Chapter 31: The impact

What are you kidding about?

Hoang Tuan didn't care much, the tentacles behind him were about to touch him, he chose to ignore the vague resistance of his body, turned around, jumped out of the window, and ran out of the room!

When the tentacles chased after him to the window, maybe because of territorial issues, they hesitated a bit before the window.


Heavy rain...

The raindrops slid down Hoang Tuan's face, and the falling leaves danced under his feet, carried by the wind.

He turned back to look behind.

The two strange tentacle monsters didn't chase after him, and he was temporarily safe.

"Could those bugs be affecting me?"

Hoang Tuan frowned and checked his body.

When the bugs drilled into his body earlier, he didn't have much time to think or make changes to the text. He just followed the script to prevent them from controlling him.

But now, with his regained spirit, he had time to read the modified content.

And he realized that he had changed the plot too much...

[He was cunningly eaten by twenty-four insects that drilled into his body...]

[Hoang Tuan will control them.]

[He will become one of the ghost monsters!]

Reading the content in the plot...

Hoang Tuan couldn't help but feel a little headache.

After being invaded by the bugs, they were supposed to control his body, but now he can control them?

Becoming one of the ghost monsters!

What does that mean?

Resisting the heavy rain outside, Hoang Tuan carefully checked his physical condition. Although there was not much time left before the end of the exam, he couldn't afford to take any risks.

But with the bugs crawling inside his body, if he couldn't find a feasible way to deal with them, it was like having a time bomb inside him.

Things in the horror world...

Could actually be brought into the real world.

Hoang Tuan remembered this.

If he didn't complete the exam, he still had one word to change the outcome, although direct modifications were feasible, only he could survive.

But if extreme situations really occurred, Hoang Tuan could only do this.

He wouldn't allow any abnormal dangers in his body.


He rolled up his sleeve and looked more closely at the difference on his arm.

Aside from the wound from jumping out of the window, in Hoang Tuan's sight, there were two worms slowly swimming in his arm.

Some of them looked like his muscles and moved involuntarily under his skin.

It didn't hurt, but he could clearly feel the living creatures inside.

"Changing the plot allows me to control them..."

"So can I make them crawl out?"

Thinking about this, Hoang Tuan slightly raised his arm, trying to communicate with the bugs in his arm, trying to make them crawl out on their own.

But in the next moment.

What he didn't expect was that when he had the idea to command them, the bugs in his arm became agitated and madly swam towards his index finger.

Different from before.

This time, it was clear that a piece of skin protruded from his finger and quickly moved to the position of his index finger!


His index finger burst open a small hole, and a small tongue protruded from that hole.

At this time, in the direction his index finger pointed, there happened to be a random fist-sized rock, and the tongue didn't stop, it directly rolled the rock up and pulled it back to the position of his index finger.

"Hua hua hua..!"...

A strange sound came out.

At this moment, Hoang Tuan realized that in the small hole on his index finger, besides the tiny tongue, there were a dense row of sharp teeth around the edge, and it was chewing on the rock.

"What the hell is this?"

Without any hesitation, Hoang Tuan immediately threw the stone away.

He stared at his finger, and the tongue in his mouth was quivering around his finger, as if looking for something to eat.

The tongue was black, with tiny teeth on the edge, and there was a bit of purple liquid in the mouth that looked disgusting.

It seemed to be the saliva of this mouth.

"Does my finger know how to open its mouth? And it even eats things randomly?"

Hoang Tuan looked at the small mouth that was enough to make people shudder, and just as he realized it, the small mouth immediately retracted, and the outside of his index finger returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

"So as long as I have the intention to bring them out, the message they receive is that they grow a mouth on my body?"

"Is this the meaning of becoming one of the ghost monsters?"

"This is really unbelievable..."

Hoang Tuan realized that these bugs might have been parasitic on him from some perspective, and it seems that it's impossible for them to crawl out on their own.

All they get from his intention is to eat.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have swallowed the rock...

Hoang Tuan sensed his body for a while, and there was nothing unusual when the bugs returned to his body. Apart from being uncomfortable like having a benign tumor, there was nothing strange or uncomfortable about it.

"So this will be similar to the luck of receiving a chance encounter bonus in the novel..."

The bugs didn't harm Hoang Tuan, and he thought about it and opened his personal panel.


The content on the personal panel has changed due to the appearance of these bugs.

[Name: Hoang Tuan]

[Character: Supporting role]

[Description: Lamb eater]

[Item: A cursed self-harming axe; twenty-four ghost parasites]

Hoang Tuan looked at his personal panel and thought to himself, "If I really treat this as the context of the plot, maybe I have accidentally embarked on a path of developing some strange character..."

"Eater of lamb."

"It's a nickname that sounds dangerous but unclear..."

With the appearance of the bug swarm, Hoang Tuan clearly had to be more careful.

Unlike Nguyen Nam's axe, this thing lived directly in his body, and it would be a lie to say that he felt nothing.

After the bug swarm appeared on the personal panel.

Hoang Tuan's hanging heart finally loosened a bit. At least from what he got, these bugs were listed as items he harvested.

Presumably, there would be no problem.

Now, he only has one word left, and there is no description of the bug swarm in the novel text, which means that if he wants to modify the plot to make them come out of his body, he needs a large number of words to change a paragraph of text.

Basically, there is no way to directly modify the original text...

Because the current bug swarm does not harm Hoang Tuan, he can't do anything about it, so he can only ignore this matter.

There are only five minutes left before the end of the exam. Now, Hoang Tuan has some ideas about the final multiple-choice question, and after careful consideration, he may be able to do it.


Hoang Tuan walked towards a shelter from the rain, while calculating the remaining time, the thoughts in his mind were also thinking about everything he had seen so far.

"The restricted areas in the school..."

"The rooftop and the pond can be excluded in advance. These two positions have no significant meaning to the principal's office and the infirmary. From any perspective, they are unreasonable."

Hoang Tuan stood under the eaves.

He took out the answer sheet from his backpack, held a pen in his right hand, and focused on the final multiple-choice questions.

"The strange butterfly in the principal's office is straightforward. The people in Chau Chi Bao only need to spend time to lead it out."

"The infirmary has problems with space and time, and it can be seen that both I and Chau Chi Bao can't meet here..."

"But considering other things, the principal's office can obviously collect more items, but the infirmary seems to be used for some special experiments."

"It must be..."

"A place of importance with secrets that they don't want to be discovered, or they are afraid that someone will come here to investigate..."