My First Time *

From Mei's perspective:

After Master asked me to visit him tonight, I blushed at the thought of what might happen. With a silly smile, I entered the secret underground chamber we had installed without Master's knowledge. I couldn't help it, having a hidden operation base made me feel like a secret cardinal of our family. Ahaha.

I clicked the button, and within a minute, Lin Qing entered the room, bowing slightly. "Mistress," she greeted me.

"Report to me. yesterday was a hectic day, and now I'm ready to hear a proper update" I said with a calm tone.

"Overall, everything is within expectations, and the sect is pretty much what we imagined, at least on the surface. It's like a sandbox for a few elders from the higher circle who play games and earn points and spirit stones from external students.

So far, we've noticed five major players, but I believe there are more since we didn't explore the entire center. They use various items as distinguishing marks, like headbands, embroidery on their uniforms, or bandanas.

Since they aren't hiding, I think the sect's leadership is either complicit or indifferent as long as everything remains stable.

If we want to take a position among them, we'll have to think carefully and consider if it's necessary.

The situation here is that people see each other as opponents, and the strong prey on the weak. There are hardly any rules restricting criminal activities, and the enforcement squads only take action when caught, but it's mostly for show, and they probably have a stake in all local affairs.

We don't expect any major problems; we have some background and financial means, so if someone wants to provoke a conflict, it won't be worth it. They won't gain much from us, and we can still cause them trouble. Hiring a high-ranked assassin or thief won't be an issue. So, as long as we don't meddle where we shouldn't, we should be safe.

Everything seems to be going well for us. As for earning spirit stones and sect points, we'll need to think and consult with the young master. I would suggest finding promising individuals, register them as our students, and settle them somewhere on the outskirts of the mountain to avoid attracting attention. They will serve as a cover, and among them, we can select a few in whom we can invest to groom them as future servants and operatives."

"Alright, I understand" Mei said. "I will discuss the key points of our plan with the Master soon, and then we'll see what to do next."

As Mei tapped her index finger on the table, she seemed lost in thought for about 30 seconds before snapping back to the present.

"One last thing for today" I continued, "make sure no one disturbs the Master tonight. He called me to his room, and I won't be pleased if anyone interrupts us."

"I understand, Mistress. Don't worry, you'll have a wonderful evening" Lin Qing assured me.

"Good. You may go now," I replied, releasing Lin Qing.

After that, my day flew by, filled with various tasks and concerns. Finally, the time came to head to the Master's room


As Mei entered the room, she saw the Master standing by the window, sipping herbal drink and admiring the scenery. "Oh, hello Mei, you've come" said the Master as he approached her. "It's time for us to solidify our feelings."

Mei's heart skipped a beat as she blushed, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Yes, Master" she replied softly, her voice filled with anticipation.

The Master gently took Mei's hand in his and led her to a comfortable spot in the room. They sat down together, their eyes locked in a deep connection. With a warm smile, the Master leaned closer and softly kissed Mei's lips.


Xia Tao:

I put both my arms around her and gently stroked her back. "how long have I been thinking about this" I said softly

I gently picked her up in my arms and gently approached the bed and lowered her onto it.

Feeling a mixture of shyness and excitement, Mei gently closed her eyes and clasped her hands together in front of her. Her heart was beating faster with every passing moment as the realization of the significance of this moment sank in. She cherished the warmth of the Master's touch and the tenderness in his actions.

"Mei open your eyes and look at me" I said lovingly "I love you"

as soon as she heard these words, her face lit up with a smile,

"I love you too master"

in a few moments I was on top of her, and continued to hug and kiss her, my heart was filled with passion and confidence that everything that happens is right and it is as it should be

I began to gently unbutton her robe, watching her blush, and began to stroke her tender belly.

"what tender skin you have, I would like to сaress it all my life"

I unhooked her bra and saw her magnificent breasts,

"what kind of magnificence are you hiding here", I felt her body tremble a little from my touch, I gently kissed her shoulder, while squeezing gently her left breast with my left hand

"Mmmmm, more master, more"

I started kissing her right breast and licking a little, then suddenly lightly bit her right nipple and squeezing her left breast with my left hand

I lowered my head between her boobs and took a deep inhale, my body burned with passion and anticipation and began to lower my hand into her lower region

[let's imagine there will be a hot scene with 10,000 thousand words that I can't write, so let's leave it to your imagination]