Sword Picking

'It's different.'

Holding a bamboo sword was completely different from holding a shortsword. Gripping might be a universal skill that worked for all weapons, but achieving the right sense of balance was different for each weapon.

The difference between a shortsword and a longsword was just as wide as the difference between a shortsword and a mace.

'As expected, I can't just become a jack of all trades by being good at combat.'

While he did manage to learn a lot about the shortsword and the mace under the extreme circumstances that he was in, that didn't make Damian a combat genius, it just made him good at using these specific weapons.

Of course, having experience with weapons in general made the entry requirements for learning other weapons a little less demanding… The fact that Kei seemed to notice that only made Damian more confused about his response.

"I didn't even get to know the registration fee…"