Some news, Talk with mother

From Xia Tao's Perspective:

As Mei interrupted my training, I found myself once again in the horse stance. Oh, how I hate this stance. Glancing at my system, I reviewed my progress:

[Check-In Pervert System]

Name: Xia Tao

Base Attributes: Strength: 7 -> 10

Agility: 12 -> 16.3

Intelligence: 13 -> 13.1

Cultivation Base: Strengthening of Foundation, 4th stage

Skills: Blue Ape Technique

Movement Techniques: Blue Ape Movement Technique minor achievement

Check-In Spots: 0/1 (?)

Cultivation Partners: 0/2 (?)

Body (Locked): Cursed Pervert Body (?)

All the hard work over the past two months wasn't in vain. It's a shame that physical attributes increase at a slower rate, but it's crucial to raise them as much as possible before starting Body Cultivation techniques. The better the base values, the greater the results from the body technique. Plus, I still need to find the technique itself. Sigh...

After settling into my office with Mei, I seated her on my lap once again and asked her to share the news while I enjoyed my tea.

"Mei, tell me what happened while I was gone" I said.

"Well, Master, your mother and father invited a representative from the sect to discuss the details of your enrollment. He will arrive a day before the entrance trials. From what I know, we need to coordinate what we want and how much they'll charge for it" Mei blushed slightly as she began her report.

"Oh, that's excellent. I'll have to speak with my mother to find out our budget. Better yet, I'll discuss my desires with her, and she can consider what's feasible and what's not" I replied.

"That's a good idea, Master" Mei agreed.

"By the way, where is your sister?" I asked.

"Oh, I sent her to the training camp as a punishment. She will return after the entrance exams but before your departure for the sect" Mei informed me.

"Ah, not bad, not bad. Mei, you know that I want to bring you and your sister with me to the sect. Maybe a couple more people to handle everyday tasks. How do you feel about that? And I assume your sister was quite upset about being sent to the camp?" I asked with a smile, though I already knew her answer.

"I would be delighted, Young Master. However, I'll need to coordinate with your mother. But if my sister's words are to be believed, there shouldn't be any issues. As for that little devil, don't worry, we have an understanding. Trust me, she's highly motivated right now. But please don't ask about it. Let it remain our little secret" Mei said, looking away and giving me a mysterious smile.

"By the way, Mei, since when do you wear leotards?" I asked curiously, running my hand over them.

"Oh, I recently realized, Young Master, that I enjoy wearing them. Are you against it?" Mei asked.

"Oh, no, not at all. I'm all for it. Believe me, I'm thrilled" I replied.

"Any other news to share?" I inquired.

"Nothing of significance, but there's one amusing piece of news that will surely please you" Mei said mysteriously.

Mei continued while I caressed her thigh:

"Do you remember that musclehead we encountered in the city?" she asked with intrigue.

At that moment, my expression darkened, and a slight sense of irritation welled up within me.

"Of course, of course, I remember that idiot. If given the chance, I'll make his life a little more challenging. After all, he nearly ruined our day" I said, and my expression softened slightly as I reminisced about the wonderful moments Mei and I had shared, including how the evening had ended.

"Well, what about him?" I asked.

"I found out his name is Ye Chen. You know, it turns out he leads an interesting lifestyle. He was spotted in the company of Xu Hao's wife, a representative of the local government responsible for tax collection in the city" Mei continued, adding to the intrigue.

"Seriously? And what happened next?" I wondered.

*Ye Chen... that's such a typical name for a protagonist. Could he be the protagonist of this world?* I pondered silently.

"Imagine this: Xu Hao's husband caught them during their rendezvous and unleashed the Silver-Haired Devil gang on him. The incident became public knowledge, but then something unexpected happened. Someone began breaking through to the Harmonization of Body and Mind cultivation level right here in the city, triggering a Heavenly Tribulation. Panic ensued, and as a result, Ye Chen managed to escape. Since then, half the city has been searching for him, and a reward has been offered" Mei explained.

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad. It's a shame they lost him, but oh well" I chuckled. They'll probably catch him eventually, but with his likely Plot Armor, he'll survive at easy. Ah, the fact that he appears to be the protagonist could bring us many opportunities. I just need to figure out how to gain boons the protagonist will be seeking. It opens up a whole window of possibilities. The key is not to get too involved with him, or I'll end up with a heap of troubles. I want to live long and enjoy life in my own way. Let him have all those adventures and entertain himself.


After finishing my tea, I went to find Mother. She was in the master bedroom, rummaging through a dresser.

"Hello, Mother. Do you have a moment?" I asked.

"Of course, dear. What did you want?" she replied.

"I wanted to ask if I could bring Zhang Mei, Zhang Jing, and a couple more servants with me to the sect?" I requested.

"Oh, interesting" Mother smiled mysteriously and continued, "Of course, dear. Why not? By the way, do you remember my friend, Sun Li, and her daughter, Sun Ming?"

"Yes, of course. Why do you ask?" I inquired.

"Imagine this, her daughter has also decided to join the Whispering Gale Sect. I'm thinking maybe you could settle nearby so that you can keep an eye on her?" Mother suggested with a little smile.

"Yes, that's something I wanted to discuss as well. I would like the sect to allocate a separate area for me, either by raising a mountain or granting me a mountainous territory on the outskirts. I want it to be spacious because I intend to cultivate plants there. Additionally, I would like Mei to become an External Elder who doesn't hold any political power but can develop her own territory and disciples as she pleases. The fact that she is my maid shouldn't concern anyone. Then I could settle Sun Ming directly on our mountain. I understand that it would come with a considerable cost, but if possible, I would like to obtain it" I explained.

"Hmm, yes, it will be challenging, but it's possible. Also, don't forget that the sect's territory is vast, and cultivating a not high but spacious mountain and assigning it to us would cost a couple of million spirit stones. Yes, it's expensive, but I believe we can allocate the necessary resources. Plus, don't think you'll be alone there. Despite the sect being considered small, there are already around 30 External Elders for similar reasons" Mother informed me.

Hearing that it was indeed feasible, I was thrilled. Thanking Mother and assuring her that I would take care of Sun Ming, I bid her farewell and went about my business.