Chapter 5: Noodles

[On this train, everyone is very happy.]

[In the lively atmosphere, there is always someone forgotten -]

[But... Why am I the one forgotten?]

[They locked me in the carriage, insulted me, beat me, dissected me...]

[It seems like taking away a part of my body satisfies them.]

[I remember my legs, my hands, and my stomach...]

[Only my chest, it's not beautiful.]

[I also... want to share with everyone...]


The content of the novel is not much, but the summary of the plot is quite bizarre, except for some minor details that can be understood, most of it is incomprehensible.

If people who have difficulty understanding words encounter such a novel, it will drive them crazy.

Read the content carefully.

The basic plot remains unchanged, except for an updated previous chapter mentioning that Tran Cong Hung will become a dead body.

In addition, Hoang Tuan also made a discovery.

His legs have recovered...

It seems that since entering this world, his legs have regained their strength, and the symptoms of half-body paralysis caused by nerve damage have disappeared without a trace.

It implies indirectly that this world is completely abnormal.

That can be considered good news.

Back to the train.

After hearing from Tran Cong Hung that this world is strange and life-threatening, everyone started talking about this topic.

Since Tran Cong Hung is the second person to come here, generally everyone has questions for him.

If there will be no reaction, that is not possible, because when they saw Tran Cong Hung earnestly talking about the supernatural nature of this world, everyone became a little tense.

Under the anxious mood, time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye.

It was already evening...

Although nothing strange happened during this time period, everyone remained cautious.

Afraid that something unexpected might jump out from somewhere.

Although no one except Tran Cong Hung has seen those things.

But that doesn't mean they can reduce their vigilance.

Because just as Tran Cong Hung said, coming here is a strange thing...

At night.

The scenery outside the train window turned pitch black.

Sometimes only a few distant lights dotted some remote mountain village.

No one knows where this train will go, and no one dares to talk to anyone on the train except for the six of them.

Time passed and gradually it was nighttime...

During this time, Hoang Tuan's vision had improved.

In the aisle, a vendor pushed a small cart from the previous carriage and slowly moved in, calling out to sell food on the train.

The sweet and savory aroma spread from the food cart, making the six people unable to resist salivating.

They boarded the train in the morning, and due to Tran Cong Hung's caution, no one ate anything on the train.

Now, their stomachs were empty, and the feeling of hunger signaled that they should find some food to satisfy their hunger.

"Noodles! Does anyone want noodles? Twenty-one bowls, delicious and nutritious..."

"Oc Oc~

Tran Cong Hung's stomach growled uncontrollably.

He lay on his bed, tossing and turning.

But he didn't dare to go buy food. Until now, nothing unusual had happened, and he began to feel strange.

He even suspected that he had violated the rules, but had not triggered anything yet.

The vendor's cart moved slowly to Hoang Tuan and his group's location, and everyone remained silent.

No one dared to say a word when no one opened their mouths.

No one wanted to be the first guinea pig.

Everyone just wanted to endure a little hunger.

Delicious noodles... that's all.


When the salesperson reached their position, her footsteps stopped.

Then she took it upon herself to take a hot bowl of noodles from the small cart and went straight to the bed on the right...

"Hello, sir, would you like to try a bowl of noodles? It's very delicious."

The salesperson approached Tran Cong Hung's location, smiled, and said to Tran Cong Hung, holding a steaming bowl of noodles.

When Hoang Tuan saw this scene, his heart tightened.

It's happening.

He shouldn't throw the noodles away!

Oh, he should eat it...

That scene.

That scene about the "noodles"! That scene mentioned Tran Cong Hung's death, which might be related to this bowl of noodles.

Tran Cong Hung turned back, looking at the salesperson in front of him.

He started to speak but hesitated, his words becoming incoherent.

"No, I don't want to eat."

"Thank you, I'm not hungry."

Tran Cong Hung forced himself to reply, his nerves never relaxed, always suspecting that the salesperson in front of him had a problem.

"You should try, it's really delicious."

The salesperson seemed to not hear Tran Cong Hung's refusal and instead brought the bowl of noodles in front of him.

"If you don't eat it, you'll regret it..."

The salesperson's smile was very bright.

One could even say -

There was something abnormal about it.

Like a precast smile.

She stiffly brought her mouth up, trying to make herself look more friendly.

However, this scene became even stranger in Tran Cong Hung's eyes.

It's happening... it's happening!

If before it was just speculation, now Tran Cong Hung could confirm that the rules had begun!


Tran Cong Hung couldn't think of how to react.

However, at that moment.

Hoang Tuan's voice reached his ears.

"Tran Cong Hung, why don't you try it? I smell that it's delicious."

"That's right, can I have a portion too?"

In response to Hoang Tuan's voice, everyone couldn't imagine.

Even the salesperson was slightly surprised, but then she regained the strange smile.

"Alright, just wait a moment."

The salesperson still held the bowl of noodles towards Tran Cong Hung, looking at Hoang Tuan's position with a vague expression, and only saw Hoang Tuan nodding towards him.

"You, don't you see that the salesperson has a problem?!"

Tran Cong Hung hesitated, but in the end, he chose to take this bowl of noodles.

Although he didn't know the meaning behind Hoang Tuan's words, at this moment, he didn't have a better way to respond. It's also possible that if he didn't accept this bowl of noodles, this dedicated salesperson would become crazy.

Tran Cong Hung could only pray that this newcomer had discovered something, otherwise, he wouldn't have chosen to speak up.

Moreover, he even added another bowl of noodles like this...

The salesperson's movements were very slow.

After handing the bowl of noodles to Tran Cong Hung, she took almost a minute to bring another bowl of noodles to Hoang Tuan.

Hoang Tuan didn't pay attention to the strange smile on the salesperson's face.

Holding the bowl of noodles, he took a few bites and said it was "really delicious".

However, when chewing the noodles, Hoang Tuan discovered something mixed in his mouth.

Something was strange.

He lowered his head to look at the bowl of noodles.

Fresh blood and flesh, indistinct objects mixed into the soft noodles, fat worms clinging to the noodles, the aroma emanating from the bowl spreading, entering his nostrils.

Hoang Tuan could even see some black hairs remaining in the noodles, combined with the mixed noodles...

He suppressedthe feeling of nausea and tried to swallow the mess in his mouth.

On the other hand.

After Tran Cong Hung received the noodles, he also saw what was inside the bowl.

Compared to Hoang Tuan, he didn't immediately eat the noodles, but the sight in the bowl made him feel "nauseous".

He was contemplating how to maneuver the rules with what he had in his hands.

But as he hesitated whether to eat or not.


An arm reached out from the bowl!

Grabbed him by the throat!

Panic-stricken, Tran Cong Hung jerked his hand.


A sound resonated as the bowl of noodles fell to the ground.

Inside the bowl, the "food" spilled everywhere.

The salesperson, not fully leaving yet, suddenly turned around. The coldness replaced the smile on her face, her eyes fixed on Tran Cong Hung!

Although the train compartment was dim, the faint emergency lights in the aisle illuminated the floor, allowing them to see a few things.

Naturally, everyone could see the spilled "food" in the bowl.

When they saw the appearance of those "foods," their pupils contracted.

Even though they had maintained some skepticism before, at this moment, they believed Tran Cong Hung's words.

On this train.

There really are ghosts!

Otherwise, how could someone be selling such things?

And Tran Cong Hung knocking over the bowl of noodles, causing the salesperson's face to turn cold, made everyone tense...