Good morning *

Xia Tao

I, was sleeping soundly on my plush, velvet-covered bed, surrounded by the opulent furnishings of my mansion. I was a happy sleeping cultivator after a hard day and a quiet night this time. But as I slowly began to stir, I was startled to feel a gentle, yet insistent, pressure on my groin.

As I opened my eyes, I saw Mei, kneeling beside me, her eyes fixed intently on mine. She was a beautiful woman, with long, red hair and a slender, athletic build. She was dressed in a simple, white nightie, but her beauty was undeniable.

As I watched, she reached out and gently wrapped her fingers around my erect penis. Her touch was warm and soft, and I felt myself growing harder in her grasp. She began to stroke me slowly, her movements deliberate and sensual.

"Good morning, Master" Mei said, pausing her activity for a second. "I hope you're not too upset about this kind of awakening?" She continued giving me a "massage".

"Oh no, not at all. I'm only too happy. What's the occasion?" I asked, enjoying her touch with curiosity.

"I've been quite busy the past few days and haven't been able to give you the attention you deserve. I thought I could make up for my absence this way" Mei said.

To be fair, Mei had indeed been rarely seen in the last three days, evidently occupied with something important.

"Oh yes, I haven't seen much of you lately" I acknowledged.

I lay back against the pillows, feeling a sense of relaxation wash over me. Mei's touch was like a balm to my soul, and I knew that I was in for a wonderful experience.

As she continued to stroke me, I felt my erection growing harder, and I knew that I was ready to take her. I reached out and gently pulled her, pulling her closer to me.

She leaned forward, her mouth inches from my dick, and I could feel her warm breath on my skin. I closed my eyes and waited for her to take me into her mouth.

As her lips wrapped around my penis, I felt a wave of pleasure wash over me. She sucked me slowly, her tongue dancing around my shaft, and I felt myself getting harder and harder.

I reached down and gently pushed her head forward, wanting her to take more of me into her mouth. She complied, and I felt myself being drawn deeper and deeper into her mouth.

As I looked down, I saw her eyes focused on mine, and I knew that she was enjoying herself as much as I was. She was a true professional, and I was grateful for her expertise.

As I continued to fuck her mouth, I felt myself getting closer and closer to orgasm. I reached around and gently stroked her hair, feeling her body relax against mine.

Finally, I came, shooting my semen deep into her throat. I lay back against the pillows, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over me. Mei had done a wonderful job, and I was grateful for her services.

As I lay there, I felt Mei's hand gently stroking my thigh. 

Well, the morning has just begun, let's continue

***Time Skip***

After our productive morning, Mei and I lay on the bed, wrapped in each other's arms, talking.

"Mei, any news about the crystals we need to get the golem?"

"Yes, Master. Judging by our progress, I think we'll have them ready by the end of the week. As for the crystals needed to open the book, we actually managed to finish them today before I came here. Although Lin Qing overexerted herself and will need a couple of days to recover in meditation, there's nothing serious. Just a few days of rest, and she'll be fine."

"Master, have you decided what you want for your birthday? It's just a week and a half away," Mei asked.

"I'm not sure yet; I need to think about it. Honestly, I already have everything I could wish for" I said, hugging Mei a little tighter.

"By the way, I wanted to draw your attention to a couple of things" I added.


"It feels like the bees have become smarter, and judging by the smell coming from the hive, there's honey now."

"Yes, definitely. Because they've been consuming pollen from the new berry that's been fertilized with Celestium, they've been developing and mutating faster. From what I can tell, they don't pose any danger, and they should actually be beneficial to us. Regarding the honey, we might need to wait before collecting it. Since we don't have a large number of plantations, it might be better to leave the honey for the bees to eat and develop further. We have a disciple who monitors them; I'll check with him and get back to you. But it's likely that we won't have any honey from them in the near future, unfortunately."

"That's not ideal, but okay. The second thing is that there are spiders in the strawberries. They don't seem aggressive, but it's unclear how we'll harvest the berries. If the growth rate continues, we could start harvesting in a few days."

"You might not have noticed, but there are more animals on the mountain in general. The closer they are to the pond, the more peaceful they seem to become. I'm not sure if this applies to strangers, but the presence of spiders doesn't surprise me. We'll see. If they become a problem, we'll get rid of them or drive them away. If they help keep the harvest safe from other insects, even at the cost of some berries, it could be a beneficial symbiosis. Also, if they develop like the bees, we might end up with a source of high-quality spider silk, which is very valuable."

"Why are there more animals? And how is this connected to the pond?"

"Since we fertilized the strawberries with Celestium dust and sometimes water them with it, part of this water and fertilizer drains into the pond. This helps the plants and animals in the pond to develop, making the water more beneficial for them. Although it's not as concentrated as in the strawberries, it's still significant. Even the fish have changed slightly; there are more of them, and their scales have a slight pearlescent sheen. We should research this further. One side of the pond has become a watering hole for wild animals. They don't attack each other or show aggression towards us, so they could become natural protectors of our new home."

"Wow, and I missed all of this! I'll have to observe it more closely later!" I said with enthusiasm.