Cake & News*

As I chewed and swallowed the delicious piece of cake, I asked Mei about any news and begin to softly stroke her thigh. Her voice trembled slightly as she responded.

"News? Yes, right. Um, your older brother has returned, and my younger sister... she came back while we were out" she said.

"Oh, that's good news. Did you miss your sister? Or perhaps my brother?" I asked playfully.

"Well, young master, I can only miss you" she replied, smiling sweetly.

"As for my sister, yes, I did miss her a little, but it's unclear where she went. She came back and immediately ran off somewhere, without even waiting or reporting to the young master. How could she do that?" she said, a hint of irritation in her voice.

I continued to stroke Mei's thigh with one hand while placing my other hand on her back and begin to softly touch it with my fingertips. Then she leaned forward slightly, causing her breasts to slightly brush against me. mmm Soft and perky, I like it. We all know what are mans like to look and touch.

As I continued to interact with Mei, I noticed occasional subtle tremors running through her body. It seemed to happen more frequently when my hand approached her very heat area near her sacred place.

"Mei, is everything alright? You seem a bit... flustered" I remarked, my tone filled with curiosity.

She blushed and lowered her gaze, her voice slightly shaky as she responded, "Oh, it's nothing, young master. Perhaps it's just your imagination."

"Well, maybe you should take a break and relax for a while. I wouldn't want you to overexert yourself" I suggested, a hint of concern in my voice.

"No, I am totally fine" Mei replied

"Alright, if you're sure" I replied, a hint of uncertainty in my voice. "Please continue with the news."

I reached out to gently place my hand on her ample buttocks, I paused for a moment, considering Mei's response and her flushed appearance, and then begin to feel it.

My other hand gently stroked her area explicitly near her pussy. rubbing its affectionately, I couldn't help but notice its soft and warm. Its gentle movements provided a sense of comfort and arousal, momentarily distracting me from the previous interaction with Mei.

"Other news?"

I listened attentively as Mei provided me with more details about the Silver-Haired Devil. It seemed that the rumors circulating were somewhat distorted from the actual events. Apparently, their gang had offended someone they couldn't afford to provoke, and they faced the consequences. While I didn't know the exact details of what had transpired, it was clear that there were casualties, including their leader, and the deputy had turned gray-haired. It seemed that the rumors shouldn't be given much weight, as they might not accurately reflect the truth.

"Thank you for clarifying, Mei," I replied, nodding thoughtfully. "It's important to separate fact from fiction, especially when it comes to such serious matters. I appreciate your diligence in finding out the truth."

I looked at Mei with curiosity as I finished my first bite of the cake. The question that had popped into my mind seemed innocent enough, but it held a deeper meaning for me.

"Mei, do you know how birds feed their hatchlings?" I asked, my eyes fixed on her.

Mei blushed even more and occasionally trembled as she responded, "Yes, young master, I know."

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before continuing.

"I want the same" I stated, my voice filled with a mix of confidence and longing.

Mei's eyes widened slightly, and she seemed taken aback by my straightforwardness. However, her blush deepened, and I could see a hint of anticipation in her gaze.

"Are you sure, young master?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

I nodded, my gaze never leaving hers. It was a moment of shared understanding, an unspoken agreement that would bind us together in a unique and intimate way.

Mei took a deep breath, composing herself, before replying, "As you wish, young master. I will do my best to fulfill your desires."

As soon as Mei took the cake into her mouth and leaned closer to my face, I uttered:

"Looks like we'll have to postpone this. Someone is approaching."

From Mei's perspective:

When the master spoke those words, I felt an intense surge of anger towards whoever had interrupted our moment. I would show that wretched soul how it felt to disrupt a kiss with my master. Today had been a perfect day, and this was the perfect ending. Who was this imbecile who spoiled everything? I quickly stood up, accidentally spilling some tea on myself, and positioned myself slightly to the side of the table, gazing towards the door with a mix of hatred and anticipation.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and my sister fluttered inside, exclaiming, "Master, I'm back! Did you miss me?"

I'll make sure to punish this little devil! It's alright, I'll teach her a lesson during our training sessions. She will learn not to interrupt such moments. How dare she barge in without even knocking? Never mind that the master is busy with important matters. I'll teach her some manners! What's with that outfit? Are those leotards? She's completely lost it. And what's that peeking out of her black lingerie? I turned to the master and said,

"Young master, I will have a talk with my sister and teach her some manners."

The master chuckled softly and replied:

"Alright. Let the family know that I'll be entering secluded training and bring me food and water with a preservation array for the next two months. I'll be occupied during that time. Please remind me a day before the auction so that I don't forget."

With a nod, I swiftly moved towards my sister, grabbed her hand, and dragged her out of the room, prompting a cry of protest from her.

"Nooo, I just arrived! Let me spend time with the master, pleeease!" Now, I'll find out what possessed her to dress like that.