Chapter 9: Three hours later

There were only five people left.

But time was unaffected, continuing to pass as normal...

After the previous incident, up until now, the only person Tran Cong Hung could trust was Hoang Tuan.

The light on the train was still dim.

The five people lay on their beds, tense and afraid to speak.

The other passengers were very polite.

When the signal from the train indicated it was time to sleep, they all quietly returned to their beds, not making any noise during that time...

In the silence.

Nguyen Xuan Chanh couldn't bear the pain in the air and cautiously made a suggestion to everyone.

"We shouldn't lie on our beds tonight, I'm afraid we'll lose someone like Phong Ly without even knowing."

After hearing Nguyen Xuan Chanh's words, Nguyen Nam agreed as well. "That's right, I also feel that there might be an incident happening, this place... it's really strange!"

Upon hearing the two speak, Hoang Tuan leaned to the side, wanting to hear their opinions.

"What do you guys think?"

"I suggest that tonight the five of us sit on the lower beds, holding hands tightly, making sure not to sleep, not to leave the group under any circumstances. That way, there won't be any accidents, no one mysteriously disappearing."

Nguyen Xuan Chanh spoke, swallowing saliva, waiting for the response from the other members.

"I... I agree..."

Phan My Duyen trembled, raising her hand.

"I also agree."

Nguyen Nam replied.

Tran Cong Hung looked at the three agreeing individuals, still worried, looking at Hoang Tuan's position.

After thinking for a while, Hoang Tuan replied, "I also agree."

After finishing, the four individuals looked at Tran Cong Hung, the last one who hadn't given their opinion.

After seeing Hoang Tuan agree, Tran Cong Hung also nodded reluctantly.

"I agree."

Then, with a creaking sound, the five individuals gently moved to the lower beds, as they had said, finding a place to sit.

The order started with Nguyen Xuan Chanh, followed by Nguyen Nam, Phan My Duyen, Hoang Tuan, and finally Tran Cong Hung sitting in a row, holding hands.

This scene seemed strange, but at least it reduced the anxiety in the hearts of the five people.

Tick, tick...

The sound of the clock ticking echoed in their ears.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Feeling bored sitting like this, Nguyen Nam began to speak irregularly, to relieve the horrifying silence of the night.

Although the topics of conversation were dull and meaningless...

And none of the participants had the mindset to engage in conversation.

Hoang Tuan continued to sit there.

Not knowing how long he had been sitting.

He felt tired from sitting for so long.

When Hoang Tuan wanted to move a bit, he felt Phan My Duyen's hand holding his, gently trying to stop him.

What's this...

Hoang Tuan looked to the left, where Phan My Duyen was sitting.

Sensing Hoang Tuan's gaze, she looked down at the ground and blinked her eyes, showing confusion, unease in her eyes.

Having a feeling in his heart, Hoang Tuan loosened his grip on her hand.

Then, Phan My Duyen's finger began to write slowly on the palm of Hoang Tuan's hand, and Hoang Tuan tried to sense the characters being transmitted through his palm.


Hoang Tuan couldn't read his palm.

Phan My Duyen wrote for a while, and he couldn't make out anything.

He looked into Phan My Duyen's eyes, becoming increasingly suspicious due to her incomprehensible look...

Seeing no results, Phan My Duyen finally gave up on the idea of transmitting words through the palm of her hand, she looked to the side and gestured for Hoang Tuan to look up.

This time, Hoang Tuan finally understood her intention.

He slowly looked up.

Only to see above his head.

Not knowing since when...

A woman with a pale face, wearing a red dress, was floating upside down!

A thick liquid droplet fell on Hoang Tuan's forehead, running down his face.

It was...

The woman's saliva.

She opened her mouth with a broken jaw, looking at Hoang Tuan as if she was looking at a delicious piece of meat.

"It's three o'clock already..."

"Normally, in this situation, I should scream or be confused and lose my direction, right..."

Hoang Tuan thought to himself, remaining silent and just looking at the woman floating on the train ceiling, without any other action.

