The Devouring Seventh Ring

[ Aura +1 ]

[ Aura +1 ]

[ Aura +1 ]

Although not completely, once Damian had absorbed enough Life Stones, the headache was restricted to a smaller part of his brain, allowing him to analyze his current situation.

'As expected, staying awake for this long was too much.'

While not direct, prolonged sleep deprivation was practically slow suicide. If not for the fact that Damian had the support of Life Stones, his brain would have automatically shut itself off, causing organ failure followed by eventual death.

However, it wasn't like Damian had a say in this matter. Getting some sleep during the pursuit would have been just another method of self-harm. After all, he would be leaving himself prey to the Hobgoblin's clubs.

In the end, Damian only did the best he could do. Forcing himself to go on auto-pilot must have also had something to do with this earthquake-grade headache, but that was also a necessity.