Ryu Dojo


The alert Damian instinctively reacted by evading and raising his arm to strike back, but he just stopped just as he was about to deliver a neck chop.

"I'm sorry!"

The surprise attacker had already fallen flat on the floor. Rather than something intentional it was obvious that he tripped while swinging his…

'It's just a bamboo sword.'

While it would hurt to get receive a direct from it, it wasn't anything life-threatening, thanks to which, Damian was able to stop himself from attacking.

'Combat Instincts gave no reaction at all.'

The basic instincts that Damian had nurtured in the Labyrinth were still too green, but Combat Instincts had a strong filter suitable for an A-ranked Passive.

"It's okay… I was wondering if I could join this training institution."

Giving a hand to the fallen boy, Damian inquired about the registration process.