Chapter 21: The principal's office

"I'm done talking, don't look at me with such hatred and resentment."

Hoang Tuan gave up and shifted his gaze to the answer sheet in Nguyen Ha Trang's hand, saying to everyone, "Choose option C for the first question, and option B for the second question. Fill in the answers quickly and we'll move on to the next question, the principal's office."

Feeling uncomfortable in his heart was one thing, wanting to survive was another. Although some people harbored dissatisfaction towards Hoang Tuan, they wisely chose to swallow their hatred and obediently followed along to complete the answer sheet.

The man whom Hoang Tuan confronted with an axe was Nguyen Thoai, and he was clearly the most dissatisfied person with Hoang Tuan among many others.

Compared to words spoken in language, he was met with an axe pointed straight at his face and was told, "If you take another step... I'll chop you." The dissatisfaction he received in his heart naturally became even stronger.

But he didn't utter a word.

After seeing everyone fill in their answers, Hoang Tuan said nothing more. He turned around and walked back to the corridor.

"This is..."

Nguyen Ha Trang stood behind Hoang Tuan, she didn't understand why they had to return to this school building. Wasn't that "monkey" looking strange inside?

Returning now, wasn't it pushing themselves into a dangerous situation?

Hoang Tuan knew that Nguyen Ha Trang was suspicious, so he tightly held the large bag he was carrying and replied while walking, "That thing is temporarily confined by another strange creature. The principal's office is on the second floor, it's quite far from there."

When descending from the rooftop, Hoang Tuan had seen the location of the principal's office, but he had intended to go down to explain the plot rules to these people, so he didn't go in directly.

When Nguyen Ha Trang heard this, her legs couldn't help but tremble, confined by something else, it sounded easy...

But at that moment, Hoang Tuan was chased by the "monkey"!

That meant, at that time, this person encountered two strange creatures...

And yet, he was still alive?!

After Nguyen Ha Trang discovered that Hoang Tuan was more complicated than she had imagined, she didn't hesitate and chose to follow behind Hoang Tuan.

Although the behavior and personality of this man towards her were peculiar, at least he made her feel much safer than the others.

She thought that keeping up with Hoang Tuan's pace might reduce her own element of danger.

Nguyen Ha Trang quickly adapted.

The others were a bit slower, seeing the two of them heading upstairs, they hesitated for more than ten seconds before following along.

Hoang Tuan had told them earlier that there were usual horror elements in this world, in this case, if anyone chose to split up, that person would only hit the team-splitting plot element—basically, they didn't want to live anymore.

So, they had no choice but to go along first...

On the not-so-far path,

There were no surprises in between.

In less than a minute, everyone had reached the principal's office.

Hoang Tuan looked at the door sign of the principal's office and pushed the door with his hand.

Like a classroom door...

The moment the door was pushed, the sound of rusty hinges rubbing against each other sent shivers down one's spine, and after the door was completely pushed open, it finally stopped.

The principal's office was not large, only about five square meters.

After opening the door,

The first thing Hoang Tuan could see was a black desk leaning against the spotted window, on the desk was a bulky old-style computer, and the computer and desk were covered in dust.

In the corner, there was a file cabinet, and a dense cobweb was in the junction between the cabinet and the wall.

On top of the cabinet, besides scattered files, there was only a small bronze incense burner that looked eye-catching, placed in the middle of the cabinet, with half a unburned incense stick still inserted into the burner.

The other items were old leather chairs in front of the desk, and school certificates hanging on the wall...

Holding the axe in his hand, Hoang Tuan stepped into the room.

Perhaps because the door hadn't been opened for a long time, the air in this room was really stuffy, because the room was quite damp, the air was filled with a strong smell of musty wood.

"The cabinet, leather chairs, desk, certificates..." Hoang Tuan glanced at each item displayed in the room, carefully observing the not-so-large room in front of him, "Apart from the oldness of the room, there doesn't seem to be any issue with the arrangement of items."

"That incense burner..."

"According to the horror plot, the principal probably used it to secretly worship something."

"But, what does it have to do with the butterfly?"

Thinking of this, Hoang Tuan slowly walked towards the file cabinet, opening a few files. They all recorded some school arrangements and plans for new policies on top.

The others also entered the office one after another, some were examining the items in the room like Hoang Tuan, while others stood silently in the secluded corner, being vigilant of their surroundings.

Tran Binh An approached the desk, hesitantly pulled open one of the desk drawers to see what was inside.

Immediately after Tran Binh An opened the drawer.

A strange notebook immediately caught his attention.

It wasn't daring to do anything with it, he raised his head and asked Hoang Tuan after thinking.

"Um... I saw this here, do you want to take a look?"


Hoang Tuan turned around to respond, he noticed the notebook in Tran Binh An's hand.

That notebook was actually very ordinary, just a notebook that could be found in any office supply store.

But at this moment, the book was missing a small corner, which was slightly charred, looking like it had been burned. On the cover of the book, the number "4" was written with a pen.

"Let's take a look together."

Hoang Tuan went over to Tran Binh An, and he gestured to open the book.

Nguyen Ha Trang also paid attention to the notebook, so she stood on the other side of Tran Binh An and looked into the notebook.

"What is this?"

"It's probably a diary."

"On December 14, it was sunny."

"I don't know how to handle this. Next week is the last day before summer break. The old man Khot's idea is useless. What should I do..."

"On December 20, it's gloomy."

"There's no other choice, this is the last time, that thing has been released, listen to it..."

"On December 23, it's overcast."

"Haha, I know this will definitely be fine! That old man still forbids me to do this, hehe, let him die! Fortunately, I haven't given half to him."

"On January 5, it's cold and windy."

"No, damn it! Those things are appearing again! Should I not let it out of here? Is this place only capable of that? No, definitely not! I just need to find it. Find it..."

"On February 15, it's raining."

"Only one is missing, just one last thing! Don't lie, please be successful..."


There was very little content in this notebook, so it ended here.

Of course, there should have been more content, but a corner of the notebook was missing and burnt, making it impossible to see anything, resulting in only a few sentences in the diary.

Hoang Tuan looked at the recorded information and started to think...

The owner of this diary was easy to guess.

Based on the content and tone, combined with the fact that it was found in the principal's office, it could basically be confirmed that it was the principal's diary.

Hoang Tuan stroked his thoughts.

Currently, there were two pieces of information that could be obtained. First, there were missing students in the school, and second, the supposed coping method the principal had applied, but clearly, it had failed.

However, the other news was still vague, and he didn't dare to jump to conclusions easily.


But there was one sentence, "Don't lie," in it.

That made the whole story a bit peculiar...

What was going on?

What did it have to do with lying?

Hoang Tuan's thoughts became a jumbled mess, he looked away from the notebook and gazed at the dilapidated and damp principal's office once again.


Just as Hoang Tuan was looking at the principal's office.

He seemed to have discovered other issues, he paused for a moment, and his eyes began to focus on the others.

"Surely, this place isn't that big. If all twenty-six of us enter, it will definitely be crowded..."

That's right,

At this moment, everyone had entered the principal's office, there was no one left in the corridor, but strangely, Hoang Tuan looked into the room, yet he didn't feel the slightest bit crowded.

Feeling something strange, Hoang Tuan immediately counted the number of people present.

During this period, Hoang Tuan thought he had counted wrong, so he counted again multiple times.

After confirming the number of people, Hoang Tuan's pupils dilated, and his right hand clenched the axe tightly.

"Twenty-six... Why are there six more people?!"