The MC's Training and Protagonist's Love life

Somewhere within the closed territory of the clan stood a young man who appeared to be a boy of twelve. He was drenched in sweat, his body trembling, and his legs occasionally experiencing micro-spasms. He maintained a horse stance with his legs spread wide apart and his back straight. In his hands, he held small metal weights. His entire body burned from the intensity of the training. This young man had been subjecting himself to various exercises and training for the past month and a half.


As the Shishi-odoshi made its sound, the young man finally lowered his arms, released the weights, and managed to straighten himself somewhat.

From Xia Tao's perspective:

"Phew," I sighed in relief as the sound of the Shishi-odoshi echoed. What an interesting device, so simple yet effective. It conveniently measures the intervals of time, currently producing a sound approximately every 40 seconds. The accuracy is questionable, but it's convenient. I opened up my system statistics and reviewed the changes in attributes during this time.

Strength: 7->9.1

Agility: 12->15.2

Intelligence: 13->12.9

It was tough, but it was worth it. All this time, I focused on training my base attributes and periodically practiced the Blue Ape Movement technique. It primarily focuses on developing the calves and executing quick, short jumps that allow for rapid movement and sharp changes in direction. However, it heavily strains the calves, and one must maintain proper posture and balance to avoid losing stability and falling. Who would have thought that my intelligence would decrease? Haha, seems like training the technique without using my brain for thinking isn't the wisest choice. I wouldn't want to become a dumb musclehead. I'll have to think about ways to keep my mind engaged and not let it go dull.

By the way, if I recall my past life, I can surely come up with my own movement techniques. There was that anime, One Piece, where they had a cool movement technique. If I'm not mistaken, it involved rapidly pushing off the ground ten times, allowing for swift movement. Of course, it sounds like fiction, but we're in the world of cultivation, who knows what could be possible? But that's for the distant future. For now, I need to master this technique. I also need to explore our library for long-distance movement techniques because the Blue Ape Movement is suitable for maneuvering during battles, not for traveling long distances. I wonder how Mei and Jing are doing. Ah, my lovely maids.

From Ye Chen's perspective(Protagonist):

"Ah, the past month has been dull," I thought to myself. The only excitement was seducing the wife of a certain bureaucrat. Haha, who would have thought that such a boring and fat man would have such a beautiful wife? Oh, the nights we've had together, I'm even considering taking her with me into the sect. Mmm, she could serve me, fulfilling my every desire. Oh, the thoughts of it.

It seems that her husband is going somewhere again today. I should send her a letter through the young messenger boy. Ah, yes, tonight, under the moons, we will take a stroll. What happens next, well, we'll see. The closeness by the lake under the moonlight, what could be more delightful? Hehe, I will definitely invite her for a walk under the moon tonight. Her husband is just stupid and fat, why should he have such a beauty? Better she be with me.

Becoming the protagonist in the world of cultivation was the best decision of my life. It's a pity I didn't ask for a dual cultivation method, but oh well, the world is vast, and I will find one considering my Protagonist Aura and Plot Armor. And then *RING*, a sound from the system rang out.

[Bonus quest available: Obtain and Purchase]

*As a reward for being such a cool and righteous protagonist, the system has granted a bonus quest (such events will occur rarely but periodically). Seize your chance ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *

"Accumulate resources for the greatest dual cultivation technique and buy it at the auction. What could be easier? Follow your path and reap rewards simply because you're the protagonist."

There will be an auction, and a vase will be displayed. Buy it and inside, you'll find a piece of jade with information about the dual cultivation technique.

Reward: Divine-level (the best technique available in this world; superior to anything currently accessible in this world. Development of this method may be possible upon ascending to a higher realm.)

Failure: No penalty, but you'll miss out on a this technique

Oh, how simple it all is. After today's encounter, I must urgently focus on acquiring spiritual stones. Perhaps I can even request them from that beauty I'm meeting today.

In the evening, strolling under the moonlight with the beautiful lady, holding hands and exchanging silly words of love, I already anticipated how our evening would end... Occasionally, other couples would pass by on the lakeside path. Thankfully, it wasn't too bright, and unless one looked closely, no one would recognize us. Otherwise, it could have caused a small scandal. Haha, the wife of a local administrative bureaucrat with a muscular young man. Hahaha.

As we sat on the bench, kissing and paying no attention to the world around us, I gently stroked her hair, already planning the next intriguing steps in my grand scheme. Suddenly, I realized that there were a few people standing nearby, staring intently at us. Sigh, who could it be now? Disengaging from those beautiful, slightly swollen lips, I turned towards the unwelcome guests and saw her husband surrounded by several individuals with a thuggish appearance, including the silver-haired guy. It seems I got caught.

At that moment, my companion also noticed the presence of the new company. "Xu Hao, it's not what you think" she quickly said, getting up from the bench.

"My dear Yan, we'll talk about this at home, and we're leaving now. My friends will have a chat with your new friend," said the chubby man in an annoyed voice. He grabbed the girl's hand and added, "Don't worry, we'll see what your mother will do to you when I tell her everything" as they walked away, accompanied by the sounds of frightened sobbing and pleading.