New training program

Lin Qing

Having gathered the 20 disciples we recently accepted into the clan, I walked back and forth before them, preparing to introduce a new training program. Our master had obtained a guide on tactics, teamwork, and training regimens using his unique abilities. We collaborated to transform it into something beneficial for us, as we had initially recruited people without a clear development plan. It was time to rectify this oversight.

"We have decided to introduce a new training plan for the disciples, including those of you who have recently joined the clan and all others as well. We will start with you, and with your help, we will extend this to the rest of the disciples."

"Starting today, you will be divided into three groups of 6, 7, and 7 people respectively. The exact method for this will be determined by drawing lots."

"The teams will live, train, and earn under different conditions" I continued, pausing to observe their reactions. The disciples exchanged curious glances, a mix of excitement and apprehension evident in their expressions.

"Each week, the alpha team will be determined by possession of this item" I said, pulling a wooden rabbit figurine from my spatial ring. The master had recently taken up woodworking as a hobby. Though the rabbit was a bit misshapen, it would serve its purpose. A few disciples chuckled quietly at the sight of the odd figurine.

"This figurine will be covered by a special array that prevents it from being stored in a spatial ring, so hiding it will not be an option" I explained, watching their faces grow more serious.

"The team that holds this figurine at the end of each week will reside in a mini fortress we will be constructing. It will have the best conditions for cultivation, access to certain techniques not available elsewhere, and a salary in points that will allow you to forget missions unless you need many points. Additionally, this team will receive extra rewards based on current performance."

A buzz of conversation broke out among the disciples. The prospect of training, cultivating, and not being distracted by minor tasks was clearly appealing to them. They whispered to one another, discussing strategies and speculating on the new system's impact on their progress.

"The remaining teams will have an additional tax of 20% deducted from their mission earnings. However, the team that fails to capture the trophy for the longest time will be assigned to daily chores such as cleaning, laundry, and tending the gardens."

"Remember, you are not all equal in strength. If the strongest team captures the trophy and you cannot take it back by force, use cunning. Form alliances with other teams if you can negotiate it. In short, do whatever it takes."

"Each of you will be given two amulets. Both are protective, one weak and one strong. If the weak amulet depletes due to a technique or weapon impact, you will be paralyzed and teleported to a designated location, effectively removing you from the game for 24 hours until I or my deputy recharges the amulet. The strong protective amulet will serve as a guarantee of your life," I added thoughtfully. "Unexpected things happen, so do not neglect your safety."

These amulets cost us a considerable amount of money, about a quarter of our current budget, but we will recover our position with the auction proceeds.

The disciples were abuzz with the implications of the new rules. They exchanged glances, some excited, others wary, but all seemed ready to embrace the challenge. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and the thrill of competition.

"If someone whose weak amulet is depleted continues to participate, they and their entire team will be punished. This includes any form of communication with their team. I hope no one is eager to test my imagination after the previous punishments" I said, casting a stern glance at the gathered students, who visibly recoiled under my gaze.

"There are no strict prohibitions, but remember that teams will be reshuffled every month. I advise against creating lasting enmities."

"And lastly, the two teams that lose today will construct the fortress for the winning team, under the supervision of the first team, within two days."

"Now, come up to me one by one to receive your amulets and team tags."

One by one, the students came forward to receive their amulets and team tags. Once everyone had their items and had inspected their teams, I addressed them again.

"At sunset, I will be waiting for the winner at the mansion." I activated the protective and other arrays on the rabbit figurine and tossed it into the air with a shout, "Let the battle begin! Try to not kill each other! Ahahahaha!" I laughed playfully and quickly left the field where chaos was already erupting. This is going to be interesting.

Ye Chen

We were flying to Xia Tao with the goose. I had no idea what cultivation level this damn goose was, but I couldn't catch that fucker that day. Even after that visit, I was still a bit pale and jittery. I hope I can someday forget that day.

"Why the long face? Are you a pussy or something?

Oh no, they used me, oh no, I didn't want that. Tch, be a man and accept what happened, get your balls together or are you lost them?

You got laid anyway, be happy bhahahahah.

Yeah, not from the one you wanted, but you got laid.

So what if she wasn't exactly the one?" he said and burst into laughter.

"Not exactly the one? Ahahaha, damn it, not exactly the one! May a grouse screw you, you bastard! Where were you when I needed you to save me from that hell?"

"Uh, well, I kinda fell asleep. You see, there was some tasty wine in that little room, and I overdid it a bit. No big deal" he said, looking thoughtful for a moment.

I didn't even have the strength to be angry with him anymore; apathy had taken hold of me.

"Don't be so down. Tomorrow we're heading to a place that will definitely benefit your cultivation" the goose said mysteriously.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. Last time you said the trip would help my cultivation, and what happened? It's terrifying to even remember" I shuddered at the thought.

"Don't worry, it turned out almost fine. I wanted to motivate you, and look, it worked! If you were stronger, you wouldn't have had those problems. So suffer! Ahahaha" he laughed again.

"And where do you want to go?"

"Oh, my friend, have you heard anything about the Snowy Mountain to the south of the sect?" the goose asked.

"No, what's there?" I asked with curiosity. "I hope it's not another dose of motivation?"

"Haha, don't worry! Have you heard about the technique of enhancing Yang with Yin?"

"Not really" I said, intrigued.

"Well, the gist of it is that for someone like you, who practices a Yang cultivation technique, it's beneficial to train in cold places filled with Yin energy occasionally. This stimulates your energy to improve. Of course, don't overdo it, or you'll die. But you're lucky, right?"

"Uh, what exactly does it improve? Will I cultivate faster?"

"No, your cultivation speed will decrease significantly, but the quality of your spiritual energy will increase greatly. This will strengthen your foundation and make you relatively stronger in the same realm."

"Hmm, that does sound useful. How long will it take?"

"Well, it depends on what that kid Xia Tao says. He also practices a Yang technique. Whether he'll come with us and what's up with the book and crystals might change our plans a bit."

"Oh, we're approaching" I said, pointing to the nearing mountain.

"Wait, take a left" said the goose, peering intently at something.

Following his gaze, I saw students standing before Lin Qing.

"Want to eavesdrop on what she's telling them?" I asked, intrigued.

"Sure, it's Serenity Peak. We need to understand what they're teaching their students. Probably something like 'don't fight, love nature, sit and want nothing.' It'd be interesting" said the goose.

We flew closer, using spiritual energy to try and hear what was happening.

We caught a funny scene. With the words, "&*%HJS%#$% Kill each other! Ahahahaha!" she threw something into the air, laughed demonically, and disappeared.

"Serenity Peak, my ass. Yeah, right, like I believe that" said the goose.

All I could do was nod and make a mental note not to anger that woman.