Chapter 10: Thanh Linh


Luckily, Hoang Tuan reacted quickly. He swiftly turned to the side as Nguyen Nam's axe only cut a part of the bed frame.

"Damn it!"

Feeling the axe narrowly missing his body, Hoang Tuan was startled and couldn't help but curse.

The story he was reading didn't mention this part in detail...

Immediately after, Hoang Tuan jumped off the bed with a flashlight in his hand and ran outside as fast as he could!

Assessing the situation, Tran Cong Hung's face turned pale with fear. He followed behind Hoang Tuan, running towards the front of the train carriage.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

From behind.

The woman hanging from the ceiling also began to move!

She looked like a giant spider, with her four limbs crawling on the ceiling and her enormous tongue licking around her cracked, dry mouth.

Nguyen Nam and the other two stood up unsteadily, gripping their axes and chasing after Hoang Tuan and the others!

There were no lights on the train carriage, only the light from the flashlight that Hoang Tuan held!

While running, Hoang Tuan felt Tran Cong Hung tugging at his clothes from behind, afraid of getting lost if not careful.

"Damn it! I'm not used to running."

Tran Cong Hung, behind Hoang Tuan, had lost his spirit. He felt something chasing after him and sensed the imminent danger just a few steps away, making him desperately run forward.

One carriage, two carriages...

They ran through several train compartments.

The objects behind them were still clinging to them, their speed unabated.

In fact, the woman resembling a giant spider, her tongue almost touched Tran Cong Hung's neck several times.

The danger drew closer, making his speed even faster!

His legs began to tire.

Hoang Tuan felt his lungs about to burst, opening his mouth wide to breathe.

In the darkness, Hoang Tuan's eyes caught something, he looked ahead and saw what appeared to be a carriage with a lit lamp.

It was a carriage providing seating for passengers on the train.

There was light.

At least there was hope!

At least the demons in the horror story wouldn't easily appear in a place with light!


Besides the strange rules, Hoang Tuan also understood the logic of this world.

From the story's minor characters to the frantic actions of Nguyen Nam and the others, they indirectly provided him with information about this world...

Supporting characters, character arrangements...

The objects that could only appear in fantasy stories were now being encountered by himself, combined with the novel's plot in his head and the events happening in this world seemed to be in sync with each other, with the appearance of the victim.

Everything revealed that this was a world entirely of horror stories!


Hoang Tuan was quite familiar with these changes.

As a seasoned writer, the terrifying abilities and the appearance of these strange creatures, it was all perfectly in line with the circumstances in the novel!

The main logic in horror novels, when all sources of light inexplicably go out, the next thing to happen is the appearance of supernatural things.

This was a novel after all, so it was difficult to avoid the appearance of familiar horror elements.

And now, not far away was the train carriage with light inside.

It must be a setup in the novel, meant to keep the characters alive!

Otherwise, they would all die in the story.

Certainly, unexpected things would happen when they started running, like a monstrous creature clinging to their ankles, preventing them from moving.

Or something suddenly appearing in front of them when they wanted to start running, directly killing them all!

None of these happened.

They ran smoothly, and had been running for quite a while, so there must be an escape route!


Tran Cong Hung's footsteps clearly slowed down, as a pedestrian character, when the story was approaching its climax, he would surely encounter an accident halfway unexpectedly.

Hoang Tuan knew that.

When the chase and murder plot started, Hoang Tuan was well aware that Tran Cong Hung's role wouldn't change and there would be no changes.

Before that, he had saved Tran Cong Hung and used the opportunity to add two words to the sentence "He also became a corpse..." with the words "falsely" added afterwards, allowing Tran Cong Hung to survive.

Of course, at that time Hoang Tuan couldn't predict that the victim would turn into Phong Ly, otherwise he wouldn't have randomly used his special ability.

This time, if anything happened, there was nothing more Hoang Tuan could do.

The last word was reserved for Hoang Tuan to save himself.

He could be called selfish.

But when faced with a life-threatening situation of his own, he didn't want to use his last card on someone else.

He had done everything he could, and the next step was to watch whether Tran Cong Hung lived or died, depending on his own fate.

The speed slowed down...

