
Rayne sat on the floor of Albert's dorm room, waiting for him to get done with his shower. She held a small white pill in her hand. The pill had a lightning bolt shaped indentation on it. She was supposed to give it to Albert several days ago, but she had gone and fallen for the boy. Now, she cared too much about him to do it. She didn't know exactly what the pill would do to him, but the fact that her boss wanted her to slip him a single pill couldn't be a good thing, right? If she didn't give him the pill, there was definitely going to be a problem. Was she willing to do that for him? Were her feelings for him so deep that she was willing to risk her boss's wrath? She heard the bathroom door open and put the pill back in her pocket.

"Do you think I can take her? Rayne asked Albert as he walked out of his bathroom.

Albert sat next to her wearing nothing but a pair of black basketball shorts and dried his wet hair with a towel.

"Take who?" he said and stared at her strangely.

"You know who I'm talking about. Queen Sheree, the amazingly beautiful piece of ass you drool over," Rayne said, unsure why she was picking a fight.

"Well, she is a telepath, so if you can figure out a way to get around that then, yes, you can," he said and ran the towel over his head vigorously.

"You have any advice I can use to beat her?" she asked him, feeling the attitude subside as she stared at his bare torso.

"I'm the worst person you could get advice from. She almost killed me the day we met," he said and tossed the damp towel at her.

Rayne swatted the towel away and looked into his eyes. Her gaze was deep.

"What do you mean she almost killed you?" she asked him. Now, the attitude was replaced with anger.

"She was pissed at Josh for some reason, and I guess I said too much. She grabbed me by the throat and was in like a trance or something," he said. He stared off into space as he spoke.

"She really put her fucking hands on you? Now I'm definitely gonna beat her pretty little ass, and when I do I'm gonna let her know that's why I did," Rayne said. The look in her eyes was a mixture of anger and determination.

"Well, in her defense, she really didn't put her hands on me. Actually, no one puts their hands on me more than you," he said with a thoughtful smile.

"You're damn right because you're mine!" she said and dove on Albert. He fell backwards and she mounted him.

It's too soon to love him, right? It's only been a few days, Rayne thought as she stared down at Albert.

"Beg me for mercy and I might let you go," she said with a devious smile.

Albert could feel her butt pressing on his crotch. The thin fabric of his shorts did nothing to dull the sensation he was feeling. He felt himself getting aroused and tried to focus on anything but the wonderful feeling she was giving him. He closed his eyes and thought about the ugliest man he could picture.

"Are you having a hard time with something?" Rayne asked and moved her hips in a circular motion.

Albert shook his head with his eyes clenched as tightly as he could. He really didn't want to poke her, she would probably think he was some kind of perv. The hip swiveling was too much though, he became fully erect.

"Oh, you really are," she said and moved harder. The tortured look on his face made it fun for her, and he felt good rubbing against her.

"This is funny to you isn't it?" Albert asked and tried to reverse her hold on him. She stopped his movement and pinned his arms to the floor.

"Yes, but only because you're so scared of my body," she said, and pressed his left arm down as he tried to raise it again.

Albert and her had wrestled numerous times since the night they met. Every grappling session ended the same way, with Albert pinned beneath her. He had no idea how she always beat him, but he always lost just the same.

"I'm not scared of anything!" He said and tried again to free himself.

"Oh really, if I lifted my shirt right now, you would probably die, she said and challenged him with her hazel eyes.

Albert thought about her challenge. He would love to see what she hid beneath her shirt. The net material shirt she wore the night they met had made her breasts look so big and enticing. She hadn't worn anything like that since.

"Do it," he said as his heart raced with anticipation.

"Stop pretending you wanna see all this belly," she said and looked away in embarrassment.

The look on her face irritated Albert. Her confidence was what attracted him to her the most. It wasn't like he didn't realize she was fat, he just genuinely didn't care. Why couldn't she see that?

"Rayne, look at me," he said seriously and waited for her to look at him.

She slowly turned back toward him, her face as red as a tomato.

"Your body is amazing, and one day Im gonna show you how much I mean that," he looked into her eyes as he spoke so she knew he was.

Her confident smile came back.

"You're so fucking corny," she said and let his hands go.

He sat up and kissed her as passionately as he could. She returned his passion with her own. Wrapping her arms around his neck and tangling his hair in her fingers. Albert lay her on her back and kissed down the right side of her face. His mouth moved down to her neck. He kissed it softly once and then bit it and started to suck.

Rayne inhaled sharply as his mouth pulled at her neck. It was slightly painful, but in a good way.

"You're an asshole for this," Rayne said as Albert continued sucking. She knew the mark he left on her neck was going to be extremely noticeable. She also knew she wanted to wear it like a badge.

Albert's mouth left her skin with a wet pop.

"And now everyone will know you're mine," he said and smiled wide.

Rayne shoved him. "So I have to walk around wearing this mark and you don't, how is that fair?" She asked, as if she wasn't happy about the idea.

Albert held his head back and spread his arms wide, inviting her to mark him wherever she wanted.

"First, why are we doing this?" Rayne said as she ran her hands over his chest. She needed to know if he was feeling her as deeply as she was him.

"I'm doing it because I want everyone to know that you're taken," Albert said, his voice full of confident pride.

I'm taken, she considered his words for a brief moment. She truly was taken by this boy, and there was no way she was giving him that pill. Consequences be damned.

"I'll be right back," she said and went into his bathroom, closing the door behind her.

She crushed the pill between her fingers and flushed it down the toilet. Then she washed her hands and returned to Albert's side, her boyfriend's side.