58. The soiree. Part 1

"Did we miss a memo or something?" Albert asked as he looked around the decorated space. 

Every student beside him, Elliot, and the imposter were dressed in formal outfits. The females wore different colored gowns and shoes. They all seemed to have new hairdos and manicures. The guys all wore suits and shoes that matched. Everyone looked like they had just stepped off the cover of a fashion magazine. Meanwhile, the three of them all wore their university issued casual outfits.

"Well, you did have about two weeks to go out and get ready for this," Rayne said as they walked into the auditorium. 

Rayne was wearing an elegant black dress. The neckline sunk into a v and revealed just enough of her ample cleavage to make Albert's mouth water every time he looked at her. Below her bust, the dress flared out. The bottom of the black sheer rested just above her knees. Her shoes were white heels that showed off her manicured toes.