Tran Cong Hung paid attention to Hoang Tuan, and by chance, he followed Hoang Tuan's gaze upwards, then he saw that terrifying and strange woman...

When he saw the woman, Tran Cong Hung almost couldn't hold back a scream, but then, a sharp pain shot through his arm.

It was Hoang Tuan trying to grip his flesh tightly.

Tran Cong Hung remembered Hoang Tuan's words to him.

"Pretend not to see..."

"Do what needs to be done."

So, he suppressed the fear in his heart and ultimately didn't make any sound.

The woman just floated on the train ceiling.

Apart from the eerie look she gave Hoang Tuan, she didn't make any other movements.

However, at this moment.

Hoang Tuan felt his hand being lightly wet by Phan My Duyen...

He looked to Phan My Duyen.

Where is Phan My Duyen!?

There was only a severed head left.

The severed corpse sat next to him!!!

Fresh blood continuously flowed from the severed neck, climbing up Phan My Duyen's arm and finally touched by Hoang Tuan.

"Hung, are you hungry?"

Hoang Tuan said calmly to Tran Cong Hung.

At first, Tran Cong Hung was a little confused, but then he recognized his tone.

"I'm hungry."

"Then let's go get some food!"

"Okay, okay..."

Tran Cong Hung hurriedly nodded.

Hoang Tuan let go of Phan My Duyen's hand, and together with Tran Cong Hung, they stood up and went outside.

At least, they had to leave this place...

Hoang Tuan clearly remembered Tran Cong Hung's words, that even when not following the rules, it would only temporarily lose the target, not necessarily completely safe.

Right now, anywhere on this train was much better than here, at least without a severed head sitting next to them.

"Where are you going?"


Nguyen Nam's slightly hoarse voice came out from his throat, reaching the ears of Hoang Tuan and Tran Cong Hung as they were about to leave.

He looked intently at the two preparing to leave, holding a blood-stained axe...

"Do you need me to get you a portion as well?"

He quickly added.

Nguyen Nam didn't answer.

He only tightly gripped the axe in his hand, his gaze dark as if wanting to kill.

Hoang Tuan saw that Nguyen Nam didn't say anything, so he and Tran Cong Hung turned their backs and left.

However, just as the two stepped into the aisle.

All the lights on the train went out in an instant.

Everything in front of them plunged into darkness...

Both of them could even feel the gaze from behind staring at their backs.

With a spirit that was alreadyThere were only five people left.

But time remained unaffected, continuing to flow as normal...

Since the previous incident, up until now, the only person Tran Cong Hung could trust was Hoang Tuan.

The train cabin remained dimly lit.

The five individuals lay on their beds, tense and afraid to speak.

The other passengers were well-behaved.

When the train signal indicated it was time to sleep, they all quietly returned to their beds, refraining from making any noise...

In the silence.

Nguyen Xuan Chanh couldn't bear the uneasiness in the air and cautiously suggested to everyone.

"We shouldn't lie on our beds tonight. I'm afraid we might lose another person like ZPhong Ly without even realizing it."

Upon hearing Nguyen Xuan Chanh's words, Nguyen Nam also agreed, "Yes, I also feel that something might happen. This place... it's truly strange!"

Hearing their remarks, Hoang Tuan leaned over, wanting to hear their opinions.

"What do you all think?"

"I suggest that tonight, the five of us sit on the lower bunk beds, holding hands tightly, ensuring that we don't fall asleep or separate from the group under any circumstances. This way, there won't be any accidents or mysterious disappearances anymore."

Nguyen Xuan Chanh spoke, swallowing his saliva, waiting for the response from the other members.

"I... I agree..."

Phan My Duyen trembled, raising her hand.

"I also agree."

Nguyen Nam replied.

Tran Cong Hung looked at the three who agreed, still worried, and glanced at Hoang Tuan's position.

After contemplating for a while, Hoang Tuan replied, "I agree too."

After speaking, the four individuals looked at Tran Cong Hung, the last one who hadn't voiced his opinion.

Seeing Hoang Tuan's agreement, Tran Cong Hung reluctantly nodded.

"I agree."

