To Find: Season 1 (Missing Tape)

Story Tape #32

The tape begins with a song (Goodbye to a world, By Dendipappey) sounding broken and distorted, Just was under a pile of rubble with one of his legs trapped underneath. The Goo waterfall that was once in the center of the cave wasn't there anymore, the sound of mutated Goo creatures exiting the cave. The Entity followed them behind as It was fully formed into a large being, crawling on all fours as It squeezed Its way into the tight corridor. I slowly gained consciousness as I found myself underneath rubble of debris, I looked down at my leg caught underneath the rocks as I sobbed quietly to myself. It hurts so fucking much. I was too weak to do anything, the sound of Bēlua's voice ringing in my ears.

"Just, what the hell happened? Is this part of your God's plan? We've fucking lost!!" 

Sophismae tries to calm Bēlua down.

"Hey! Don't talk to him like that! He didn't know this was going to happen, look at him. He's hurting."

While Sophismae and Bēlua were arguing with each other, Whisper appeared beside me, kneeling down as he looked at my leg caught underneath the rubble of rocks. Whisper spoke to me, disappointed.

"Who would've thought… Your God betrayed us."

I shook my head in disbelief, groaning in pain as I tried to move the rock off of my leg.

"N-No.. He didn't… He has a plan. He must. There must be a reason for this. Everything has a reason."

Whisper sees me struggling to remove the rock off of me, shaking his head as he walks away into the darkness.

"H-Hey… Whisper, where are you going?"

The hell got into him? Now he's acting differently with me? I called out Bēlua, Sophismae and Quiesco. 

"I'm too weak to do anything. Can any of you help me?"

Silence is all I heard. I sighed looking up at the exposed ceiling, seeing the void-less endless night sky as I then looked down defeated.

"D.E.F.E.A.T won… He fucking won…"

In the distance I saw something flashing on the inky floor, I squinted my eyes a bit to clear my vision a little, eyes widening as I saw my cross. It was across from me on the other side of the cave.

"G-God… Wait, I'm c-coming… Please, help me." 

I attempted to remove the rocks off my leg, the veins on my hands and arms tightening as I clench my teeth as my neck tightens up; feeling the strength from Bēlua, Sophismae and Quiesco helping me out. After some time of struggling I finally managed to remove the debris of rocks off of my leg, breathing heavily in relief. I couldn't move my leg due to it being injured, I summoned the cartridge into my hand as I clenched my fist, my wounds healing up at a fast rate. I slowly got up off the ground, I felt my heart feeling weak as I moved slowly towards my cross. I healed myself… Why do I feel like this? I feel so sluggish… So weak… I leaned down to grab my cross, wrapping it around my neck as I put it on. The cross looked filthy, dirty, covered in ink. God… Was this supposed to happen? I… I thought I did everything right. Did I anger you? What should I do? I turned around to see the creatures exiting the cave, sighing sadly as I looked down at the dead bodies of my teammates as they were mutilated and unrecognizable. Sophismae spoke to me softly. She knew how sad I was as she started to comfort me.

"Sweetheart… You need to keep going… Please, maybe all hope is not lost. You need to go find Soren. Also Cherry, you remember Cherry, right? Maybe she's still ok."

I nodded my head as I wiped the tears from my face, putting my face mask on. I weakly walked down the tight corridor of the cave, parts of the walls and ceiling were broken off. I looked down at the trails of blood and body parts scattered on the floor, my ear felt uncomfortable as I took the ear piece out. Unfortunately it was broken. I dropped it on the floor as I quietly walked down the corridor, feeling the hot air from outside brushing against my body. Moments later I finally made it outside, everything looked destroyed with rubbles of rocks and tree branches were all around the area. The Forest was on fire, my eyes were getting watery from the smoke as the raining goo was melting and burning everything it touched.. The vision… It came true… Seeing smoke rising up in the sky, seeing that it's the town on fire as I got dropped down on my knees bawling my eyes out. I yelled out loud, my heart filled with grief.


Hearing the screams of the people coming from the town, the sounds of the fire crackling as I covered my face. 

"I failed… I'm so sorry… I'm so… Fucking sorry. I thought I could stop it. Why God? Why did You let this happen?!" 

I looked down at my cross as I tried to calm myself, Quiesco speaking to me.

"Just, keep moving. Crying won't solve anything, be cautious. For some reason We feel weak… We are not sure if this is the work of your God, but only you can defend yourself. We are deeply sorry."