Just as Hoang Tuan predicted the plot, Tran Cong Hung's steps began to slow down. The "spider" quickly made contact with Tran Cong Hung, using its long tongue to tighten around his neck, cruelly pulling him back and biting him to death.


"Help me!!!"

The sound of tearing echoed from behind as Tran Cong Hung's cries for help filled the air.

Hoang Tuan didn't have the intention to turn back even for a moment.

Facing these creatures, he had no advantage. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tran Cong Hung being devoured while buying some time was the wisest choice.

Although his character had become a supporting role after saving Tran Cong Hung, there was no change or improvement in his own safety compared to Tran Cong Hung's situation!

One step,

Two steps...

The brightly lit carriage was getting closer to Hoang Tuan, only about twenty meters away.

"But at the moment of almost escaping death, something will definitely appear to hinder me!"

Hoang Tuan thought to himself...

According to the new plot in the novel, the subsequent storyline had to be speculated by himself.

In a vague thought, Hoang Tuan had a premonition.

At the moment when he was about to run past the boundary of the carriage, a hand suddenly reached out from behind him, ready to grab his hair!

In a split second, Hoang Tuan instinctively turned his head, and found that the newly appeared arm just passed over his head!

But as soon as he narrowly avoided it, Hoang Tuan felt something under his feet, as if stepping on something, making it difficult to lift his foot.

He looked down.

The narrow path beneath his feet was almost covered with corpses, soaked in red blood, like walking on a crimson carpet.

These corpses even had some familiar faces.

Hoang Tuan didn't pay too much attention.

He quickly ran forward, trying to overcome these corpses.

He pushed himself to his limit, running past these corpses.

At this moment, Nguyen Nam and the others were not far behind, gripping their axes. They were not tired and their speed didn't decrease.

On the contrary, Hoang Tuan's condition became more and more serious.

His body was sending him signals of exhaustion, unable to continue, feeling as heavy as lead in his legs.


Almost there!

Hoang Tuan felt like he was about to collapse. He was about to cross the connecting part of the train carriage, and the light from the lamp in the carriage"Whack!"

Fortunately, Hoang Tuan reacted quickly. He swiftly turned to the side, and Nguyen Nam's axe only managed to cut a portion of the bed frame.


Feeling the axe blade grazing his body, Hoang Tuan was startled and couldn't help but curse.

The story he was reading didn't mention this part in detail...

Immediately, Hoang Tuan jumped off the bed with a flashlight in hand and ran outside as fast as he could!

Checking the situation, Tran Cong Hung's face turned pale with fear. He followed behind Hoang Tuan, running towards the front of the carriage.

"Clank! Clank! Clank!"

From behind.

The woman hanging from the carriage ceiling started to move!

She resembled a giant spider, with her arms and legs spread out as she crawled on the ceiling. Her enormous tongue lapped around her cracked dry lips.

Nguyen Nam and two others stood up unsteadily, gripping their axes and chasing after Hoang Tuan and the others!

There were no lights inside the carriage, only the dim light from the flashlight that Hoang Tuan held!

While running, Hoang Tuan felt Tran Cong Hung tugging at his clothes from behind, afraid that he would get lost if he wasn't careful.

"Damn it! I'm not used to running."

Tran Cong Hung, behind Hoang Tuan, had his spirit crushed. He felt something chasing them from behind, a sense of danger closing in with every step, making him desperately run forward.

One carriage, two carriages...

They ran through several train cars.

The objects behind them still clung to them, their speed unabated.

In fact, the woman who looked like a spider, her tongue almost touched the back of Tran Cong Hung's neck several times.

The danger was getting closer, making their pace faster!

Their legs started to grow weary.

Hoang Tuan felt like his lungs were about to burst, and he opened his mouth wide to take deep breaths.

In the darkness, Hoang Tuan's eyes caught sight of something ahead of him. He saw a train car with a bright light.

It was a train car that provided seating for passengers.

There was light.

At least there was hope!

At least the demons in the horror story wouldn't easily appear in a place with light!


Apart from the strange rules, Hoang Tuan also understood the logic of this world.

