A Study On Focused Regeneration

Less than an hour later, Damian's first-ever purchase of whey protein arrived. 

"Thank you."

Since he had to cover his reddened skin, Damian could cover his hands with a glove before extending it and quickly grabbing the container.

Damian could see that the delivery man was weirded out, but he simply shrugged and walked away. After all, the order had been paid for electronically, all he had to do was get the thing there.

"This should make things easier."

His knowledge about protein types and their uses mostly came from the 'Gym Bros' during his one-month attempt to get in shape, but most of it was actually true.

When it came to processed protein, whey was the fastest in digestion. Since the slower chicken breasts were digested so quickly, Damian believed that it would be the perfect supplement for Focused Regeneration… For now, at least.