I had my moment before getting up off the ground, slowly walking down the burning forest trail as it led me to the Town. I walked slowly, sobbing along the way as I looked up at the dark, empty sky wondering why God… Why? Time went by, I was stuck battling with myself in my mind… Beating myself down. I made it to the town front gate, destroyed. Seeing the inside of the building getting raided by creatures, killing civilians and children. I started to hyperventilate as I burst into tears, hearing their cries. This evil world… Mercy doesn't exist… The sound of gunfire and shouting echoes throughout the town, seeing civilians and masked members having their skins being completely melted off dead on the ground. I looked at the Hospital as I clenched my fist, summoning my bat. I cautiously walked down the chaotic town, looking around as I entered the Hospital building. I closed the door to see the inside of the building to be in ruins, papers and objects everywhere. Seeing a few dead bodies that are ripped to shreds, eaten and mutilated corpses scattered lifeless on the cold tiled floor. I put my bat away as I summoned my pocket knife, I was upset that this happened… I'm going to kill them, all of them. As I slowly walked down the bloody, deep red hallway a creature grabbed my arm from inside the room with its uncanny face stretching its mouth open to try and bite me. I yelled out due to being frightened, stabbing the creature on the side of its head as it instantly died; dropping it on the ground as I kicked its face multiple times in rage, placing both of my hands on the wall to balance myself.

"Fuck you! Fuck you Fuck you FUCK YOU FUCK YOUU!!!" 

I kicked its face one last time, my dress shoe covered in blood and goo. Panting heavily, continuing to make my way towards the room Soren was being kept in. I looked down to see two mangled security guards, one without a head and the other whose face was unrecognizable. 

"Oh, no no no… Soren… Cherry…!" 

I walked into the room panicking as I didn't see either of them, looking at the counter to find the duck mask that I gave to Soren; walking up to it as I held onto the mask.


I rested my head against the mask, sighing deeply as Sophismae spoke to me.

"My dear… Maybe they are at Enlightened Pearl, perhaps go over there. You might find them."

I pull my forehead away from the mask, putting it on as I look out the window; the sound of chaos echoes within the burning town. I saw muzzle flashes near Enlightened Pearl, vaulting over the window in a rush as I summoned my bat. Bēlua spoke.

"Remember Just, we don't have any energy to help you out and you only have one cartridge. Don't do anything stupid."

I breathed heavily while running down towards the Enlightened Pearl building. A couple of creatures tried attacking me from my left side as I quickly swung my bat at them horizontally; causing them to fall back in pain from the burning effect of the light. I continued to keep running as I called out for Soren and Cherry.

"Soren!! Cherry!! Where are you?!?" 

The door to the Enlightened Pearl opened up, seeing Jelen with several of her squad members shooting at the regular creatures and the one mutated by the Goo. I slammed my bat downward on the ground, creating orbs of light as I hit the orb at the regenerating Goo creatures; giving myself time to make it inside the building as the doors were shut. The song (HAUNTED, By Isabel LaRosa) played at its original pace. I placed my hands on my knees, coughing out loud as Jelen started to pat my back, relieved to see me.

"Holy shit Just, you're alive. I-... We thought that you were dead. That explosion…"

After catching my breath I nodded my head, standing myself up as I placed my hands on her arms. 

"Y-Yeah well… ah… I'm fine. Jelen, have you seen Cherry and Soren?"

Jelen shook her head, worried.

"N-No… I haven't. Cherry said that she was going to help find her people around the town and bring them over here, but she hasn't come back."

I sighed in frustration, swinging my bat against the wall multiple times.


Jelen stood back, the surviving citizens were scared as they looked at me. I turned around to see the people's reaction, looking down as I quietly sob to myself.

"Soren is missing… I saw that he had security with him, but they were killed. I saw the teammates that Cherry gave me fucking dying one by one.. It's my fault Jelen, I'm sorry. I failed."

Jelen walked up to me, comforting and reassuring me.

"No, it's not your fault. We have to figure something out."

I looked down to think about what to do, hearing shouting from Jelen's squad members. 

"Ma'am! They're breaking through the door!!" 

We looked to see the door slowly melting from the burning Goo, my heart was racing as people were getting worried. I closed my eyes as I let out a deep sigh, looking at Jelen. 

"Jelen, have you and your team focus on the regular creatures. I'll handle the Goo ones. Even though I can't kill them, I can at least keep them immobilized until we figure out an escape route. Don't worry about the rain, I have an aura that can chain through all of us but y'all can't be too far away from me. Okay?"

