
Metallic Overview

"Kunzite. Yanda. What are you two doing? Did you not get the report in your Orbs?"

The two bright haired individuals glanced backwards from their position on the very edge of the large sandy hill overlooking the Mapel hideout, eyeing Yokina as the Aries Vice Captain trekked closer. It had only been a few minutes since Obinay had had his speech, with Mako pulling Jak out of the way shortly after in order to converse with him in private, away from those who could potentially overhear them. The conversation could barely get off the ground though before the white haired Rift Hunter intercepted, poking her nose into their business.

"You and the rest of the Water Wolves will be following my squad into the Domed Spider. We'll be taking the Southeastern entrance and securing its route. Our job will be to simply make sure none leave, allowing the others to push in for an arrest."

Jak said nothing in response to her. Mako glanced at the redhead, his gaze holding an unasked question, unto which the fiery redhead merely shrugged in response.

"We already know," Mako said, taking Jaks reaction into account. "We'll be there shortly. We're just discussing Jaks unreasonable outburst."

Yokina didn't immediately respond, icy hues narrowed in contemplation before ultimately softening followed closely by a gentle sigh, a breath of ice cold air escaping her lips. Turning around, the snowy female walked away from them, making her way back towards her squad of adventurers. "We move out in fifteen minutes. If you aren't ready to depart in that time frame than punishment will ensue for breaking the rules. Keep that in mind."

Mako and Jak waited until she had completely vacated the area before turning back towards the hideout. The blue haired Rookie kneeled down, eyes zeroing in on the massive architecture resting in the sand.

"You aren't gonna tell her?" Jak queried. "About the base?"

A hot breeze ruffled the hair of the two youths, giving an almost surreal image from their placement above everything and everyone.

"We don't know anything about what's going on," Mako explained, grabbing a handful of sand before letting it trickle back out. "Nothing about whose involved, what everything could mean, how it fits into the larger picture. What's the use of telling her when it'll only be seen as mere paranoia?"

Jak said nothing in response.

The base was comprised of pure Athrafstos, that was the conclusion Mako had drawn up when Obinay had summoned a giant hologram depicting the hideout in its entirety. Even on a see through screen, Athrafstos was easy to tell apart due to its grainy texture and the way it was formed, or at least it was to Mako and Jak. To most other casual adventurers, mainly the ones who were on the current excursion, they most likely had no idea how significant a whole building made out of the world's most expensive metal was, if they could even figure out the metal. It was the equivalent of making a mansion out of nothing but pure gold coins but ten times worse, and this was the reason Mako had pulled Jak aside, to discuss the matter.

"Even if others were aware about the buildings infrastructure, I doubt they would care," Jak eyed the six stone legs of the hideout. "The Mapel's are from a noble family. They aren't exactly short of money."

"Enough money to build an underground castle of pure Athrafstos?" Mako questioned rhetorically. "It doesn't make much sense. Especially since the other Branches for the Mapel line cut Uglio off years ago."

Jak frowned slightly. That wasn't information he was privy to beforehand as it wasn't something freely announced to the public, likely being kept under complete wraps. The only reason Mako would have the information is because he was actually a Mapel, a descendant of one of the Eight Elemental Heroes, one of those legendary beings to exist during the Godly Era. To say that it changed everything was an understatement. Prior to this knowledge, one could assume that Uglio had the help of his lineage and just write it off as the privilege of the rich.

But now the question became, how had Uglio Mapel managed to build such a monstrosity? How had he gotten the materials shipped to 'Ard Araml without anyone noticing what was going on? If it had been a donor, then what was the reasoning behind building a palace of Athrafstos? What was the benefit?

Just like always, Jak was beginning to see Mako's thought process.

"We could cross reference those coming in and out 'Ard Araml and the cargo," a voice sounded out, cutting into the redheads thoughts as if they could hear them.

Mako and Jak turned around, zeroing in on the one approaching them.

A giant set of butterfly wings was the first thing that caught Jaks attention, a collection of red, gold, and orange sparkling in the light of the two suns. The owner of those wings was a young woman who looked to be in her mid to late thirties with soft grey hair that just barely reached her shoulders and neon orange hues. She donned a white dress that stopped mid thigh with frills at the very end and a small pale blue overcoat that managed to support her enormous wings. On the very back of the coat was the symbol of a White Rabbit, the same symbol Jak had been seeing throughout the majority of the trip. Situated on her head, like a weird set of wings, was a bow.

((" She's a Buttermoth, a butterfly demihuman,")) Jak glanced at her wingspan, at the intricate patterns lining it. (("Been a while since I've seen one."))

