First Check In Reward

As the morning sun bathed the veranda in its warm glow, I couldn't help but feel content and playful. Seeing Mei still sleeping peacefully under the blanket, I quietly got up, got dressed, and admired her serene form. Poor thing must be exhausted.

The time had come for the third check-in at this new location. Sitting in the comfortable chair on the veranda, I gazed at the tranquil surroundings and wondered what the system had in store for me this time. It was likely to be some small reward, but it still piqued my curiosity.

As people in the house began to wake up, Mei came out with a local herbal concoction. She looked a bit embarrassed and questioned why I hadn't woken her up.

"I wanted you to rest, Mei. You seemed really tired" I chuckled teasingly.

Her cheeks flushed with a mix of shyness and amusement. "What are you thinking about, Young Master?" she asked.

"Oh, just thinking about how we'll be spending our evenings from now on, Mei" I replied with a playful smile.

"Haha, alright, I won't embarrass you further" I continued with a smile

Now, turning my attention to more serious matters, I expressed my plans to Mei. I wanted to expand the pond and introduce some fish to liven it up and some aquatic plants to put there. A pond without any living creatures felt incomplete. Additionally, I mentioned the need to acquire some spirit-emanating herbs and set up the arrays we had obtained. I asked Mei if she could organize these tasks for me.

"Of course, Master" she replied with enthusiasm and a smile, heading off to take care of the matters at hand.

While she busied herself with the tasks, I couldn't help but ponder the impact of our nightly cultivation sessions. I could sense that they had accelerated my progress significantly, perhaps more than weeks of dedicated cultivation. It was intriguing, and I wondered if Mei had noticed the same effect.


As I sipped the herbal drink, I couldn't help but realize how much I missed traditional tea and the meals from my previous world. It was settled; I wanted something that I could grow here to produce the old-world products, and it could potentially be a lucrative venture.

With that in mind, I decided to focus on obtaining items for the garden and selected the Check-In reward.

Ping Check-In 3/3 Choose your reward:

1. Old tree branch

2. Brick

3. Sun hat for outdoor work

"What the fuck? what about these awards, this is pure scam. Hey I wanna rerol or refund, fuck. I muttered to myself, feeling disappointed with the options.

As I pondered further, I made my mind and selected the first option - the old tree branch. Perhaps, even though it was described as a "old tree branch" there was a chance that it hadn't completely dried out yet. If that were the case, it might be possible to revive it and cleft graft it onto other trees. Who knows, maybe it would bear fruits and provide something valuable in the future.


From Zhang Jing's perspective:

It has been a week since we joined the sect, and several interesting events have unfolded. Lin Qing and I flew to the center of outer perimeter of the sect to gather fish, some aquatic plants, and and other supplies for the house. Meanwhile, the master came up with some peculiar plans. He ordered us to obtain an Opioke tree that's several years old and completely healthy, along with a rare spirit-enhancing liquid that promotes tree growth and health. We had to place a custom order for this spirit liquid, making us fly twice to get everything he needed. Then, the master proceeded to cut off the top of the tree and attach some strange items, including an old branch from another tree. I don't understand the purpose of all this, but he assured us that it would be amazing if everything worked out. I can only hope that his plan turns out to be successful, whatever it may be.

Additionally, we finally released the fish into the pond and installed some basic arrays that we had acquired earlier. The estate is slowly becoming a beautiful sanctuary, and it brings me joy to see it flourish.

However, I've become increasingly suspicious of my sister's behavior. Throughout the day, she prevents me from communicating with the young master, and in the evenings, she force Lin Qing to train Hu Mei, Xia Lina, and me. This sudden attention and training are highly suspicious. Moreover, my sister seems oddly happy and fatigued during the day, despite not engaging in any physical activities or training. I must resolve this issue and find out what is causing her strange behavior. There might be more to this situation than meets the eye, and I'm determined to get to the bottom of it.

I need a plan. There's something curious about Ye Chen. One day, he saw us at the center of the sect and started following us, and since then, he came back again. There are interesting rumors about him, wondering if he's interested in the young master. We'll have to be careful around him, and if necessary, we might have to make sure he doesn't bother us anymore. I think my sister or Lin Qing will help me with that.

He seems to be visiting more frequently, boasting to the master about being his elder's favorite disciple. When I asked about the elder, Ye Chen seemed hesitant and quickly changed the topic, describing him as a powerful man with his quirks. He spoke in a hushed tone, and his behavior seemed odd. Perhaps I can use Ye Chen to my advantage in my plan. I just need to find a reason for him to take Lin Qing away temporarily. I'll have to think of a clever scheme.

It's a shame I can't ask my sister directly. If I did, she'd probably tighten our training schedule even more. I wish I could spend more time with the master. Maybe I can persuade her to let Lin Qing go with Ye Chen for a short while.

Ah, what to do? I'll have to devise a careful plan and think it through thoroughly. I don't want to make any rash decisions. Hopefully, a solution will present itself soon