Perfect Storm

A month after he returned to the mansion, as early summer sun was shining high in the sky, while sparring with Old Yen, a subordinate ran up to the latter, whispering in his ear.

"B-boss, they... hit the Sects"

He spoke widening his eyes a little as it was a little too early for that step, causing Wu Long to narrow his eyes in thought.

'Did I spook him too much with that "corpse puppet" play?'

His thoughts immediately went to the events a month and a half prior.

'Tch, this is why too volatile people are troublesome'

Gu Zhen was too erratic, as he could be satisfied with a 'win' thus not minding any smaller setbacks at one moment, and enraged at a smallest hiccup in the other.

It all depended on his mood, and while it could be to an extent manipulated, the true unpredictable nature of his mood swings proved problematic at times.