Chapter 29: 24 Demon insects

In a blink of an eye!

Hoang Tuan felt a sharp pain from his neck, and he unconsciously slapped his neck with his hand.

But the speed of the insect was too fast, and when he felt the pain, the bug had invaded his body.


Hoang Tuan immediately threw the backpack behind him to the ground and quickly looked at himself. He saw dense bugs crawling all over him. After the first bug started to act, they quickly crawled onto Hoang Tuan's skin.

Penetrating his body at a speed he couldn't react to!

Smack! Smack!

In the shortest time, Hoang Tuan managed to catch two bugs on his body.

But it was too late...

The remaining bugs had invaded his body, leaving only a small, indistinct wound on his skin, like a tiny hole pricked by a needle.

"When did..."

"These things crawl onto me like that!"

"Did it happen when I was in the medicine cabinet?"

After the insects invaded Hoang Tuan's body, he immediately felt a bone-piercing pain from his body, as if thousands of ants and fleas were constantly biting him.

Along with the pain, there was an unbearable itch!

Hoang Tuan's consciousness began to blur, he looked at the ground in front of him, and felt it trembling, his whole body unable to stand still. He leaned against the door frame, then sat down on the ground.

[Being careless always leads to falling into a trap...]

[These insects are not easy to deal with~~]

[They represent demons.]

[Sigh, Hoang Tuan is in big trouble!]

[He was pierced by twenty-four cunning insects, infiltrating his body...]

[Hoang Tuan will be controlled by them.]

[He will become one of the demons!]

The content of the novel is updated in real-time.

Hoang Tuan sat on the ground, sweating profusely, looking at his sweat-soaked clothes, feeling lucky.

The entire process was a bit long to describe.

But it only happened for a minute or even longer.

This was the first time Hoang Tuan was shocked since he entered this world.

Before that, even though he knew he had this ability, he was no longer afraid of this world.

His ability to modify the plot was too powerful. If he wanted to, he could even bring the dead back to life.

However, it was precisely because of this powerful ability that he had been a little arbitrary and careless in the previous matters.

Hoang Tuan had timely realized this and became vigilant now.

This world was originally a world of horror novels, with a fixed plot distribution and its own logic.

The characters existing in this world could rightly say that they had encountered strange events and died...

The content of the novel was not omnipotent. Even though it had the perspective of a deity or something, as a true horror novel, there would be many hidden dangers and they would not be written as warnings beforehand.

While there were some warnings, Hoang Tuan couldn't see the hidden dangers that were not written.

He could trust the content of the novel.

But while trusting the content of the novel, he also needed to speculate and check it.

In fact, he had suffered some losses in the principal's office before, but he timely discovered it, so Hoang Tuan didn't think it was a big problem.

Until the swarm of insects appeared.

Only then did Hoang Tuan realize that, although his ability was powerful, he would still face danger...

There was no absolute safety in a world like this.

This suited the context of the plot in horror novels of old.

In other words, as a supporting role, Hoang Tuan would naturally face extremely dangerous situations and countless strange things during the plot's development, which was different from the status of a passerby.

The number of dangers and the level of danger he faced would differ.

While his role was being elevated...

The benefits and risks coexisted.

In the world of Tran Hung Dao High School, being a supporting role was the highest position.

Hoang Tuan, as a supporting role, naturally would have to face extremely dangerous situations and countless strange things in the process of the plot's development.

"Be careful."

Hoang Tuan woke himself up to be alert.

He still relied too much on the novel's control panel...

He reorganized his thoughts, brushed off the dust on his clothes, gathered his luggage, and prepared to leave the medical room.

Until now.

The situation here would not be simple.

Before that, Tran Binh An had said that Chau Chi Bao and others had come to the medical room, but after Hoang Tuan arrived, he couldn't see any of them.

Now, there was only "1" left among the words that could be modified.

There were only a few minutes left until the end of the exam.

He had to quickly solve the last question!

As for the two of Chau Chi Bao...

Hoang Tuan guessed that they might not have found anything, so they had gone deeper into the hallway. Otherwise, they would have left, but the hallway was narrow, so he and they would have to meet.

The secret might be right at the end...

At the end of this dark and eerie hallway.

He took the flashlight from his backpack and turned it on, and Hoang Tuan began to walk forward into it.


As soon as he took his first step, he suddenly felt that something was wrong...

His own body.

After escaping from the swarm of insects, it seemed different from before.

These legs were obviously his, and he could feel his legs too.

But there was an indescribable strangeness that made him feel odd.

"These insects..."

Hoang Tuan knelt down and quietly pinched the flesh on his leg, his eyes becoming strange as he seemed to see something sliding under his skin: "It's like they are still alive."