"Can't anyone see it?"
The novel mentioned that Tran Cong Hung would be killed.
If this is truly a fictional world, then this issue is dangerous. Tran Cong Hung is clearly not the first victim, right?
Hoang Tuan looked around at everyone's situation, and it seemed that no one knew what would happen next. They were still listening to Tran Cong Hung talking about the relevant content of this place.
Phong Ly and Nguyen Xuan Chanh still seemed to not fully understand, clearly not fully accepting the fact that they had crossed over here.
The content that Tran Cong Hung mentioned was very simple.
It was just that for those who had lived in the real world up until now, these things were unbelievable and hard to accept in a short period of time.
The world that Tran Cong Hung understood about this place was similar to a movie or TV show.
Hoang Tuan didn't know if someone else had told him or if he had discovered it himself in the previous encounter.
Although from Hoang Tuan's perspective, some of the things Tran Cong Hung said seemed untrue, he still continued to listen.
"There are very strange existences here, meaning the supernatural stories that we usually know, the things written in the real world, are real here."
Tran Cong Hung didn't realize that he was in danger and continued to share what he knew.
"There are specific rules regarding those supernatural things, similar to the rules in horror stories. What we have to do is try to avoid breaking those rules in order to survive."
"Just wait until this story ends, then we can return to the real world..."
When he said this, someone couldn't help but ask a question.
It was Nguyen Nam lying under the bed on the right side, his hands seemed restless, probably due to tension. He raised his head and asked Tran Cong Hung, "So when will this story end...?"
Compared to telling them that there are demons in this world, it is not as important as being able to return to the real world.
Before Nguyen Nam finished speaking, Tran Cong Hung shook his head.
"I don't know either, maybe when we arrive at the station of this train... but I'm not sure."
When he said this, previous chapters that Hoang Tuan had read flashed through his mind.
[On the train to Phan Thiet, during the New Year, this train is always crowded every year.]
[Ha ha, in this joyful atmosphere, who could imagine that on this night train, there would be three dead bodies in one passenger car?!]
Those contents.
It could be speculated that the time of this story on the train is only one night, right?
Hoang Tuan had some doubts.
It didn't seem right.
Seemed to not notice those things.
Apart from mentioning their own name tags, they didn't say anything else.
"So, what do those rules refer to?" asked Nguyen Xuan Chanh.
Tran Cong Hung patiently explained, "You can understand them as the rules that those ghosts have to follow when they attack humans, meaning if your behavior coincides with their rules, you will die at their hands."
"On the contrary, if you behave outside of their rules, they will temporarily lose their target... but remember, that's only temporary. If you can stay away, then stay away."
After Tran Cong Hung finished speaking, he realized that the others seemed to not fully understand.
He paused for a moment and continued, "To make it easier to understand, last time I encountered a rule, where someone randomly got called by a ghost in a certain situation."
"If that person responded, they would fall under the ghost's rule."
At this point, Phong Ly seemed to realize something and added, "If they didn't respond, that means they are safe, right?"
It wasn't that simple.
If it were true, then the serious expression on Tran Cong Hung's face wouldn't be so apparent.
After Phong Ly said that, he shook his head again.
"They would still fall under the rule."
"Because from the ghost's perspective, it has already calculated in advance. You can choose to answer or not, but if you choose any option, you will die!"
"You can only choose things that are outside of the usual rules it knows in order to temporarily lose its target..."
"Our danger right now is that we don't know what strange rules exist on this train, but I don't think it will be the same as the previous one I encountered."
When they heard these words, everyone fell silent for a while.
Phan My Duyen, who huddled in the corner, had a very complex expression. She still couldn't believe those things.
"These things... are too unbelievable."
Indeed, when the word "death" clearly appeared in front of someone, there would always be someone who didn't want to believe it.
Tran Cong Hung knew that in the current atmosphere, it would be difficult for everyone to understand the existence of such things.