From the story's minor characters to the craziness of Nguyen Nam and the others, they all indirectly provided him with information about this world...

Supporting characters, character setups...

The objects that could only appear in fantasy stories were now encountered by himself, combined with the novel's storyline in his head, along with the events happening in this world, almost harmoniously resonating with each other, and there were people being harmed.

Everything revealed that this was a world entirely of horror stories!!

It felt so familiar.

Hoang Tuan was quite familiar with these transformations.

As an experienced writer, the terrifying abilities and the appearance of these eerie entities, in one way or another, fit perfectly with the circumstances in the novel!

The main logic in horror novels, when all light sources inexplicably go out, is that the appearance of supernatural phenomena follows.

This is a novel after all, so it's difficult to avoid the appearance of familiar horror elements.

And now, not far away, was the train car with the light shining from it.

Surely, it was a setup in the novel, designed to keep the characters alive!

Otherwise, it would be difficult to have the characters in the story all die.

Certainly, unexpected things happen when they start running, like some kind of demonic creature grabbing their ankles, preventing them from moving.

Or something suddenly appearing in front of them as they try to start running, directly killing them!

None of these things happened.

They ran smoothly and had been running for quite some time, so there must be an exit!


Tran Cong Hung's steps were clearly slowing down. As a passerby, with the story about to reach its climax, he would undoubtedly encounter an accident halfway, unintentionally.

Hoang Tuan knew that.

When the chase and killing plot started, Hoang Tuan knew the role of Tran Cong Hung wouldn't change and there wouldn't be any alterations.

Earlier, he had saved Tran Cong Hung and took the opportunity to add two words to the sentence "He also became a corpse..." using the words "deceitful" at the end, ensuring Tran Cong Hung's survival.

Of course, at that time, Hoang Tuan couldn't predict that the victim would become Phong Ly, otherwise, he wouldn't have randomly used his special ability.

This time, if anything happened, he couldn't do anything about it.

The last words were left for Hoang Tuan to save himself.

He could be considered selfish.

But when faced with a life-threatening situation of his own, he didn't want to use his last card on someone else.

He had done everything he could, and all that was left was to see whether Tran Cong Hung lived or died, depending on his own fate.

The speed slowed down...

Just as Hoang Tuan predicted in the novel's plot, Tran Cong Hung's steps began to slow down. The "spider woman" quickly made contact with Tran Cong Hung, using her long tongue to tighten her grip around his neck, cruelly dragging him behind and viciously biting him to death.


"Save me!!!"

The sound of tearing echoed behind him, along with Tran Cong Hung's desperate cries for help.

Hoang Tuan didn't have any intention of turning around even for a moment.

Confronting this kind of creature, he had no advantage. Taking advantage of this opportunity, with Tran Cong Hung being devoured, buying time, running away was the wisest choice.

His characters, despite becoming supporting roles after saving Tran Cong Hung, still couldn't prove that his situation was safer than Tran Cong Hung's!

A step,

Two steps...

The other train car with the light was getting closer and closer to Hoang Tuan, only about twenty meters away.

"But when I'm about to escape, something will surely appear to hinder me!"

Hoang Tuan thought so...

The plot in the novel had only been altered until tonight, and the subsequent plot had to be speculated by himself.

In a hazy state of mind, Hoang Tuan thought he might have a chance.

When he was still a few meters away from the train car, a hand suddenly reached out from behind him, preparing to grab his hair!

Reacting quickly, Hoang Tuan immediately ducked his head, and the hand that had just appeared grazed over his head!

But as soon as he narrowly avoided that close call, Hoang Tuan felt something under his feet, as if he had stepped on something, making it difficult to lift his foot.

He looked down.

The narrow path beneath his feet was almost covered in corpses, soaked in dark red blood, like a red carpet.

Among these corpses, there were some faces that seemed somewhat familiar.

Hoang Tuan didn't pay too much attention.

He hurriedly retreated.

He did his best to overcome these corpses and run forward.

At this point, the group led by Nguyen Nam, still holding their axes, was not far from Hoang Tuan, and they showed no signs of exhaustion, their speed unabated.

On the contrary, Hoang T"Phew!"

