Chapter 30: Escape

Before Hoang Tuan could see his situation clearly.

Deep in the corridor.

A questioning voice reached his ears.

"Are you Hoang Tuan?"

Searching for the source of the sound, Hoang Tuan looked up and used his flashlight to see a man and a woman walking out of the room at the end of the hallway. The man's condition was not good, his arm seemed injured.

Their appearances were easily recognizable.

Even though he had never seen them before, Hoang Tuan could tell at a glance that they were "Chau Chi Bao" and "Quynh Nhu."

He followed Chau Chi Bao's arm and noticed that it seemed to be boneless, just hanging by his side, with a bit of blood visible in his palm.

"The man with a big backpack and a pickaxe..."

"That must be him."

Chau Chi Bao and Quynh Nhu approached Hoang Tuan, looking at the figure sitting on the floor and the figure holding a pickaxe in his hand, thinking about what Nguyen Thoai had said.

A weirdo with a pickaxe to do whatever he wants...

Hoang Tuan didn't go to greet them.

He just looked at the two approaching figures.

Slowly stood up from a squatting position.

Chau Chi Bao looked back at Hoang Tuan, somewhat puzzled. He and Quynh Nhu walked up to Hoang Tuan and then asked, "Where have you been? We didn't see you here."

After asking, Chau Chi Bao noticed that Hoang Tuan didn't answer his question but was looking at him with strange eyes.

He thought for a moment before reacting.

"Oh, right, my name is Chau Chi Bao. We came in from outside to save you. We heard someone saying you were in this medical room, so we came in to check."

Chau Chi Bao introduced himself and then pointed to Quynh Nhu next to him.

The appearances of the two matched Hoang Tuan's prediction. Chau Chi Bao looked unreliable, while Quynh Nhu was a beautiful woman with a calm face.


Hoang Tuan still didn't answer.

This made Chau Chi Bao suddenly unsure why.

Chau Chi Bao clearly knew that in society, he had to wear a smiling face often to leave a good impression. He felt that the conversation just now should be fine, but Hoang Tuan refused to talk to him.

"What's wrong with this guy?"

He hesitantly asked Hoang Tuan.

At this moment, Hoang Tuan finally broke the silence, he sighed softly and used the flashlight to shine behind the two.

"No, turn around and look."


Hearing Hoang Tuan's words, both of them turned their heads to look in the same direction.

Where the flashlight was shining...

The originally dark corridor was almost invisible now due to the dampness, causing a large section of the wall to peel off, with traces of dirt from over the years visible on the wall.

Except for the room they just walked out of, all the other doors were locked.

It seemed normal.

Nothing seemed different?

Both of them didn't understand Hoang Tuan's request to look again and turned back with doubt.

But what they didn't expect was when their eyes returned to Hoang Tuan.

With their naked eyes, they could see a blood-stained blade suddenly slashing horizontally!


The axe chopped across their chests, and dark green blood splattered on Hoang Tuan's face.

After the axe had chopped, Hoang Tuan turned and ran without stopping!

The two of them were stunned for a moment.

They just realized that they had been discovered long ago.

To be chopped with an axe without any hesitation...

Their faces, originally suitable for human appearances, couldn't help but change now, becoming extremely ferocious, and they stared at Hoang Tuan, who was running away, with a vicious and malicious look.

They never thought about this, even though they read in the memories of these two people that the guy with the big backpack was acting very boldly.

But who could have expected that the person who met him first would use a pickaxe to say hello?

And that pickaxe didn't seem ordinary, and it could make them feel pain...


Not long after Hoang Tuan ran away.

Dozens of terrifying xuc tu burst out from their chests, madly catching up with Hoang Tuan!


"I didn't expect even Chau Chi Bao and the others to be replaced..."

While running, Hoang Tuan glanced at the content of the novel.

Chau Chi Bao and Quynh Nhu, who followed him, had no more descriptions in the story from the moment he entered the corridor. The xuc tu did not stop developing behind him and replaced their storyline.

In Hoang Tuan's novel's content...

From the moment they started asking questions in the corridor, Hoang Tuan noticed that the names of Chau Chi Bao and the others were enclosed in double quotes.

The names of ordinary people are enclosed in double quotes...

In horror novels, nothing is more telling to Hoang Tuan that something is wrong with them.

In addition, as the two monsters approached Hoang Tuan, the strange insects invading his body became somewhat restless and increasingly irritable, as if he had taken a stimulant.

The reaction of these bugs may not be different from another demonic entity approaching.

Just like "The Monkey" and "The Rooftop."

This also allowed Hoang Tuan to directly confirm that the two were abnormal.

It's as simple as running away...


"So are they still alive?" Without an actual description of Chau Chi Bao and Quynh Nhu, Hoang Tuan could not judge their specific situation.

The corridor.

The sound of footsteps running continuously echoed...

After running for about ten seconds, Hoang Tuan's heart gradually sank.

The corridor where the medical room is located is very narrow, and according to logic, he should have run out by now.

But he still can't see the end of the hallway within his sight.


After realizing that something was wrong, Hoang Tuan didn't force himself to continue running.

He immediately pushed the door of the room next to him open, ran inside, and locked the door.

Continuing to run after encountering a demon that can blur his senses and get lost in a place he's never been before would be a waste of energy, and Hoang Tuan understood that.

Moreover, the xuc tu behind him is also not slow, sooner or later, they will catch up with him.

Rather than fighting with these monsters, it is better to find a way out from somewhere else!

After running into the room, Hoang Tuan quickly looked at the layout of the room.

Four large computer desks appeared in front of him, with a blackboard writing the usage of word, a lesson plan on the lectern were two A4 paper documents.

The thick blue curtains have been covered in dust over time...

Hoang Tuan didn't hesitate.

He immediately went to the window side, opened the curtains, and looked out the window. There were some raindrops on the window glass, reflecting the pouring rain of the sky outside.

Holding the pickaxe tightly in his hand, he struck it hard towards the glass window.


Similar to the result obtained in the principal's office.

The glass windows, which clearly looked old and deformed, were left with a scratch under the force of his whole body with the sharp pickaxe.

Hoang Tuan didn't care too much. He continued to use the pickaxe to smash the window!

At the moment.

The door to the computer room was also frantically knocked!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Those were the xuc tu trying to break into the room. The windows were still shaking, but this time Hoang Tuan, who was always cautious, only felt a slight numbness in his arm, unlike the reaction in the principal's office when he almost couldn't lift the pickaxe after kicking the window.

There was a creaking sound from the wooden door.

It was the xuc tu breaking the door, and they were coming closer to Hoang Tuan!

And at the same time.

The window was also broken...

Hoang Tuan looked at the shattered window without any surprise on his face. He already knew that this would be the result.

The monster outside the room was about to step in, and the escape route inside the room was always open in the last moment.

He had seen too many setups like this in ordinary storylines.

At this moment, being broken through was also something he had predicted.

Looking at the broken window, Hoang Tuan showed no worry. He prepared to jump out of the window, regardless of the glass shards stuck on the edge that would scrape him.

But compared to the things behind him, being stabbed and eaten, it was obviously better to choose the former.

As Hoang Tuan was about to jump out of the window.

He seemed to feel an unexplainable sensation that his body was resisting...

Although it was insignificant.

But there was an invisible illusion, telling him so.

"Don't run, fight!"