Jelen nodded her head as she got her Squad to come near her, I stood in front of the door trying to ready myself. Hearing the door sizzling from it being melted, clenching my bat handle tightly as I open the door and slam my bat downward on its head; falling on the ground stunned. Jelen and her squad moved out from the door, shooting at the regular uncanny creatures as I pushed the Goo creature away from the door. I checked my surroundings since I was vulnerable, looking to my left and to my right, my back and my front. A projectile grazed against my shoulder, looking to see where it came from; seeing a roof occupied with a few Goo creatures. I grunted in anger, slamming my bat against the ground to summon multiple orbs; aggressively swinging my bat to send the orbs flying at them as their bodies exploded creating a chain light reaction, blinding nearby enemies. I ran at one of them who was stunned as I swung the bat across its face, making it fall on the ground as I hit its face with my bat downward numerous times out of hatred and rage.

The Goo creatures that exploded slowly began to regenerate, frustrated as I see one of Jelen squad members getting pounced by a Goo creature; drooling hot goo on his face as his mask started to boil and melt as he screamed.

"AhhhhHHHHHhhhhHhh!! GET IT OFF OF ME!!" 

Jelen and a few of her squad members were distracted by the screams of their teammate, I looked back at them as I shouted. 


I ran up to the Goo creatures, hitting it across the face with my bat as I looked down at the member slowly dying from having its face melted off. Hearing the sounds of the creatures footsteps quickly crawling at me, grabbing the gun from the dead teammate after saying "I'm sorry." Shooting widely at the creatures as some of my bullets were missing due to not aiming and controlling the recoil. All three of them were eventually hit by the bullets and died, hearing the whooshing sounds of projectiles being shot at me. I ran towards a table as I vaulted over it, hiding behind a pillar attached to the outside of a restaurant. Breathing heavily as I checked the magazine of the gun.


I raised an eyebrow.

"How the fuck do I count the magazine?"

Due to having little knowledge of firearms I sighed heavily, feeling so stupid and ignorant. 


I heard a noise coming from my right side as I pointed the gun at the nearby sound. It was Jelen. She stood beside me against the pillar, reloading her gun as she looked at me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Anyway, I think I found an escape route."

I raised my hand, a gesture of saying that it's fine. I looked at her, feeling hopeful. 

"Oh really? What's the plan?"

I peeked a little to see the members defending themselves, creatures and members dying. The Goo creatures started to fully regenerate themselves, placing my left index finger and thumb on the bridge of my nose out of frustration. Jelen starts to tell me about her escape plan.

"Ok, so… Near the school is a–..."


That's all Just heard… The music stopped abruptly when he heard that noise. The sound of a body thudding on the ground, hearing blood leaking, pieces of flesh and blood splattered on his mask. Just stood in shock, slowly turning to the side where Jelen was at… N-No… Jelen… Just looked at Jelen's lifeless body, half of her head gone while still having half of her mask on. The LED lights that were once on are now off, for good. Just slowly kneeled down on the ground, Jelen's body leaned back against the pillar on the floor as his breathing was shaky. Just leaned in, removing the mask from her face… Why was that the first thing he did? Was it out of fear? Did he want to see who was behind the mask? 

"Oh God…."

"Cherry… Oh no… No… no no no nooooo

… noo noo ohh noo…"

Jelen was Cherry all along. The song (Another Love, By Tom Odell) begins to slowly play in the background, Just heart is broken and torn apart. Sophismae, Whisper, Quiesco and Bēlua were silent… After a while Sophismae spoke.

"Just… I-I am so sorry… Oh dear…"

Just started to tear up, pulling Cherry's body close to his as he hugged her dead body tightly, bawling out loudly with his nose becoming stuffy and watery; tears making his vision blurry.


The squad members who were fighting saw Just holding Cherry, most of them sobbing as some were quiet. A female member crying out loud… 

"Cherrryyy…. NOOOO!!!"

She started to move away from him. The aura around her started to flicker, he looked at the female slowly shaking his head.

"N-No… Wait… D-Do…Don't…" 

He reached his hand out, watching her moving further away as the aura around her disappeared. The raining goo started to melt her body as she screamed in pain, Just, the squad, and creatures watching what was happening. Just started to break down crying as the female killed herself, shaking his head in disbelief as he held Cherry tightly. Just looked around to see who killed her, confused and terrified. He then saw the Entity… The Entity that followed Just in the woods when he first entered Soren's Mind. They both made eye contact with each other, the Entity smiling widely at him with Its neck crooked. Just stared at It with fear, taking his duck mask off as tears were pouring from his eyes uncontrollably. 

