
"Who does she think she is?" Sheree said as her and Elliot walked back to their dorm. All around them people worked to prepare the campus for the upcoming M-Week festival. They passed below a banner that displayed a bright orange meteorite against a midnight blue backdrop. The orange and yellow flames that trailed the chunk of stone spelled out 'New Beginnings'.

"What do you mean?" Elliot asked, as he watched the preparations taking place around them. He was most excited about the 'meteorite meals' food stall that was being installed at the entrance to the woods.

"That Rayne girl, she hits on you right in front of me, and then she has the audacity to challenge me in the tournament," Sheree said, emotion actually audible in her voice.

"Wait, why do you care that she hit on me? She was joking, and besides we're not a couple, right?" Elliot asked, finally giving Sheree his full attention.

They stopped walking as Sheree mentally worked through something.

"That's not important, she still had no right to talk to you like that," she said and began walking again.

"I don't think you get to decide that," Elliot said. His tone was logical not emotional.

A look crossed Sheree's face. It was genuine confusion mixed with a disgust for what Elliot had just said.

"Elliot, you do realize you belong to me right?" she asked, as if the answer to her question was evident.

Elliot folded his arms over his chest and stood still.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. He was so flustered by her question that he barely even noticed the smell of freshly made popcorn in the air.

"You know what I mean Elliot. Our bodies literally crave each other. We don't even have a say in it," Sheree said glumly.

"Are you sure about that, because lately it doesn't feel that way," Elliot said and stared at the tall, woman in the white apron, making the popcorn. He considered approaching her and trying to get a free sample.

"Yeah, this electricity between us is annoying, but it's still just between us," Sheree said and pointed from Elliot to herself and back.

The electric shocks had started the night Sheree attacked Albert. When she went back to the dorm room with Elliot, he made her climax 3 times with his fingers. After the final time, the electricity started. They hadn't been able to touch each other since. Sheree didn't want to admit it, but she desperately missed the feel of Elliot's skin on hers. She wanted to hold his hand, and kiss him, and more. She missed being in his arms, and the thought of Rayne trying to take that feeling for herself made her crazy.

"What was with that laugh too? You sounded like an anime villain," Elliot said and started walking again.

"I don't really know, why do I feel like you're judging me right now?" Sheree asked, her tone flattening back out as she spoke.

"Sheree, you know I would never judge you. I just don't understand you all the time, I really wish I did," Elliot said and held the door to their dorm open for her.

"What would you like to know, specifically? If it's not too much, I'll tell you" Sheree said as she walked past him. She honestly wanted to know things about him as well, this gave her a chance to ask them.

"Okay, since you're game for this. How do you really feel about me?" Elliot asked, his eagerness on full display by the huge smile on his face. They walked into their dorm room and closed the door behind them before Sheree answered.

"I'm in love with you, Elliot. I feel grateful for every moment I get to spend with you," She said. Her flat tone and eye rolling told Elliot she was being sarcastic, but her racing heart told her she wasn't.

"Come on, be serious," Elliot said, falling for the ruse. He was changing out of his training outfit and getting ready for a shower.

"Well, don't try and weasel something like that out of me," She said, happy he believed her bluff, for now. She stripped off her training clothes as well.

The two of them stared at each other's naked bodies from opposite sides of the room before slowly approaching each other. They got so close they could feel each other's body heat and stopped. They had already tried to resist the sparks between them once by holding hands. It resulted in both of them having scorched palms.

"Okay, honestly I miss you," Sheree said, feeling her sex heat up as she looked at his sculpted, almond brown body. "How do you feel about me?"

Elliot wanted her so bad he could barely speak. He moved his eyes along her body slowly, taking in every inch to memory. "You drive me crazy," he said.

The two of them slowly backed away from each other and took turns showering. When they were done they sat together on Elliot's bed and were careful to keep a safe distance between their bodies.

"Where are you from?" Elliot asked her as he watched her rub lotion on her legs. He mentally added this to the list of things he wanted to do to her.

"Camden, New Jersey," Sheree said and began lotioning her left thigh. "You?"

"A tiny town called Burgettstown in Pennsylvania," Elliot said. His eyes followed Sheree's hands like they held the secret to eternal life.

"I've never heard of it," Sheree said and opened her robe to lotion her stomach.

Elliot felt his hand moving toward his erect manhood and forced himself to behave.

"Most people haven't. It's nothing special, lots of trees and grass," he said. "You have any family?"

"No, I'm an orphan and I was raised in a group home. I guess it's possible that I have siblings somewhere, but I don't know of any," she said. "What about you?"

"I have a sister and a brother, both younger than me," Elliot said as Sheree's hands moved across her breasts.

"What was your life like before you came here?" Sheree asked and looked into his eyes.

"It was nice, I was popular, and people liked me, until my power activated. Then I was outcasted," Elliot said, the bitterness audible in his voice. "What about you? You have a lot of friends before this?"

"Of course not, no one even noticed I was there, half the time," she said and closed up her robe. "Anything else you wanna know?"

"Wanna go to the festival with me?" Elliot said and lay down on his side facing her.

She lay down facing him as well. They placed a wall of pillows between their bodies so they wouldn't accidently touch while they slept.

"If I agree, will you accept that you belong to me?" Sheree asked just before she drifted off to sleep. Elliot watched her as her eyes closed and her breathing became rhythmic.

"Silly girl, I was yours before I even met you," he whispered and closed his eyes as well.