Green Blood Orb(Artifact - Scam)

[ Green Blood Orb(Artifact - Battalion): A magical tool quenched by the blood of the Ancestor of all Green Skins. It carries his immense resentment for all and every race other than his.

Special effect: When in groups larger than 100, Marching Speed +10.

Special Ability: As long as the Battalion carries enough hatred for their enemy, Stamina is replenished automatically. Hatred gradually increases the longer the Artifact is used.

Activation Ability: In exchange for consuming the Battalion's Life Force, 'Blood Frenzy' can be activated - Only usable once per month.

Usage restriction: Can only be used by and for Green Skinned Monsters. ]

'What the…'

Looking at his supposed reward, Damian felt like he was experiencing the Labyrinth's true shamelessness for the first time. 

Compared to the crazy enchantment that was added to the Black Knight Helmet, this was on a whole new level of insane!