"No… No no no no no…. No.." 

Just looks down at his hands, summoning a cartridge as Bēlua questions him.

"Just, what are you doing?"

Just didn't hear Bēlua calling for him, being stuck with his own feelings and emotions as he cancels everything and everyone else out. He placed the cartridge on Cherry's hand, closing it as he applied a bit of pressure. 

"H-Here Cherry, take this. You'll be fine, alright? You're going to be okay."

He applied enough pressure for the cartridge to break, that was Just last one. The liquid didn't sink into Cherry skin, dripping down between her fingers and onto her clothing and floor. Bēlua, Sophismae, Whisper and Quiesco shouted out at Just. He didn't hear anything.

"W-What's wrong? Why isn't it working?"

Just hears screaming from the squad, seeing them getting butchered and eaten. He looked down at Cherry, he couldn't help but to cry as he heart felt so much sadness and grieve. Why God, why did You take her away from me? Just hugged her even tighter, feeling her body slowly dissipating as her body breaks off into shiny crystalized flakes. He felt her weight on his body becoming light, Just calling out to Cherry.

"N-No please don't go… Cherry! CHERRYYY!!!" 

Just stood up as he reached out to grab her once more, forming into a small crystal in the shape of a star, quickly rising up into the endless dark sky. Just cried out, his face covered in sweat and tears.


The tape switches cameras.

The Merchant was walking in the cold night in the City of Blinded Faith, traveling around with his stand as he saw a shiny star flying up in the sky. He was deeply saddened, quietly speaking to himself 

"Oh no… My little duck friend… What has happened?"

The tape switches back to Just, dropping down on his knees as he hears creatures laughing at him as he regains his senses. Just put his head on the wet ground, holding his stomach as he couldn't stop crying. The sound of Bēlua echoes within his ears.

"Just! Get up, get the hell up!! You need to run, now! Cherry said school, right? Search over there so we can get the hell out of here."

After Just had his moment of expressing his grief he stood up in silence, putting his mask on as he clenched his fists tightly as he sniffles underneath his mask trying to control his breathing.

"I'm… Not running… I'm… I'm going to kill them all."

Sophismae tries to speak some reasoning into Just.

"No! You can't take them all by yourself, you need to run Just, please dear!"

Kill them all. Kill them all. Kill them all!!

I am going to KILL THEM ALL!!!

The song (Time of Dying, By Three Days Grace) began to fuel Just with rage and hatred, letting out a loud roar as he summoned the Staff of Rotten Deceived. Four of them call out to Just, saying "Laqueum" as he casts down multiple traps on the floor. Just yelled out loudly to the creatures.


A creature sneaked up behind Just as he quickly turned around, impaling the sharp end of the Staff into its forehead; quickly pulling out. Another creature rushes at Just, he kneels down and sweeps the creature off of its feet; sliding the sharp end inside of its mouth. One of the traps was set off, Just taking his left hand out as he says "Cimex." Summoning a bug into his hand and throwing it at the creatures who set it off, Bēlua yells at Sophismae.

"Sophismae! Get him to stop!!"

Sophismae says "okay," a poisonous mist forming around Just while he is about to attack a creature.

"No. No! NO!!" 

The mist engulfed Just back into his mind, seeing Sophismae from afar the dark existence; Just was being pulled by shadowy creatures keeping him still. Just called out to Sophismae.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

Sophismae looked back at Just, controlling his body so that he doesn't get himself killed.

"Sweetheart. It's for your own good, you're acting through your emotions. We need to get away from this town!" 

Just shook his head.

"Not until I kill–..."

Just began to pull himself away from the shadows grabbing onto him, crawling on top of each other to make sure he doesn't reach Sophismae.

"I-I … Kill…Them…"

Just clenched his teeth as he roared out loud, releasing himself from the shadows grips as he reached out to place his hand on Sophismae's shoulder. Sophismae shouts out "NO!!!" loudly, Just yelling out "ALL!!" at the same time.

The screen goes black.

A dark, greenish smoke swirls around Just as he summons the Blades of Vengeful Gust. Bēlua was upset as he raised his voice at Quiesco.

"Quiesco! Don't let him die!!"

