Vessel Refinement

'It's only at times like this that it feels long.'

Standing half-naked in front of the mirror, Damian had to take one second to appreciate the results of his month-long training.

Faint ab-lines, a firm chest, noticeable pumps on both sides of his arms, a well-defined calf… Although every moment was fleeting due to the continuous surge of excitement, the results weren't as short-lived.

What was just a month in real time was no different from 6 months to a whole year of consistent muscle building!

'Even my face is more defined now.'

Since 5 others were changing next to him, Damian quickly put the provided fitness suit on, but that didn't hide his changed face.

He never really bothered to take a deep look at it during the last month, but now that he did, it reminded him of the remodeled face that he received when he possessed Iris, almost as if it was a preview of what his face would be if he lost most of the unnecessary fat!