Bokken Time

'It's time for a change.'

On the 14th of July, 11 PM, Damian left his house without the shinai for the first time ever since he received it.

Although losing the familiar weight in his back felt unusual despite the little time they spent together, Damian wasn't sad to let it go, something heavier would come to replace it very soon.

"So you finally think you are ready?"

Of course, the shinai in question was actually in Damian's Inventory, but Kei understood the meaning of its visual absence. The first abnormality that he was waiting for was finally here.

Even if holding the shinai was easier than holding a real sword, most people still took months if not years to get a proper hang of it. Yet, Damian was already ditching it just after one week of training!

"Do you think I am ready?"

Of course, Damian didn't think he actually mastered the shinai, but he did get a slight hang of how to use a sword in general.