To Find: Season 1 (It's You Tape)

Story Tape #31

The tape starts during the events of 'To Find: Season 1 (Hurry Tape)' when Just left to assault the cave with Team Snow. The room that once had a greenish-blue atmospheric theme to it suddenly switched to a dark purple with reddish color. The song (It's You, By Ali Gatie) begins to fade into the background, the sound of a guitar strumming as Soren sets the duck mask that Just gave him next to him on the counter. Cherry sat down on the edge of the hospital bed near Soren, reaching to hold his hand.

"Soren. It's so good to see you again, how long has it been since we've last spoken to each other?"

Soren nervously chuckled, feeling her soft hand holding onto his as he looked up at her.

"Before I died, so I guess…. Before the 17th of October. I'm not sure."

Cherry smiled at him as she looked around the room, amazed by how the atmosphere changed. She playfully giggled at him.

"What's making you feel all lovey dubby?"

Soren leaned back against the pillow as he closed his eyes, memories of him and Bunny emerged into his mind as he started to cheese embarrassingly.

"Oh nothing, nothing. I just… Remember my time with Bunny. Getting on VRChat and just hanging out, playing Beat Sabers and going to public worlds and trolling people. She was… A very good woman."

Cherry says "Aww" at his response, showing him with kisses on his forehead as Soren chuckled; putting his hands on his face.

"Hey, hey! Be careful, you know that I'm all beaten up. I was tortured, you know. But I remember Bunny, it helps ease the pain."

Cherry pulled away from Soren, lightly rubbing the top of his head.

"Sorry Goosie. You've um… Missed so much while you were gone."

Soren smiled at her, lightly rubbing her arm.

"Yeah, I bet I did. The club… Miss B Haven. Is it still..?"

Cherry shook her head.

"Me, Ara and a few other friends left that club. It was getting too dramatic and hectic. But when Just was around and when his GPU was faulty, people donated to him to help him get a new card."

Soren couldn't hide the smile on his face, sitting up straight on the bed.

"Seriously? Does that mean… That piece of shit RX 580 is gone?"

Cherry cheerfully nods her head.

"Yep. I think he bought an RX 6600 XT"

Soren leaned closer to Cherry, whispering.

"Why does it sound like it has Ray Tracing?

Cherry leaned closer to Soren, whispering as well.

"That's because it does."

Soren was mind blown, leaning back against the pillow.

"Lucky. I've had that crap since 2020, it's about time for a damn upgrade."

Soren chuckled for a while before going silent, looking down. Cherry comforted Soren, placing her hand on top of his as he looked at her.

"Cherry… You were right about Ara… I-I should've just ended it, I should've just moved on… But I was so depressed, I let technology dictate my life, my emotions… I grew up undisciplined, worthless. I don't even contribute to society. The fact that I made a mixtape about her, I just wanted her… My mind is all over the place."

Cherry pulled Soren close to her, giving him a hug as she shushed him.

"Shh… It's okay, I get it. You and Ara were close… Do you still miss her?"

Soren nodded his head slowly.


Cherry reassured him.

"Soren… She doesn't even talk to Just that much, if not then not at all. She moved on."

Soren teared up a bit, holding Cherry tightly.

"Just like Mahajah… Anna… Bunny.. Cussin… Hannah…"

Cherry stopped Soren from talking, questioning him.

"Who are those people?"

Soren slowly pulled away from her, smiling a little.

"A story for another time. Times where I've done them wrong, times where they've done me wrong. That's what social media does to you, right? It makes you notice how alone you truly are. I would think about you, a lot actually… Because I've resonated with you the most, even though I would annoy you at times but you can't say that we've never had a good time."

Cherry nodded at Soren, interlocking her fingers with his.

"Yeah, that's right."

Soren questioned her shyly.

"Trey… Are y'all still-..."

Cherry nodded her head, lightly rubbing his knuckles.

"Yes, I am Soren. I'm sorry."

Soren shook his head, raising his hand as he chuckled a bit trying to hold his tears.

"No, no it's fine. You've known him longer, of course. I just like you, that's all."

Soren looked down as he started to tear up, thinking about the women he's been with not being in his life anymore, not knowing what he's going through. He questioned himself as he began to sob.

"A-Am I really a loser? A worthless loser… Who doesn't contribute to society? To his own family? A loser who… Who-..."

Soren looked down at his hands as he remembered the things he's done with his hands, closing his eyes tightly as tears were pouring from his eyes as his nose started to become stuffy. Cherry didn't know how to comfort him, just sitting there on the edge of the bed watching Soren cry. Before Cherry can get close to him a loud explosion is heard from a distance, creating a shockwave that pushes them and objects back. The windows shattered as Soren fell down on his back as he winced in pain, the wires and tubes that were stuck on him forcefully coming out from the fall. Cherry fell onto her knees, hands on the ground as she was breathing heavily as she looked at Soren in pain from the fall as she crawled over to him.

"Oh God, Soren are you okay?"

Soren slowly nodded his head, sitting up on the ground as he wiped the tears from his face. Cherry helped Soren stand up, looking at each other.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine Cherry… Thanks. What the hell was that?"

Cherry held onto Soren tightly, wrapping her arm around his shoulder; placing her other hand on his abdomen.

"I-I don't know… I need to go check up on my people, I need to make sure that my town is okay. I'll have someone here to look after you in case something happens. Stay here, okay?"

Soren nodded his head, afraid as Cherry set him down on the bed; turning her ear piece on as she called for the nearest security to help look after Soren. Cherry exited the room, people running across the hallway panicking as two security personnel stood near the open door carrying a rifle. Panic grew louder as Soren looked out, seeing a black thick liquid falling from the sky as it started to melt anything that it touched. Soren looked at someone with her hand out to feel the liquid, the woman started to cry out loud in pain as the liquid melted her skin; trying to run to the nearest shelter but it was too late. The liquid started to melt her head, exposing her skull and her brain as she fell on the floor twitching until she died completely. Her skin melted off from her body, Soren looked in horror as he covered up his mouth with one hand; tears flowing between his fingers as he screamed against his hand. One of the security personnel yelled out at Soren.

"Hey, kid!! Step away from the wi-..."

The security personnel that called out to Soren had a mini-missile about the size of a pencil pierce through his skull, his brain and skin splattering as he fell on the ground completely lifeless. The other security yelled out in fear as he pulled the trigger at the unknown threat, but was unfortunately taken out without him firing a single shot. The last security guard head exploded from the piercing shot as Soren's heart was racing as he watched them die so gruesomely, it was as if he was going to pass out. Soren slowly leaned back against the wall across the door. The tape ends with the music cutting off as the camera becomes glitchy, a hooded figure walks down the hallway in front of the door, only being able to see the side of It as the figure slowly turns It's head towards Soren.

"Hello, Soren. I've found you."~

-End of Story Tape #31-