Chapter 8: Perspestive of God

The expression on Tran Cong Hung's face didn't look right. He stood at the end of the hallway, tightly clenching his fists, his gaze fixed on the strange looks of others.

Hoang Tuan noticed that his legs were still trembling slightly.

"That's the aftermath of what just happened," Hoang Tuan realized.

He knew that Tran Cong Hung had experienced something...

It was at the moment when Tran Cong Hung was almost beheaded by Nguyen Nam, just three minutes ago.

In Tran Cong Hung's line of sight.

When he was facing death, Nguyen Nam and Nguyen Xuan Chanh suddenly disappeared.

The lights on the train also returned to normal.

The snoring of other passengers filled his ears.

When he returned to his bed, Tran Cong Hung couldn't even believe that he was still alive.

Tran Cong Hung knew that he had done almost nothing at that time, there was no reason for him to be able to solve that strange rule, at that moment he even thought that it was a situation where he would definitely die.


He escaped...

Everything terrifying seemed like a dream.

Hoang Tuan didn't pay attention to Tran Cong Hung's state of mind. He knew that Tran Cong Hung needed some time to calm down.

Regarding Phong Ly's situation.

If nothing had gone wrong, it was probably because he had changed the original plot, and the victim had been replaced by him.

Hoang Tuan couldn't imagine the outcome being like this.

Previously, Phong Ly was still lying on the bed, but due to the changes in the plot, he suddenly disappeared, replaced by Tran Cong Hung, who was killed.

It was just a matter of swapping victims, without preserving Phong Ly, clearly wasting the two words "modification"...

Yes, he had tried to modify those two words in the novel content not long ago, never expecting it to become a reality and save Tran Cong Hung. From then on, Hoang Tuan had only "1" word left to modify.

A while later, Tran Cong Hung's mood gradually became calmer. In the face of everyone's troubled expressions, he was concerned and chose to tell them about the strange event he had just experienced.

Amidst the fear of everyone, information about Phong Ly's disappearance was gradually confirmed.

The mood of Phan My Duyen and the others became worse, they cried out to escape from this place or to figure out those strange rules as soon as possible.

"He was just murdered without anyone noticing, so could we also meet with an accident without anyone noticing?" Nguyen Nam spoke in fear, his lips trembling with tension.

"How much longer do we have to stay here?"

Nguyen Xuan Chanh's mood was even worse, showing signs of collapse: "I was living fine, why... why did it bring me to this place!"

Phan My Duyen remained silent, hiding in a corner and sobbing uncontrollably.

Tran Cong Hung looked like a corpse, he had crossed the boundary of death, knowing that even when he encountered such things for the second time.

But faced with the horrifying and supernatural, despite having experienced it once before, he was still just an ordinary person with no ability to fight back...

Everyone's mood was on the verge of collapsing.

Phong Ly's case had brought them a sense of danger, they were afraid that the next mysteriously vanished person would be themselves!

Hoang Tuan quietly got off the bed, adjusting his body a bit.

Using his fully recovered legs, he walked to the train corridor.

"Hmm, where are you going?" Tran Cong Hung stopped Hoang Tuan.

"I'm going to the restroom." Hoang Tuan replied, looking at Tran Cong Hung with a suspicious expression. "What's the matter?"

"Why would you...?" Tran Cong Hung's words reached his lips, he hesitated for a moment, looking back at Nguyen Nam and the other two, the recent incident had frightened him.

If Hoang Tuan went to the restroom, he would have to stay alone with those three.

Although at the moment, those three looked normal, it could be just an act to deceive.

But Tran Cong Hung didn't dare to bet, he was afraid of the corridor, and he was afraid of Nguyen Nam and the other two.

"There's no other way, I can't stay here forever." Hoang Tuan explained.

Tran Cong Hung hesitated for a while, he followed Hoang Tuan. "I'll go with you, if something happens, I can help."

Hoang Tuan looked at Tran Cong Hung in the current situation.

He knew that because of what just happened, Tran Cong Hung didn't dare to stay with Nguyen Nam and the other two, so he agreed and nodded.

Tran Cong Hung stood up and followed Hoang Tuan, leaving that place.

They walked towards the restroom on the train.


"Alright, your concerns are valid," Hoang Tuan said to Tran Cong Hung in the corridor.

"Huh?" Tran Cong Hung didn't understand Hoang Tuan's intention.

