Just so eerie.

"Even the Qin Clan had to hesitate and call a meeting to think together with us, which is definitely not their style." Gu Taixu said with a light laugh.

"Maybe they know something we don't." He continued.

"Well, ...." Gu Zhong talked almost non-stop, recounting the entirety of what he recollected from the meeting."

On reaching their destination, the duo alighted from the carriage. Gu Zhong paid the fare and they left for the enrollment process.

The carriage rider drove off, probably looking for other passengers. While humming a tune, he drove alone for an unknown distance through a bushy shortcut that led to the more bustling part of the city. Without his knowledge, some figures clothed with black hoods and red shoes to complement their dangerous appearances, had settled on the carriage silently. Few moments later, the head of the carriage rider dropped to the earth.

"What dust can the Liu clan raise?" A hoarse voice cried sarcastically. Few others cackled in response. "Not just dust, brother, but mountains and rivers will be shaken up." A firm voice said boldly.

"But, why didn't you let us kill that father and son? We had the chance." The hoarse voice queried.

"It's not yet the time for that. It's not yet the time to deal with the Gu Clan. At that time, the Gu clan will deal with their own family members. Then it will be more interesting." The firm voice said sinisterly.

"Hmm, that's better. Senior Bai Chuan is wise and divine." The hoarse voice replied with praise.

"Senior Bai Chuan," a female voice said, addressing the firm voice, "what do we do to the body?"

"You can have it if you like, but burn the remains and the blood." He replied.

"You know he is just a mere mortal with no spiritual energy, that's why you let me have it right?" She pouted grumblingly.

"Mm-hm." Bai Chuan said and turned to face her. He flashed her a wicked smile and continued, "he is insignificant compared to the gains we are bound to get when we achieve our goals."

"Then, you will enjoy. You know you have always been my favorite, Li'er." He said with a lewd grin.

"That's a lie, you know it." She prodded further. Bai Chuan grinned more menacingly and said in a tone of finality,

"You are mine, no matter what you say."

He moved forward and wrapped his hands around her. He began to squeeze her ass through her clothes. Ke Li struggled but could not do much. Bai Chuan had a luscious smile on his face as he reclined on her in satisfaction. He made his actions more fiercer. He moved his lips towards her neck and kissed her neck. He then began to suck on her porcelain white skin. This sent a myriad of sensations through Ke Li's body and she let out a moan. Within moments she was moaning loudly in pleasure.

Lustful gazes from the surrounding subordinated were fixed on this erotic scene but they cared less; they were so deeply involved they they seemed to be in a separate world. Few minutes later, an evil laughter resounded through the area.

A thousand metres or less away, Gu Zhong and Gu Taixu walked into the academy premises with solemn expressions. From the academy's entrance, they could feel a spine tingling sensation caused by the utmost divine pressure. A high-level martial collosus seemed to be nearby supervising the arena. Martial pressure diffused through the atmosphere.

"Dad, how did you locate this place?"

"A friend of mine directed me. He also told me that this is just a branch of the academy. They have their headquarters outside the province. It's quite a big sect." Gu Zhong replied the enthusiastic Gu Taixu.

"This place is great. It just exudes real martial pressure. It kind of makes me a little nervous and a little intimidated but I know that it's only momentarily. I just feel like my inner energies are activated. Just wow!" He exclaimed in one breath.

Gu Zhong looked forward as he said,

"Yeah and wow, we've got ourselves a long line of people ahead of us."

"..." Gu Taixu had quite a glum expression.