Chapter 32: Return

"So what is the correct answer?"

Hoang Tuan held the pen and stared at the answer sheet.

The sound of rain falling gently entered his ears, making his thoughts clearer.

"If I were the principal of this school..."

Hoang Tuan's mind quickly calculated.

At this moment, there are only three minutes left until the end of the exam, and he doesn't have much time to think.

"So when I set the prohibition, where should it be placed..."

"No, I shouldn't look at it from the perspective of the principal."

He thought of something and his eyes narrowed.

The blocked thoughts suddenly opened up.

"In general, it should start from the entire school... For a school, if the prohibition is issued for the infirmary, it is clearly telling others that there is a problem here."

"No infirmary should be off-limits, if it is prohibited, then it is not just for display, right?"

Thinking of this, Hoang Tuan realized how foolish he had been before. A clear and simple question had been made complicated by his own thoughts.

For a school.

The infirmary should have the lowest correct rate, as it is used to handle cases where students suddenly get sick or have other accidents like scratches or falls.

Even if it is very eerie.

But the strangeness does not refer to the infirmary, but the swarm of bugs in those black vials, which must be the biggest secret to be kept.

Those black vials are placed in the medicine cabinet, and under normal circumstances, no student will touch them. Even if they touch them, they will be parasitized when releasing the insects.

When he was in the corridor before, Hoang Tuan had seen that the infirmary of the school had a specialized staff and her ID was hung on the wall.

In comparison, the answer was clearly jumping directly on the paper.

"What an idiot I was!"

Hoang Tuan filled in the answer as the principal's office.

After he finished filling in, the answer sheet in his hand suddenly burst into flames and turned into a pile of ashes in no time, floating vaguely in the drizzling rain.

"This is probably submitting the exam..."

Hoang Tuan looked at where the answer sheet disappeared in the rain and didn't stay long. He just put on a big backpack and rushed towards the group of people where Tran Binh An was waiting with an axe in hand...

Now that all the questions had been answered, it was time to care about them.

Although he was selfish, after ensuring himself, there was no problem in helping others.


In the small self-study area covered by rain and storm.

The three of them, Tran Binh An, were trembling with cold, and they all looked extremely worried. After seeing Hoang Tuan leaving, they still hadn't seen the shadow of others.

And now, the exam time is about to end.

They only answered a few multiple-choice questions, and they all knew that their fate in the story was related to the results of the questions, after Hoang Tuan's explanation.

"Why is he taking so long!"

Tran Binh An paced back and forth under the eaves, his lips trembling with cold or urgency as time became less and less.

"He won't leave us, right? I only answered four questions..."

Le Na's face looked bad, she worriedly looked ahead at the rainstorm, trying to find Hoang Tuan's figure.

"I don't know, maybe he's in a bad situation."

Nguyen Ha Trang, although calmer than the other two, was not much better at this time, and her heart felt tightened when she realized that she would die here for not being able to answer the questions after the time was up.

Le Na couldn't bear it any longer, she squatted down on the ground, covering her face and crying, shouting a few words like "I don't want to die here."

Time was passing by every minute and second...

There is only one minute left until the end of the exam.

Just when they were almost desperate, a familiar voice came into their ears.

"Quick, hurry up."

"Take out the answer sheet, I'll tell you the answers."

Hoang Tuan was standing behind them with a large backpack on his back, his whole body soaked, and just squeezing his clothes would release a puddle of water.

Hearing this voice, they were overjoyed as if they saw a savior.

Too excited, they quickly took out the answer sheet and started filling in the answers that Hoang Tuan told them.

Although they didn't know where Hoang Tuan got the answers from, they didn't have time to ask questions at this time.

For some reason.

Although Hoang Tuan gave them the impression that he was a crazy and eccentric person, he was bold and daring.

But in their hearts, they could find an indescribable sense of security.

It was as if there was an instinct telling them to trust this man, and it wouldn't be wrong.

Quickly fill in the answers...

There is not much time left, but fortunately, there are only a few questions.

In about ten seconds, the answer sheet in their hands turned into ashes like Hoang Tuan before, and flew into the rain.

Seeing the answer sheet disappear like a time bomb, the three of them finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Hoang Tuan stared at the countdown on the phone's display, silently looking at the timer being reset to zero.

He felt that his judgment would not be wrong, and the main line of the story in the school should only fill in the answer sheet and then wait for the end of the time.

This school gave him a strange feeling.

Now that he was about to leave, he felt as if he had only seen the tip of the iceberg in the existence of the strange story in the school.

No, it's not accurate to say that. In Hoang Tuan's subconscious mind, he believed that he had only glimpsed a small part of the weirdness of the school, and there must be a big secret hidden here.

The countdown on the phone's display was reset to 0...

As soon as the school's broadcast ended, a familiar voice came again, filling the whole school. Hoang Tuan and the others in the self-study area could clearly hear what she was saying.

"Time for the exam is up, all candidates are requested to leave the exam room one by one, pay attention to safety on the way back, and comply with traffic regulations..."



The voice on the radio suddenly changed strangely, from the calm female voice at the beginning to a middle-aged man with a hoarse and unpleasant voice, as if there were thorns in his throat, hoarse and uncomfortable.

"Hahaha, students, I hope this exam can make you feel happy... I will miss you very much."

"I hope to see all of you again after starting school."

"Ahem, I have prepared gifts for all students. I really want to see the moment when you open the box and feel surprised and excited."

"Oh yes, even when you go home during the vacation."

"Don't lie..."

The sound of the radio gradually changed from clear to vague.

The scene in front of Hoang Tuan also began to twist and shatter!

Like scenes leaving on a train, these fragments continuously merge and rearrange in front of him.

Until his vision returned to the shape of his computer screen...

The computer screen was still on, and the novel on it had been updated.

At the end of the article, there was a thank-you message from the "author".

In the dim bedroom, Hoang Tuan, who was still wet, looked at the computer screen in a complicated mood.

He didn't feel relaxed after leaving "Tran Hung Dao High School". At the moment of leaving, he faintly saw a figure of a girl standing in his sight.

A girl standing in the rain...

Looking at him with a warm smile.