Following that, with creaking sounds, the five individuals gently moved to the lower bunk beds, as they had suggested, finding a place to sit.

The order began with Nguyen Xuan Chanh, followed by Nguyen Nam, Phan My Duyen, Hoang Tuân, and finally Tran Cong Hung, sitting in a row, holding hands.

The scene seemed peculiar, but it brought some relief to the uneasiness in their hearts.

Tick tock, tick tock...

The sound of the clock ticking echoed in their ears.

Time passed by, minute by minute, second by second.

Sitting like this grew monotonous, and Nguyen Nam began sporadic conversations to break the silence of the horrifyingly quiet night.

Although the topics they discussed were dull and meaningless...

None of the participants had the presence of mind to engage in conversation.

Hoang Tuân remained seated.

Unsure how long he had been sitting.

His body began to grow weary.

When Hoang Tuân attempted to adjust his position, he felt Phan My Duyen's hand gently restraining him.

What is this...?

Hoang Tuân looked to his left, where Phan My Duyen was seated.

Sensing Hoang Tuân's gaze, she looked down and blinked, displaying a sense of confusion and unease in her eyes.

With a feeling in his heart, Hoang Tuân loosened his grip on her hand.

Then, Phan My Duyen's finger began writing slowly on the palm of Hoang Tuân's hand, and Hoang Tuân tried to perceive the words being transmitted through his palm.


Hoang Tuân couldn't decipher the message through his palm.

Phan My Duyen wrote for a while, and he couldn't make out anything.

He looked into Phan My Duyen's eyes, growing increasingly suspicious due to her incomprehensible behavior...

Seeing no effect, Phan My Duyen finally abandoned the idea of transmitting words through their palms and gestured for Hoang Tuân to look up.

This time, Hoang Tuân finally understood her intention.

He slowly looked up.

Only to see above his head.

Not knowing since when...

A pale-faced woman, wearing a red dress, was floating upside down!

A thick, viscous liquid dripped onto Hoang Tuân's forehead, running down his face.

It was the woman's saliva.

She opened her broken mouth, staring at Hoang Tuân as if he were a delicious piece of roasted meat.

"It's three o'clock..."

"According to the usual situation, at this time, I should scream or panic, right...?"

Hoang Tuân thought to himself, remaining silent as he gazed at the woman floating above the train, making no other movements.

Tran Cong Hung paid attention to Hoang Tuân, and in a moment of coincidence, he followed Hoang Tuân's gaze and saw that terrifying and strange woman...

Upon seeing the woman, Tran Cong Hung almost couldn't hold back his scream, but then, a sharp pain shot through his arm.

It was Hoang Tuân gripping his flesh tightly.

Tran Cong Hung recalled Hoang Tuân's words to him.

"Pretend not to see..."

"Do what needs to be done."

So, he suppressed the fear in his heart and ultimately made no sound.

The woman simply floated on the train ceiling.

Apart from her eerie gaze fixed on Hoang Tuân, she made no other movements.

However, at that moment.

Hoang Tuân felt Phan My Duyen's hand growing slightly wet...

He looked over at Phan My Duyen.

Where is Phan My Duyen!?

Only a severed head remained.

The severed body sat beside him!!!

Fresh blood continued to flow from the severed neck, crawling up Phan My Duyen's arm until it finally touched Hoang Tuân.

"Hùng, are you hungry?"

Hoang Tuân calmly spoke to Tran Cong Hung.

Initially bewildered, Tran Cong Hung recognized Hoang Tuân's tone.

"Yes, I'm hungry."

"Then let's go get some food!"

"Alright, alright..."

Tran Cong Hung nodded hurriedly.

Hoang Tuân released his grip on Tran Cong Hung's clothing and turned back to the bed to search for a flashlight.

In a hazy moment, he felt his face come into contact with someone's...

Hoang Tuân paused momentarily.

But then he continued searching for items on the bed.

He remembered there was a flashlight there.

Yes, here it is!

When Hoang Tuân turned on the flashlight.

The light was blinding...

Nguyen Nam stood beside the bed, holding a bloodied axe.

His face displayed a menacing expression!