Luckily, Hoang Tuan reacted quickly. He swiftly turned to the side, and Nguyen Nam's axe only cut a part of the bed frame.

"Damn it!"

Feeling the axe blade narrowly missing his body, Hoang Tuan cursed in shock.

The story he had been reading didn't mention this part in detail...

Immediately, Hoang Tuan jumped off the bed, holding a flashlight, and quickly ran outside as fast as he could!

Checking the situation, Tran Cong Hung's face turned pale with fear. He followed behind Hoang Tuan, running towards the front of the train carriage.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Behind them.

The woman hanging from the train ceiling began to move!

She resembled a giant spider, with her arms and legs outstretched as she crawled on the train ceiling. Her massive tongue slithered around her cracked, dry mouth.

Nguyen Nam and the other two staggered to their feet, gripping their axes, chasing after Hoang Tuan and the others!

There were no lights in the carriage, only the dim light from the flashlight that Hoang Tuan held in his hand!

While running, Hoang Tuan felt Tran Cong Hung pulling on his clothes from behind, afraid that he would get lost if not careful.

"Damn it! I'm not used to running!"

Tran Cong Hung, behind Hoang Tuan, felt his spirit collapse. He sensed that something was chasing after him, a sense of danger closing in with just a few steps left, making him desperately run forward.

One carriage, two carriages...

They ran through several train compartments.

The objects behind them still clung to them, their speed not diminishing.

In fact, the woman who looked like a spider, her tongue came dangerously close to Tran Cong Hung's neck.

The danger drew near, making his speed even faster!

Their legs started to tire.

Hoang Tuan felt his lungs about to explode, gasping for air with his mouth wide open.

In the darkness, Hoang Tuan caught a glimpse of something ahead of him. He saw, in front of him, what appeared to be a brightly lit train compartment.

It was a carriage that provided seating for passengers on the train.

There was light.

At least it was hope!

At least the demons in the horror story wouldn't easily appear in a place with light!


Besides the strange rules, Hoang Tuan understood the logic of this world.

From the story's supporting characters to the madness of Nguyen Nam and the others, all indirectly provided him with information about this world...

The supporting roles, character arrangements...

Objects that were only supposed to appear in fantasy stories were now encountered by himself, combined with the novel's plot in his head, and the events in this world seemed to be in sync with each other, with a victim appearing.

They all revealed that this was a world entirely of horror novels!

Too familiar.

Hoang Tuan felt he knew all of these changes.

As an experienced writer, the terrifying abilities and the appearance of the paranormal like this were completely in line with the circumstances in the novel!

The main logic in horror novels, when all sources of light inexplicably go out, the next thing to appear is the presence of supernatural phenomena.

After all, this is a novel, so it's hard to avoid the appearance of familiar horror elements.

And now, not far away is the train compartment with light inside.

Surely, it's a setup in the novel, designed to give the characters a way to survive!

Otherwise, how could the characters in the story live?

It's certain that unexpected things will happen when they start running, such as some kind of demon clinging to their feet, making it impossible for them to move.

Or something suddenly standing in front of them when they want to start running, directly killing them!

All of these were absent.

They ran smoothly and had been running for a long time, so there must be an escape route!


Tran Cong Hung's footsteps clearly slowed down. As a passerby, when the story is nearing its end, he's bound to encounter an accidental accident.

Hoang Tuan knew that.

When the chase and killing plot started, Hoang Tuan knew Tran Cong Hung's role wouldn't change and there would be no change whatsoever.

Before that, he had saved Tran Cong Hung and used the opportunity to add two words to the sentence "He also became a dead body..." with the words "deceptively" at the end, allowing Tran Cong Hung to survive.

Of course, at that time, Hoang Tuan couldn't have guessed that the victim would become Phong Ly; otherwise, he wouldn't have randomly used his special ability.

This time, if anything happens, there's nothing more he can do.

The last words are reserved for Hoang Tuan to save himself.

He may be selfish.

But when faced with a life-threatening situation, he doesn't want to use his last card on someone else.

He did everything he could, and now all he can do is watch whether Tran Cong Hung lives or dies, depending on his own fate.

The speed slowed down...

