Perseverance Pay-Off, Total Extermination!

'It's a long task.'

Unlike the short dives that he took on the way to this point, Damian quickly realized how taxing it was for him to do it without the least bit of rest.

Once again, in just two hours, he had taken down over a thousand Hobgoblins, something that he only had done over 24 hours for the past seven days, yet it all felt like it was just a drop in the sea.

The remainder were at least twice as much, if not more, and the more progress he made, Damian realized how unrealistic this last stand was.


Although he seemed untouchable to the Hobgoblins, that was merely an illusion created by the auto-pilot mode that Damian put himself in.

If all he had to do was take their lives, then sure, Damian was capable of that much. However, keeping his own was where the problem lay. Over time, his evasion efforts had to be doubled, and the demand was still on the rise.