He, too, acted the same way as them when he first stepped into this world.
But after truly seeing those "existences" with his own eyes, in the literal sense.
He finally felt the chilling fear!
Monsters, inexplicable, unavoidable, incomprehensible!
These "things" seemed to be everywhere, faintly lurking. Just turn around, and it would be behind you, using its sharp fangs to end that person's life in an instant.
"However, our arrival here in this unclear situation has made everyone find it unbelievable, right?" Tran Cong Hung didn't answer.
He just posed a rhetorical question.
The others had different expressions, and it was unknown what they were thinking.
After saying those things, Tran Cong Hung sighed heavily. He was the one who knew the most information about the situation.
But knowing this information didn't mean being able to survive, it had nothing to do with it at all.
When he realized that he had once again entered this world, he almost collapsed!
He knew the terror of this place, he knew that these seemingly ordinary things could take lives at any moment.
But how to solve this problem?
He could only accept it because he had already come here, and he had to try to survive as long as possible.
In necessary cases, he could use others...
However, the other terrible thing was that currently, it seemed that no one trusted each other.
Tran Cong Hung had finished speaking.
Hoang Tuan lay on his bed, flipping through the strange story chapters in his mind.
No one had mentioned those things.
He seemed different from the remaining five people...
With a cautious mindset when introducing himself, Hoang Tuan lied that his situation was similar to Nguyen Xuan Chanh.
But in reality...
Hoang Tuan was unlike the others.
The state in which the others entered here seemed random.
While he came here, the story about the train appeared on the computer screen first, followed by the strange paragraphs...
He had read this story before.
"I am Thanh Linh."
"Save me!"
Those two paragraphs automatically appeared on the computer screen, conveying very little information. Based on them, Hoang Tuan could only speculate that Thanh Linh could also be in this world.
But according to the information Tran Cong Hung had introduced, the people pulled into this world would gather in the same place, except for their six people, everyone else was already existing in the world of this, everyone couldn't see it, could they?
In the novel, it mentioned that Tran Cong Hung would be killed.
If this is truly a fictional world, then this issue is dangerous. Tran Cong Hung is clearly not the first victim, right?
Hoang Tuan looked around at everyone's situation, and it seemed like nobody knew what would happen next. They were still listening to Tran Cong Hung talking about the relevant content of this place.
Phong Ly and Nguyen Xuan Chanh still seemed to not fully understand, clearly not fully accepting the fact that they have crossed over here.
The content that Tran Cong Hung mentioned was very simple.
It was just that for those who have lived in the real world up until now, these things are unbelievable and hard to accept in a short period of time.
The world that Tran Cong Hung understands about this place is similar to a movie or novel setting.
Hoang Tuan doesn't know if someone else told him or he discovered it himself in the previous encounter.
Although from Hoang Tuan's perspective, some of the things Tran Cong Hung said seem untrue, he still continues to listen.
"There are very strange existences here, meaning the supernatural stories that we usually know, the things written in the real world, are real here."
Tran Cong Hung doesn't realize that he is in danger and continues to share what he knows.
"There are specific rules regarding those supernatural things, similar to the rules in horror stories. What we have to do is try to avoid breaking those rules in order to survive."
"Just wait until this story ends, then we can return to the real world..."
When he says this, someone couldn't help but ask a question.
It was Nguyen Nam lying under the bed on the right side, his hands seem restless, probably due to tension. He raises his head and asks Tran Cong Hung, "So when will this story end...?"
Compared to telling them that there are demons in this world, it's not as important as being able to return to the real world.
Before Nguyen Nam finishes speaking, Tran Cong Hung shakes his head.
"I don't know either, maybe when we arrive at the station of this train... but I'm not sure."
When he says this, previous chapters that Hoang Tuan has read flash through his mind.
[On the train to Phan Thiet, during the New Year, this train is always crowded every year.]
