Hobgoblin King! Hyper Regeneration?


Unlike the swift Goblin King that sent shivers to Damian's body with every movement, the supposed Hobgoblin King was more like a sturdy boulder… Perhaps even a Mountain wouldn't be an exaggeration.

'It's slightly bigger than the Bugbear.'

The Goblin King came in the same size that all Goblins came in. However, this Hobgoblin was even larger than the Bugbear. 

Although Damian estimated his current grown body to be close to 180 centimeters, facing this hulk of a monster, he looked more like a dwarf.

'But where is the weapon?'

However, what surprised Damian the most was that even to this point, the Hobgoblin King refrained from picking anything that could be identified as a weapon.

It was just standing there, staring at Damian as if waiting for him to make a move.

'Don't tell me…'

In Damian's imagination, the Hobgoblin King was something that was supposed to remind him of his first Hobgoblin battle.