Chapter 45: Breaking the ice

The event happened so suddenly.

Once something like jumping off a building occurred after that.

Surely there would be many onlookers...

The lower floors quickly became noisy, and looking out into the distance, there were many heads of people, densely packed.

Some relatives knelt beside the victim's body, crying uncontrollably.

There were people passing by discussing the incident, the reason behind it.

Some people just wanted to watch for fun.

Moreover, they took out a low-quality mobile phone from this era to take pictures, perhaps just to have something to talk about with friends on some other day.

Sadness and joy have never been linked together.

This sentence, no matter if it is placed in the real world or in the world of novels, has always been contradictory.

In this case,

In reality, no one has the right to accuse those indifferent spectators with cold eyes.

Indeed, whether they empathize with the perspectives of those people or not has nothing to do with them.

But ethics are ethics, and displeasure is displeasure.

When someone dies in an accident, what a person needs to do is not point fingers; that is already an act of kindness.

Hoàng Tuân could not accept the behavior of those onlookers taking pictures.

Not accepting it is not accepting it.

As a personal value, there is no need for any reason...

You don't understand why in the contents of your novel, you meticulously rewrite these nauseating scenes that you hate, describing each person's eye color, their playful and teasing expressions...

You don't even need to go downstairs to see.

You can still know what's happening down there through thousands of words in the novel's content.

"Mom" seems interested in it.

Hearing the noise below, she went down alone, perhaps having some communication with the people below, or maybe for "Mom," this was one of the few events that stirred her emotions.

Only Hoàng Tuân and the others were left in the house...

The spoon holding the beef rib soup in his hand was put down.

Hoàng Tuân looked at Dĩnh Phúc sitting across from him, and when he was about to say something, he found that the other side was also looking at him.

"Hoàng Tuân, what's wrong?"

Dĩnh Phúc was still playing the role of a father, and at this moment, he still didn't know whether the two young men in front of him were his "companions" or not.

Hoàng Tuân pretended to say: "I suddenly remembered that I don't quite understand the homework the teacher gave today, so I want to ask dad a little."

Dĩnh Phúc turned to Trần Thiên Nga and nodded, saying: "Huh? Thiên Nga's grades are very good, you can ask her."

"Brother, why are you asking about school matters?"

Hoàng Lan entered the conversation from beside the window, feeling curious.

"Isn't it almost time for the college entrance exam? You should study hard."

Using a somewhat casual reason, Hoàng Tuân had already planned to deceive them like this.

Naturally, Hoàng Lan didn't believe it. She knew her brother well.

However, at this moment, she suddenly remembered the birthday present that Hoàng Tuân mentioned in the car today...

Based on the connection.

Hoàng Lan wondered if her brother was discussing with their father how to organize her birthday.

Anyway, their father and mother were not the same, and they didn't have the same thoughts about other people.

Thinking about it.

Hoàng Lan obediently kept her mouth shut.

Not arguing with Hoàng Tuân.

She was afraid that if she interrupted, her gift would be gone.

Hoàng Tuân didn't expect that the explanations he made so casually would be so deeply interpreted by his little sister...

"Is dad mistaken? Thiên Nga is one grade below me and hasn't learned that type of question yet."

Hoàng Tuân continued to talk to Dĩnh Phúc, and because Hoàng Lan was still beside him, he had to continue acting.

"Ha ha ha, you're right, I made a mistake. You go to the room, I'll help her."

Dĩnh Phúc touched his head and said with embarrassment.

It was clear that Hoàng Tuân wanted to find a place to talk, so, in fact, when he asked the first question, Dĩnh Phúc was wondering whether the kid in front of him was their "companion" or not.

Based on the personalities revealed by the words of his little sister, Dĩnh Phúc knew that "Hoàng Tuân" was not only a weak person but also someone who didn't care much about studying.

When things went wrong, there was a problem.

That's why he agreed to go into Hoàng Tuân's room to "help with homework."

After they both sat down, Trần Thiên Nga followed Hoàng Tuân and the others into the same room with the excuse of "I want to see what I'll study next year."

Leaving her younger sister eating dinner alone in the living room...


Hoàng Tuân's room was very simple.

A small room of only a few square meters.

A small bed just big enough for one person was placed in the corner, and the quilt and mattress were simply laid on it, next to the bed was a small wardrobe used to store Hoàng Tuân's clothes.

The hanging clothes in the wardrobe were all the clothes that Hoàng Tuân wore in the four seasons.

Due to the low humidity in the room, the corners of the walls had peeled off a lot, the walls weren't white at first glance and had very strange stains, and even the corners had a faint blue color, as if moss would soon grow out from there.

There was also a faint smell of decay on the old wooden windows.

There was a brown wooden table under the window, and it seemed a bit cramped with just a lamp and a diary on it.

All three sat down in this humble room...

Of course, Hoàng Tuân wouldn't bring out the homework.

After closing the door, his first sentence went straight to the point: "How much do you guys understand about this story?"

Unlike the two of them, Hoàng Tuân didn't need to carefully confirm their identities.

The contents of the novel directly stated that the two of them were his companions, so he didn't need to pretend.

After hearing Hoàng Tuân's straightforward question, Dĩnh Phúc also confirmed that the person in front of him was their companion, so he simply stopped pretending and discussed the world directly.

"At the moment, the story's theme is limited. When Thiên Nga and I first came to this world, one was working and the other was going to school, with no free time for other things."

Dĩnh Phúc furrowed his brows and answered, not knowing if this was the least safe thing to do. They knew too little now, and they could only rely on the small hints they had when they entered the story.

After speaking.

He asked Hoàng Tuân, "What about you?"

Because time was limited, maybe "Mom" would come back soon, and the opportunity for the three of them to meet and talk might be very rare in the future.

So, Hoàng Tuân answered very concisely.

"Mom is a cannibal, and every time she cooks for us, there's a problem."

"The purpose is to raise us and then eat us. The National Day holiday lasts for seven days, and that's the time we can survive. Mom will act every night, and that's also the most dangerous time."

"The dinner tonight is meant to paralyze us and take away our consciousness, and we will be killed in silence."

"The kitchen is definitely a restricted area, it's best not to go there for any reason."

"Just now, only my sister and I had dinner together. I don't know if this sister is normal or not, but tonight she may be the first target."

"As for the rules, I haven't figured them out yet..."

Hoàng Tuân spoke directly, leaving Dĩnh Phúc and Trần Thiên Nga stunned for a moment.

Dĩnh Phúc couldn't help asking, "How do you know so much?"

"Today, I came home earlier than you, so I discovered it beforehand."

As before, Hoàng Tuân lied.

As the control panel of the novel couldn't be exposed, whenever he revealed information that he shouldn't know, he had to make a draft in his mind and then casually deceive.

The simpler the explanation, the more persuasive it would be...


There would be exceptions.

"You also study at Trần Hưng Đạo High School, and now we finish school at the same time, so we're probably similar. With such a short time, we can find out these things..."

Trần Thiên Nga calculated the time, as if she didn't believe Hoàng Tuân's explanation.

After a moment of contemplation, she raised her head in suspicion, "How many times have you entered this world?"

To show that he was experienced enough, Hoàng Tuân tried to persuade them with his own judgment.

So, the answer was a bit exaggerated.

"Tenth time."

He didn't want to waste too much time on this kind of matter.

But what he didn't expect was that after he said it.

The expressions of the two suddenly froze, as if they had discovered something unbelievable, they exclaimed in unison...


"Only the tenth time?"