"Those three really have issues..." Hoang Tuan could see the story in the novel, he observed the strange actions of Nguyen Nam and the other two.

Hoang Tuan recounted what had happened after Tran Cong Hung left, how Nguyen Nam and the other two, just as they were conversing, suddenly lay still on the bed as if asleep, which clearly indicated that something had happened.

"Actually, you were almost dead at first, but because I didn't know anything, I did some things that led to the victim being changed to Phong Ly."

"I don't know how he died, I only know that he disappeared in an instant, and the time of Phong Ly's disappearance was when I just saved you."

"So, he replaced you and died."

Hoang Tuan's tone was calm, as if analyzing an unrelated matter.

"You... you saved me?!"

"Do you know about the rules? What did you do?"

Tran Cong Hung was stirred by Hoang Tuan's words, he kept asking questions.

Tran Cong Hung had previously not understood why he had survived.

But now, Hoang Tuan had told him.

He had been saved.

And the person who saved him was the newcomer in front of him?

"Like before, it's not that I didn't want to say, but I couldn't say." Hoang Tuan went to the corner of the train car, he stopped there, the restroom was ahead, but he had no intention of going to urinate.

"So now I want to ask you..."

"What's the difference between a supporting character and a passerby?"

Tran Cong Hung also stopped, he couldn't yet understand the amount of information he had received, after thinking about Hoang Tuan's question, he answered after a moment of contemplation.

"I know very little, I only know that in this world, each role is assigned to a different event."

Tran Cong Hung recalled the person who had the role of a passerby before: "You can understand that this is a normal horror story."

"Passersby usually die in bizarre events, and besides providing information about the death, they don't have an important role."

"Meanwhile, supporting characters know more information, and they even make changes corresponding to their roles, it seems that the death rate of supporting characters in horror stories is usually lower than passersby..."

As he said this, Tran Cong Hung suddenly realized something, he looked at Hoang Tuan with anunbelieving gaze.

"Your role, has it become a supporting character?!"

Hoang Tuan said nothing, he simply presented the information about his role, for Tran Cong Hung to see, avoiding the need for too much explanation.

"That means the fact that you saved me, was it something you did after becoming a supporting character?" Tran Cong Hung continued to inquire.

"To be honest, no," Hoang Tuan replied sincerely. "I did become a supporting character, but after hearing what you said, I also realized that it seems like you don't fully understand."

"I felt that I had changed, but it didn't match what you said."

Tran Cong Hung was somewhat bewildered, he wasn't the one who became a supporting character, when it came to supporting characters, he could only deduce from what he had witnessed before.

Unlike his own understanding.

What did that mean?

Hoang Tuan glanced at his watch, then turned back preparing to return. "We've been outside for a while now, so we should go back."

"Right, after three hours, there might be more events happening, so at that time, consider it as if you haven't seen anything, do what you need to do, try to maintain your normal situation."

After saying that, Hoang Tuan didn't look back, he simply walked forward. Tran Cong Hung saw this and quickly followed behind.

"We're going back? But you said those three...?"

Tran Cong Hung remembered what Hoang Tuan said about Nguyen Nam and the other two having issues, he was afraid to go back.

"I guess if we don't go back, within another five minutes, we'll see them 'go crazy' searching for us."

"They might be carrying some strange weapons."

Hoang Tuan spoke as he walked.

Tran Cong Hung followed closely behind, he didn't know what Hoang Tuan was thinking.

But because Hoang Tuan had now become a supporting character, Tran Cong Hung speculated that Hoang Tuan knew more about the current situation.

Furthermore, he had saved him.

After a while, Tran Cong Hung forgot that Hoang Tuan was just a newcomer.

Perhaps this was the change brought about by the role of a "supporting character".

At this moment, he was only pondering the significance of what Hoang Tuan said about "the events after three hours" and "acting as if nothing was seen"...

The two returned to their positions, the remaining three still maintained their uneasy moods as before.

Hoang Tuan lay on the bed, continuing to envision the scene of tonight in his mind...

He knew a lot.

He knew that Tran Cong Hung would call Nguyen Xuan Chanh to go to the restroom because he needed to urinate, he knew that Tran Cong Hung would encounter the souls of Nguyen Nam and the others, he knew that he would hide under the bed, and he knew about the issue with the three Nguyen Nam...

Because of these things.

Everything had already been written in the words currently present in his mind, he had read through all of this beforehand.

In other words,

He was now possessing the "perspective of a god".