Chapter 3: New chapter

Hoang Tuan turned his head towards the direction of the voice.

The young man, wearing a blue hoodie, was staring absentmindedly at the scene beside him, preparing to sit up automatically.


There was a collision, and he hit his head on the low train ceiling.

The young man winced in pain and recoiled his head a bit, his expression showing clear discomfort from the impact.

"What's this? I just dozed off for a bit, how did I end up here..."

Phong Ly rubbed his throbbing head and tried to sit up from the bed, but at this moment, he seemed slightly surprised, as if he had noticed something.

"A pedestrian?"

"A lost little goat?"

Looking into the space in front of him, his thoughts paused for a moment.

He didn't understand the meaning of these things.

When Hoang Tuan wanted to talk to Phong Ly, a sudden voice came from the lower bunk of Phong Ly's bed.

"Is everyone awake?"

The middle-aged man lying on the lower bunk spoke calmly, almost frowning as he observed his surroundings.

"Huh...?" Phong Ly replied involuntarily to the sudden question from the man on the lower bunk.

Everything was within Hoang Tuan's sight, but he chose not to speak.

He could easily deduce that the young man on the top bunk next to him was like him, suddenly transported here.


It seemed that, apart from Hoang Tuan, there were others who could see the information board...

Did each person have their own information board?

The middle-aged man lying on the bunk shifted his body to the side and crawled down from the bed.

He tried to speak but hesitated for a moment, glancing towards the side before daring to speak a little louder to everyone.

"My name is Tran Cong Hung, perhaps all of you have been pulled here without knowing anything, right?"

After Tran Cong Hung finished speaking, he scanned the remaining five beds in this partition.

The sleeping arrangements on the train were already cramped, and everyone could hear his voice.

The sleeping compartment on the train was divided into two sides, with three beds on each side, arranged in the top, middle, and bottom order.

Hoang Tuan's position was the top bunk on the left side, Tran Cong Hung's bed was in the middle, and Phong Ly's bed was on the top right.

Apart from these three, there were three other people, one male and two females...

After Tran Cong Hung finished speaking, he realized that although all five others were looking at him, no one reacted.

He took a breath and continued, "I am the same as you all, suddenly brought here while doing my own thing."

"But I'm sure you all have never encountered a situation like this before."

"Perhaps none of you understand what is happening."

"However, this place is very dangerous, at least until we survive and get out of here."

"Things will happen here that you can't imagine, posing serious threats to our lives... So, if you want to increase your chances of survival, I will provide information that you want, and at the same time, we can help each other."

After Tran Cong Hung finished speaking, his gaze swept over everyone once again.

Including Hoang Tuan, after hearing these words, everyone focused on looking around, trying to understand the environment they were in.

It was unclear whether they were observing or doubting.

Tran Cong Hung saw that there were still people listening to him, so he continued to add, "If I'm not mistaken, you all can definitely see the information board with the words 'Pedestrian' and the line 'Lost little goat,' roughly like that."

The young man lying under the bunk on the left couldn't hold back any longer. He could indeed see the things that Tran Cong Hung had mentioned, but due to the unfamiliar environment, he didn't react immediately to Tran Cong Hung.

"So, where is this place?"

The young man under the bunk asked Tran Cong Hung, but then he hesitated when he realized something and added, "My name is Nguyen Xuan Chanh, when I was cooking, I felt my mind was fuzzy, and when I opened my eyes, I was already here..."

As people introduced themselves, the others slowly raised their hands and recounted their situations.

"I'm Nguyen Nam, similar to him, just that I was doing laundry..." Among the six people, there was a young man with a bright face who spoke up.

"I... I'm Phan My Duyen, I was doing homework..." the only female introduced herself, looking fearful, trying to shrink into the corner of the bed.

Hearing others introduce themselves, Hoang Tuan also spoke up, "I'm Hoang Tuan, and my situation is similar to Nguyen Xuan Chanh's."

Tran Cong Hung knew the names and situations of everyone and confirmed that these people were all here for the first time.

And this time, the story involved six people...

"What about you?" Tran Cong Hung turned his head and asked Phong Ly.

"Huh, me... my name is Phong Ly..."

Phong Ly's reaction was quite slow, he still didn't fully grasp the current information, and everyone seemed to be in a state of confusion.

Hoang Tuan organized his thoughts a bit.

This is the place where everyone was pulled into, including himself, a total of six people... five males and one female.

Phan My Duyen and Nguyen Nam seemed younger, possibly students.

Nguyen Xuan Chanh, Phong Ly, and himself appeared to be around the same age.

And the middle-aged man who called himself Tran Cong Hung, he claimed that this wasn't his first encounter with such a situation, so he probably knew more about this world than anyone else.

Tran Cong Hung fell silent for a moment, seeming to ponder something.

But it was only a brief moment, after his contemplation, he walked over to the seat near Nguyen Xuan Chanh's bed, trying to distance himself from the others on the train.

"This is a place that harbors strange and peculiar things..." Tran Cong Hung tried to convey what he knew with a voice that only a few could hear.


Someone wanted to speak, but Tran Cong Hung's gaze prevented it, indicating to listen first.

Tran Cong Hung's voice was very solemn.

"We are all chosen to be here, the only thing we need to do here is to survive the peculiarities!"

"Please believe me, if we have been pulled here, then there must be something peculiar on this train, and we need to be cautious not to violate its rules."

"If we are not careful and fall into the peculiar rules, there is only one path to death..."

When he said this, Tran Cong Hung's forehead furrowed deeper.

He had been here once before, so he understood well that in this warm and bustling train, there were undoubtedly terrifying things lurking.

Last time, he managed to escape, purely by luck.

In Tran Cong Hung's initial group, there were eight people, going through a story about a basement...

He was almost dismembered by a strange man with a saw!

If it weren't for a side character in the group, drawing all the attention of the chainsaw man, he would have surely died there long ago!

And even with the existence of a side character, there were only two survivors at that time.

"There's also a possibility that..."

"We could be completely wiped out..."

When he reached this point, Tran Cong Hung thought of the previous incident, his expression on his face not natural, unsure if he could survive this time.

The others were all listening to Tran Cong Hung, although they found it difficult to accept what he was saying, at least they didn't immediately refute anything.

Only Hoang Tuan's expression was different.

A new chapter seemed to have been updated.

He looked at the unfolding events...

[The one called "Lost Little Goat Tran Cong Hung" has disappeared.]

[He shouldn't have thrown away that bowl of noodles!]

[Haiz, he should have eaten it.]

[Hehe... in a corner where no one can detect...]

[In the dark corner with countless passersby, weary eyes meet oblivious footsteps.]

[He has also become a corpse...]

Hoang Tuan raised his head.

He stared directly at Tran Cong Hung, who was still speaking.

He... seemed to not recognize anything at all!