[Ha ha, in this joyful atmosphere, who could imagine that on this night train, there would be three dead bodies in one passenger car?!]
Those contents.
It could be speculated that the time of this story on the train is only one night, right?
Hoang Tuan has some doubts.
It doesn't seem right.
Seem to not notice those things.
Apart from mentioning their own name tags, they don't say anything else.
"So, what do those rules refer to?" Nguyen Xuan Chanh asks his question.
Tran Cong Hung patiently explains, "You can understand them as the rules that those ghosts have to follow when they attack humans, meaning if your behavior coincides with their rules, you will die at their hands."
"On the contrary, if you behave outside of their rules, they will temporarily lose their target... but remember, that's only temporary. If you can stay away, then stay away."
After Tran Cong Hung finishes speaking, he realizes that the others seem to not fully understand.
He pauses for a moment and continues, "To make it easier to understand, last time I encountered a rule, where someone randomly gets called by a ghost in a certain situation."
"If that person responds, they will fall under the ghost's rule."
At this point, Phong Ly seems to realize something and adds, "If they don't respond, that means they are safe, right?"
It's not that simple.
If it were true, then the serious expression on Tran Cong Hung's face wouldn't be so apparent.
After Phong Ly says that, he shakes his head again.
"They will still fall under the rule."
"Because from the ghost's perspective, it has already calculated in advance. You can choose to answer or not, but if you choose any option, you will die!"
"You can only choose things that are outside of the usual rules it knows in order to temporarily lose its target..."
"Our danger right now is that we don't know what strange rules exist on this train, but I don't think it will be the same as the previous one I encountered."
When they hear these words, everyone falls silent for a while.
Phan My Duyen, who huddles in the corner, has a very complex expression. She still can't believe those things.
"These things... are too unbelievable."
Indeed, when the word "death" clearly appears in front of someone, there will always be someone who doesn't want to believe it.
Tran Cong Hung knows that in the current atmosphere, it would be difficult for everyone to understand the existence of such things.
He, too, acted the same way as them when he first stepped into this world.
But after truly seeing those "existences" with his own eyes, in the literal sense.
He finally feels the chilling fear!
Monsters, inexplicable, unavoidable, incomprehensible!
These "things" seem to be everywhere, faintly lurking. Just turn around, and it will be behind you, using its sharp fangs to end that person's life in an instant.
"However, our arrival here in this unclear situation has made everyone find it unbelievable, right?" Tran Cong Hung doesn't answer.
He just poses a rhetorical question.
The others have different expressions, and it's unknown what they are thinking.
After saying those things, Tran Cong Hung sighs heavily. He is the one who knows the most information about the situation.
But knowing this information doesn't mean being able to survive, it has nothing to do with it at all.
When he realizes that he has once again entered this world, he almost collapses!
He knows the terror of this place, he knows that these seemingly ordinary things can take lives at any moment.
But how to solve this problem?
He can only accept it because he has already come here, and he has to try to survive as long as possible.
In necessary cases, he can use others...
However, the other terrible thing is that currently, it seems that no one trusts each other.
Tran Cong Hung has finished speaking.
Hoang Tuan lies on his bed, flipping through the strange story chapters in his mind.
No one has mentioned those things.
He seems different from the remaining five people...
With a cautious mindset when introducing himself, Hoang Tuan lies that his situation is similar to Nguyen Xuan Chanh.
But in reality...
Hoang Tuan is unlike the others.
The state in which the others enter here seems random.
While he comes here, the story about the train appears on the computer screen first, followed by the strange paragraphs...
He has read this story before.
"I am Thanh Linh."
"Save me!"
Those two paragraphs automatically appear on the computer screen, conveying very little information. Based on them, Hoang Tuan can only speculate that Thanh Linh can also be in this world.
But according to the information Tran Cong Hung has introduced, the people pulled into this world will gather in the same place, except for their six people, everyone else is already existing in the world of this story.