Chapter 22: The parasite

Hoàng Tuân calmly moved his position and approached the window unnoticed.

The principal's office was quite far from Hoàng Tuân, and in case of an emergency, identifying the emergency exit as the principal's office was clearly a risky choice.

Thinking differently, if he used the axe in his hand to break the window, the option of jumping out and escaping would be faster.

This was the second floor,

Just jumping out and using some force to roll a few times upon landing should be fine...

After Hoàng Tuân moved to the window, he carefully looked at the twenty people in front of him once again.

He wanted to understand why the number of people increased but there was no feeling of crowding.

Perhaps this would be the answer to the principal's office question...

As Hoàng Tuân's gaze swept through the crowd, he noticed another issue, six more people appeared but no one noticed anything unusual.

Because among the six people,

They completely replicated the appearance, always keeping a relatively far distance from the real person. In the small principal's office, no one around noticed anything amiss.

In other words, among these twenty-six people, there were at least three pairs of identical appearances...

There were some duplicates.

Still trying like a parasite, carefully crawling into the body of the nearest person, for some reason not knowing whether it wanted to immobilize or for other reasons.

The parasitized person didn't react at all.

As if they didn't feel it.


Hoàng Tuân's gaze stopped at the wooden door of the room...

Nguyễn Hà Trang, why is she inside too?

Hoàng Tuân found another Nguyễn Hà Trang in the crowd, who was looking at the plaque hanging on the wall next to the principal's office door.

It was exactly the same face and clothes.

No difference in appearance.

Hoàng Tuân seemed to remember something, he composed himself, raising his vigilance to the highest level.

Two Nguyễn Hà Trang...

So, the person next to him,

Is real,

Or fake?

Hoàng Tuân looked at the woman standing next to him, who was looking at the diary content, she was still flipping through the diary with Trần Bình An.

Long black hair cascaded down her back, leaving an elegant back.

The content of the seventh question suddenly appeared in Hoàng Tuân's mind.

"Question seven: What should you do to eliminate an illusion of seeing someone identical to yourself?"

"A, talk to that person; B, find a mirror and walk towards it; C, immediately inform the principal; D, make your mind stop thinking."


Eliminating option C would occur after they reached the principal's office, if it was option C, he would have encountered this situation elsewhere, and ran here to implement the plan, but now he was inside the principal's office, and there was no mention of reporting it.

Option D is probably wrong as well.

Aside from Nguyễn Hà Trang, there are two others who are in the same situation, and there is a pair of people just standing in a daze in one corner, not doing anything.


Hoàng Tuân turned his head to look behind the window, because there was not enough light outside the window, the reflection on the window was relatively clear, just suitable for using as a mirror.

Let's try it.

He decided.

Hoàng Tuân tapped the shoulder of the Nguyễn Hà Trang next to him, she looked at him with a bit of confusion.

"Look at this window, it seems to have something."

Coming up with an excuse that wasn't really the reason, Hoàng Tuân pointed to the window.

"What's there?"

Nguyễn Hà Trang turned her head back and looked at the window behind Hoàng Tuân.

Outside the window,

Raindrops kept falling.

Trần Hưng Đạo High School seemed gloomy, as if receiving a baptism from the rain...

The wooden window frames appeared somewhat dilapidated and unstable, with carvings on the window sill.

In the reflection.

A horrifying hole appeared on the chest of "Nguyễn Hà Trang," countless tentacles incessantly writhed in the bloody hole.

She looked seriously at the old stains on the window, but she still didn't realize what Hoàng Tuân was referring to.

However, what she didn't notice was.

Behind her...

A blood-soaked axe was raised like a spider web, and then it swung down towards her head!


The axe split her head in two like cutting tofu!

Then came Hoàng Tuân's kick!


Its body was kicked back a few steps, and as it was kicked back, Hoàng Tuân immediately swung the axe towards the window, preparing to jump out of the window and escape.

All of this was within Hoàng Tuân's plan.

If he detected something wrong with this person, then first give it an axe, then break the window, kick it away directly, and then run away.

Instead of allowing it to silently parasitize, it would be more appropriate for him to take action.

The plan ahead went perfectly.

Basically, it was as he had thought.

However, when Hoàng Tuân's axe struck the window, what followed was his arm being paralyzed from the shock, and he could barely hold onto the axe.

"Why is this old window so tough?"

Hoàng Tuân clenched his trembling palm.

In just an instant action, it caught everyone's attention, and they all looked at Hoàng Tuân in surprise.


He was normal just now, why did he suddenly jump up and try to chop someone?

The most frightened person was Nguyên Thoại.

He didn't expect this man to be so fierce, suddenly giving the person next to him an axe!

Thinking of himself being threatened by him with an axe, his legs were trembling.

Before everyone could react after the panic, the "Nguyễn Hà Trang" with her head split in two was staring intently at Hoàng Tuân with bloodshot eyes.

Then, a large hole opened up on its chest.

Countless tentacles protruded from within and quickly probed towards Hoàng Tuân!


"Ghost, ghost!"

"Monster, run..."


People realized what was happening, and the tentacles suddenly appeared in the blink of an eye, causing them to panic and desperately try to escape!


Just as they were in a state of panic and trying to flee, other tentacles suddenly appeared among the crowd and entangled their bodies as they attempted to escape.

Those were the duplicates.

At this moment, there were about ten demon-like tentacles extending from their chests!

Hoàng Tuân understood why he didn't feel crowded.

It turned out that among the twenty-six people, four were problematic, and only sixteen of them were actually alive.

In this small principal's office, it was needless to think that there would be heavy casualties.

Hoàng Tuân, who had cut off the tentacles, didn't hesitate to rush out of the principal's office, as the window couldn't be destroyed, he wouldn't waste time on this short escape.

The blood-stained axe cut off the tentacles blocking his way, Hoàng Tuân ran out of the room at the fastest speed.

At this moment, those who managed to escape the tentacles also followed closely behind, with a terrified expression.

After that thing appeared, despair was the description of their current state of mind...

Most of them had never seen such a bizarre and demonic scene in reality before, after experiencing fear multiple times, their alertness plummeted to the bottom...

Even Nguyễn Hà Trang, who remained relatively calm, her thoughts no longer maintained the composure she had before.

In the corridor,

A group of people rushed out behind Hoàng Tuân!

Some people were left behind and couldn't escape, being dragged by the terrifying tentacles into the horrifying principal's office!

And behind them, strange tentacles protruded from the room, continuously growing towards the running people!

The number of survivors,

Dwindled rapidly, now there were only eight..