Rating Standards, Damian's Biggest Fear

Going with the flow, Damian completed the fitness assessment without any problems. While he gave it his all, he didn't go as far as putting on the Black Knight Helmet to cheat his way in.

As a result, his numbers were well within the average of the other examinees. In fact, Damian was only second to the person who went out at the start… Of course, that was excluding the special case on the side.

"His speed shouldn't increase as much without activating his abilities, but it's still within the C-rating range…"

Even the supervisors couldn't help being impressed when they saw the Physical Awakened jump on the treadmill.

Running for a long time required stamina, but effortlessly matching the treadmill's increasing speed was all about agility. Using his previous experience as Iris, Damian judged that this guy had already passed Agility's first milestone.