The young woman slowly trekked up the sandy dunes, her wings gently flicking every which way, most likely helping her keep her balance. Her bright orbs shifted from Jak to Mako and back to Jak again, a curious look on her face.

"A cross reference wouldn't work," Mako waved, commenting on her words. "'Ard Araml is a Forsaken world. The WGC plays no part in anything that has to do with it, including who comes in and out of it's portal."

"It was worth a shot," The young woman scratched the back of her head. "I'm sorry for intruding in the conversation. I couldn't help but overhear."

"You were flying above us the entire way from the Rift," Mako remarked. "Almost since the moment we entered the desert. You most likely overheard everyone."

"You noticed me since then huh," The demihuman looked quite impressed. "You got some pretty good detection skills there."

"Maybe just a little."

"Anyways. I'm Psyche Cho, Second General to the White Rabbits Guild. I'll be joining your group in the Southeast."

"You're the second Rift Hunter on our team?" the blue haired Rookie noted. "I'm Mako-"

"Oh, there's no need to introduce yourselves," Psyche interrupted. "Everyone knows who the two of you are. The Water magic user Mako Kunzite, the eleventh Elemental Rookie and descendant of the Water Hero, Nereus Mapel. Jak Yanda, the twelfth Elemental Rookie and the one thought to be the infamous Crimson Swordsman. Your name has been spreading like wildfire for the last two days. Most squads are dying to have a shot at you."

"They wanna fight him?" Mako tilted his head curiously.

"That's what happens when one of the House Raine's top brass gives such high praise." Psyche shrugged slightly. "People are always itching to test their skills in combat, especially against those who are bestowed numerous titles and accolades such as the two of you. However, that's not why I approached the two of you."

Psyche walked a bit forward, until she was only a hairs breadth away from nearly touching the two of them. Jak, not liking to be touched or near people in general, leaned away but remained where he was.

"There are a lot of nonsensical things happening around us," Psyche said the words in just above a murmur, allowing only Jak and Mako to hear them. "I don't know what's going on but something tells me you two are in the thick of it. Be on your guard. I'll watch your backs and make sure you get out alive."

After she said those words, she quickly backed away from them and shot a bright smile. It was like a flip was switched and her personality did a complete turnaround, from all business to a joyful one that exuded ambience and enthusiasm. For Jak, it was hard to say which was her real personality, what with the Buttermoth being a complete stranger shrouded in layers of mystery. But for some odd reason, the redhead felt he could trust her, which was strange since he rarely ever felt like that upon first meeting someone. Skeptical, he opted to just go along with it.

"In any case, it's about time for us to meet up with our team." Psyche fluttered off the ground for a few seconds as she motioned them to follow. "Yokina said she wanted to get the tunnel and lower section cleared ahead of time."

Wordlessly, Jak glanced at Mako. Mako, without fail, glanced back, blue hues meeting bright red. The two didn't utter a sound but appeared to have a full conversation with just their facial expressions. After a moment, the two of them shrugged and followed the butterfly demihuman towards the Southeast team and the rest of the Water Wolves.

The Coalition had completely branched off from one another, several teams going their separate ways in order to stand by the respective door Obinay assigned. The one that Jak was a part of was arguably the smallest of the seven squads, including the one that was staying behind to search for a potential escape route. At the moment Jak, Mako, and Psyche reconvened with them, Yokina was going over the plan one last time before they were meant to set off. The trio was able to slip right into the back undetected, as if they had been there that entire time.

"With everything out of the way, let's get the expedition underway. Remember the rules and you'll be fine."

"There you guys are," Ganja welcomed as the gate to the spindly tunnel was pushed open by Yokina. No one even questioned her physical strength as they began to file through. "Was wondering when you would catch up."

"What, finish giving each other hand jobs?" Kungo jabbed.

"Is that what that was?" Psyche asked curiously.

The Water Wolves turned to look at her, unsure of how to address the Buttermoth that had just joined their ranks. On one hand, she didn't seem to be too intimidating, apart from the overly large wings, upon which the wingspan was larger than her entire body, but on the other she was quite clearly on a higher league compared to the rest of them. Without any proper way to identify the newcomer, the group remained silent, even Kungo having no additional sly remarks to dish out.

"This is Psyche Cho. The second Rift Hunter on our raid," Mako explained it simply.

"Pleased to make your aquaintance Water Wolves," the demi human announced joyfully, giving a small curtsy. "I'm pleased to be working with you on this quest."


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