Just started to throw Blades at the pursuing creatures of many different uncanny features, one of the Goo creatures shot a projectile at Just but he evades it with a swift slide as he approaches it. Just cross began to grow bright as it flashes the Goo creature, stabbing all over its front and back body to keep it stunned and to increase its recovery time. Just cast the 'Umbilicus' spell, gaining enhanced movement speed and accuracy with his Blades; throwing a barrage of them at the creatures up at the burning rooftop, reloading in between six throws. Just yelled out in anger.


Just was on an emotional rampage, killing the regular creatures and stunning the Goo ones. Moments later the dark, greenish smoke starts to swirl around Just as he knows what to expect next. Inside his mind once more as Quiesco is controlling his body. They spoke to him.

"Just, you need to relax. What did We talk about before? Being able to deal with pressure. Do you not remember? You will make one wrong move and you will end Us. Relax yourself." 

Just tries to escape from the grasp of the shadows, pulling him back into the darkness so that he doesn't interfere with Quiesco taking over.

"Y-You don't know what it's like, being weak, being worthless… In here, I feel worthy! So let me prove my worth by avenging the ones who died because of me! Please!! Let me make it right!!" 

Just grunted as he pushes the shadows off of him, elbowing and punching them as his rage causes to let himself free. He reached to grab Quiesco's shoulder before they turned around, grabbing onto both of Just arms in a struggle.

"No! You need to relax!! Just, do NOT do this!"

Just lashes out at Quiesco.


Just and Quiesco continue to struggle as he head-butts Quiesco, making It lose their grip on Just as he reaches to touch their shoulder.

The screen goes black.

Just makes a loud roaring sound as a dark mist swirls around him, summoning the Claws of Screams as some of the creatures were terrified while others wanted to kill Just. Bēlua yelled at Just.

"Just! Enough!! GO TO THE SCHOOL! GO TO TH–.... Fuck it…"

Before Just even lay his claws on a creature, the dark mist engulfed Just as he yelled out "NO!!" Once again Just found himself in the empty, dark plane but he had no shadows to pull him down. He was confused, breathing heavily as he looked at Bēlua as he quickly walked up to him; sobbing while maintaining his direct voice.

"Bēlua, let me kill them all. " 

Bēlua slowly turned around to look at Just, silence. They both just stare at each other. Bēlua spoke.

"You want to die? Fine."

Bēlua reached to grab Just neck, slowly spinning around 360 degrees as Just body was lifted off the ground as he was about to be thrown into the large projection screen.

"It's. Your. FUCKING. FUNERAL!!"

Both Bēlua and Just yell out loud as Just was thrown onto the projection screen and into reality, tumbling and rolling on the floor as he grunted. Creatures started to swarm Just, snarling and growling at him as he was too tired or perhaps his access to summoning the powers were denied. He summoned the bat into his hand, using both hands to hold the handle as he looked all around to see them slowly closing it.

"Come on… FUCKING COME ON!!"

The creatures up on the roof were about to shoot at Just with their projectiles, but the first Entity that met Just at the woods raised It hand, shaking Its head at them. It spoke to them, whispering sinisterly.

"I. WiLl. HanDlE. ThIs." 

The tape shows the Entity balling up Its fist, a dark energy swirls around Its hand. While Just was distracted he quickly dashes at him from being, delivering an overhead blow as It swung Its fist downward against the top of Just head. Just immediately dropped down on his knees, his body stopped functioning but was barely even conscious. Bēlua, Sophismae and Quiesco shouted out at Just.

"Just, NOOO!!"

The tape views Just in First-Person, one of the creatures that was in front of Just pushes him back on the ground, lightly kicking his chest as fell back. The camera glitches and makes static noises. The tape then switches to an overview of Just now unconscious. A voice spoke.

"Bring him with us."

The Entity with the crooked neck asked, looking back at Enlightened Pearl with the civilians inside.

"WhAT. ShAlL. We. DO. AbOuT. ThEm?"

The camera shows D.E.F.E.A.T turning around with his eerie, hyper-realistic smile. Looking at the Enlightened Pearl building, nodding his head.

"Trash them."

The Shadow-Walkers nodded their heads, walking inside the building as the tape ended hearing the sounds of the surviving citizens screaming in pain and agony as they were being ripped to shreds. Just body was getting dragged on the ground, going inside of a black portal. The camera pans out over the burning, destroyed town. The Entity hovering over the city laughs hysterically as the screen slowly fades to black.~

-End of Story Tape #32-