The final piece

A week passed since the Feng House and Princess Cai Yin officially signed a trade agreement with the Soaring Feather Trading Company.

They instantly solved the sudden food crisis for the Fantian and Tingren Kingdoms respectively, turning the tables on their political opponents.

It also marked a week since around 300 Sects all across the continent, the entirety of this continent's cultivation world, had massive changes to their structure all at the same time. 

Some had revolts, toppling the Sect Master and their supporters, just like what happened in the Frozen Garden Palace.

Some had to purge a portion of their conservative Grand Elders and Elders, alongside their supporters, much like it was supposed to happen in the Clear River Pavilion which Wei Lan was part of.

There were also cases among them of Sects prevailing over the takeover, but crushed by several neighboring ones who did not, thus perishing almost overnight.