Just as Hoang Tuan predicted the story plot, Tran Cong Hung's steps began to slow down. The "spider" quickly reached him, using her long tongue to tighten around Tran Cong Hung's neck, cruelly pulling him back and biting him to death.


"Help me!!!"

The sound of tearing came from behind, along with Tran Cong Hung's desperate cries.

Hoang Tuan had no intention of turning around even for a moment.

Facing this kind of creature, he has no advantage. Taking advantage of Tran Cong Hung being eaten to buy time, escaping quickly is the wisest choice.

Although his character was turned into a supporting role after saving Tran Cong Hung, it still couldn't prove that his situation was safer than Tran Cong Hung's!

One step,

Two steps...

The train compartment with the light was getting closer to Hoang Tuan, only about twenty meters away.

"But at the moment of escaping, something will definitely appear suddenly to hinder me!"

Hoang Tuan thought to himself...

The plot twist in the novel only happened tonight, and the subsequent plot had to be speculated by himself.

Faintly as Hoang Tuan speculated.

When he was about fourteen meters away from the train compartment, a hand suddenly reached out from behind him, ready to grab his hair!

Reacting quickly, Hoang Tuan instinctively turned his head, realizing that a hand that had just appeared had barely missed his head!

But just as he narrowly escaped, Hoang Tuan felt something under his feet, as if he had stepped on something, making it difficult to lift his foot.

He looked down.

The small aisle under his feet was almost covered with corpses, soaked in red blood, like stepping on a bloody carpet.

These corpses, some of the faces seemed somewhat familiar.

Hoang Tuan didn't pay too much attention.

He quickly ran past these corpses, rushing forward.

At this point, Nguyen Nam and the others, holding their axes, were not far behind Hoang Tuan. They seemed tireless, their speed unchanged.

On the contrary, Hoang Tuan's condition was becoming worse.

The axe was still on his body, lodged in his bones.

Blood from the wound on his shoulder flowed down his arm, gradually staining his entire sleeve red.

Biting his teeth, covering his shoulder, Hoang Tuan opened his mouth wide, gasping forbreath as he pushed himself to the limit.


Almost there!

Hoang Tuan felt like his body was about to give out. He was just a few steps away from reaching the connecting part of the train carriage, and the light from the lamp in the carriage was within reach.

"But when I'm about to escape, something will surely appear to hinder me!"

Hoang Tuan had a premonition.

As the plot in the novel had been altered until tonight, the subsequent storyline had to be speculated by himself.

In a haze of thoughts, Hoang Tuan steeled himself for what was to come.

Just as he was about to cross the boundary of the carriage, a hand suddenly reached out from behind him, aiming to grab his hair!

Reacting on instinct, Hoang Tuan swiftly ducked his head, narrowly avoiding the grasping hand that sailed just above him.

But as he dodged that close call, Hoang Tuan felt something under his feet, as if he had stepped on an obstacle, making it difficult to lift his foot.

Looking down, he saw a narrow path covered with corpses, drenched in crimson blood, like a gruesome carpet.

Among the corpses, there were some faces that seemed vaguely familiar.

Hoang Tuan didn't have the luxury of time to analyze the details.

He pressed on, using all his strength to overcome the obstacles and continue running forward.

At this moment, Nguyen Nam and the others, still clutching their axes, were not far behind Hoang Tuan. Their endurance seemed endless, their speed undiminished.

On the other hand, Hoang Tuan's condition deteriorated rapidly.

The axe embedded in his shoulder hindered his movements, causing blood to trickle down his arm, staining his sleeve a deep red.

Gritting his teeth and clutching his wounded shoulder, Hoang Tuan gasped for air, pushing his body to the limit.


Almost there!

Hoang Tuan felt like he was on the verge of collapse. He was just a few meters away from reaching the illuminated train carriage, where safety might await.

But deep down, he knew that something unexpected was bound to happen at this critical moment.

In his mind, Hoang Tuan had a sense of foreboding.

As the story had deviated from its original course, the subsequent events were uncertain, and he had to rely on his own instincts and predictions.

With every ounce of strength remaining, Hoang Tuan sprinted forward, determined to escape the horrors that pursued him.