
Search For Way Under

"The pleasure is ours," Ganja said, being the first to come out of his silence. "It's good to have a strong adventurer watching our back."

"Surely will make fighting much easier." Ranpto twirled his battle axe. "It's an honor."

Minaret, a small rather quiet female Water Wolf gave a tiny bow, welcoming the Buttermoth with a slight gesture. Jak didn't recall a single time the girl had spoken since the very first meeting with the Guild that very day. When Jak would eventually gesture towards the girl in hopes of understanding why, Mako explained that she was just very shy around new people and wasn't a big talker.

Jak could respect the notion and merely addressed Minaret with a slight nod when she glanced in his direction.

After everyone was done with the greeting and welcoming, the lot of them picked up the pace in order to catch up with the rest of their team, of whom had already dived a decent way into the tunnels depths. Inside, the narrow halls were slightly chilly, the darkness acting as a natural coolant in addition to the slight breeze that ran through towards the exit. The only light present were spaced out, glowing yellow crystals that did little in terms of showing the way forward, only providing just enough to see in front of one's face. Touching the walls, Jak reaffirmed that they were indeed made from Athrafstos. Most likely, the metal was the sole reason light nor heat could penetrate into the Mapel hideout.

"So, you're from the White Rabbit Guild," Mako remarked, striking up a conversation with Psyche whilst increasing his pace. "That's quite the accomplishment, working directly under House Raine."

"Is it? I always thought of it as just another day as an adventurer. It's just that this Guild happened to be bigger than normal."

"True. They hold the title as one of the richest Guilds in Eegalia, just under the Aries Guild, who happens to have a bit more. With that, they can afford to have more people than everyone else." The blue haired Rookie slowed down as he arrived at the backside of the Southeast squad. "Still, becoming a General isn't an easy task by any means."

"Of course it isn't," Psyche agreed. "Becoming a Rift Hunter on its own is one of the most difficult things for an adventurer to do. In comparison though, getting to that status was a heck of lot easier than Second General. They tested me for everything and monitored my actions for months, putting me through trial after trial, physically, mentally, magically. It makes sense, though, since they can't have just anyone leading members of the Guild without some form of proper qualification. They can't just hand the position to anyone who walks through the door. I reckon that the only reason I handled it as well as I did was because I-"

Jak eventually tuned her out completely, shifting his attention elsewhere. The Buttermoth Rift Hunter didn't look to be finished talking any time soon and he didn't really want to hear her entire backstory in one sitting.

(("Quite chatty,")) The redhead noted internally.

Sticking the groups conversation on the back burner, Jak carefully mulled over what Mako had informed him about the hideout and the suspicions revolving around it. The mystery around how it was built, the unknown backer behind Uglio Mapel, what it all meant for the Coalition and its goal in apprehending the rogue noble. Something crucial was missing from the puzzle, but Jak couldn't quite put his finger on it, a necessary pile of information sitting just beyond his reach. The pit of unease the redhead had felt since wandering into the Rift hadn't shifted in the slightest, only increasing as time went on.

Eventually, the hallway came to an end, the scenery changing from a lengthy tunnel into a smattering of different rooms, the layout similar to that of a maze.

It seemed that in order to actually find the way downwards, the group would have to rummage around and hope they didn't set anything off or alert anyone.

"The schematics given by the Master tells us that the entrance to the stairs going down should be on the northern end of the maze room." Yokina addressed the group as they moved into the room, pulling up a smaller version of the hideout than the one Obinay had shown. "In an effort to save some time, we'll be splitting into singles and quickly running through the most likeliest of spots it could be in. Look at your maps and take a pick of a room, observe it thoroughly and then report back. Some of you will find that rooms have been chosen for you automatically as per the WGC's interference. This is to help organization and delegate workflow."

Jak felt a small vibration from the pocket of his pants, causing him to quickly fish out his Information Orb, the same one the World Guild Center had issued to him before the Subjugation.

Without any activation, the map of the Domed Spider shot into existence, casting a light glow over Jaks face. On the map, near the floor they were on, a few rooms were lit red, indicating where Jak was assigned to search. Whilst it didn't exactly make sense for people to have assigned rooms, there were already enough ongoings that the fiery redhead merely pushed it aside, choosing to focus on pushing the task at hand forward. All Jak had to do now was rummage through his rooms and hope he could find something important that would lead the Coalition into the Hideouts depths. Without a word, the Rookie closed the Information Orb and tucked it back into his pocket.

"So, what room are you assigned to?" Psyche questioned, popping over Jaks shoulder, grey hair tickling his neck. "Can I tag along?"

"Oh, Psycho. Where'd you come from?"

"I've been here the whole time," the Buttermoth responded, looking slightly offended. "And it's Psyche Cho."

Jak ignored the woman's complaint and glanced around the room, searching it for Mako. After finding no traces of the boys bright blue hair, the young redhead glanced back towards Psyche.

"Where're the Water Wolves?"

Psyche didn't seem to like the write-off of her newly bestowed nickname, but she shrugged it off and gestured in the opposite direction of where Jak was meant to head. "They headed in that direction. Mako and his Guild were the only ones who had an assigned room in that direction. They went soon after Yokina had finished giving orders."


"Is something the matter?"

"You don't have a room?"

Psyche shook her head. "I'm free to search as I please for now. I'll only have to step in if we can't locate the entrance in a timely manner."

Jak gave the area a quick sweep, eyeing the few adventurers who had remained, of whom were either glancing over the rooms assigned to them or deciding which direction to move. Seeing no sign of any familiar faces and not wishing to interact with anyone in particular, the fiery redhead set off into an adjoining corridor, the same direction his set rooms were. He could hear the light shifting of feet and gentle fluttering of wings behind him, but he chose to ignore them and kept himself moving. Whatever Psycho chose to do was none of his business, especially since telling her to get lost would most likely be a waste of precious oxygen.

She didn't seem like the type to take a hint.

The few rooms Jak was assigned to investigate were located near the very corner of the circular maze, which seemed like an odd thing to say except that the circle was divided into six separate slices, one for each entrance. The schematic sent to Jaks Information Orb indicated that the Maze Room was the largest floor within the Spider Domes confines, extending well past ten kilometers from end to end. This meant that to reach the vicinity with Jaks rooms, he would have to travel around 5 kilometers where the center of the circle rested.

In other words, the fiery redhead would have to put up with Psyche the entire way through, presence and all.

"So, Jakky what do you think of the quest so far?"

Jak frowned softly, turning his head slightly towards Psyche's voice. "What I think of it?"

"Yeah." Psyche hovered off the ground, her wings lifting her into the air. "From what I heard, you disappeared for three years and only just returned. This is your first mission since getting Reinstated, is it not? I'm curious about where your mind is and how it feels to be back adventuring after so long."

"It's fine."

"No actual thoughts about everything you missed or what it's like to be back running some quests?"


"What about those three years you spent MIA?" Psyche flew into Jaks line of sight, hovering in front of him just out of arms reach. "How were those?"

Jak said nothing at first, a few scenes flicking through his head, most of them involving battling obscure monsters and fighting off other adventurers. It was hard to fully describe how much depth was packed into those three years of near isolated travel, how much training, both mentally and physically. "I honed my skills."

"You're really hard to talk to. Has anyone ever told you that?" Psyche crossed her arms over her modest chest, gently landing back behind the redhead. "You've been pretty quiet since we entered the Rift, even more so when Yokina grabbed your cape. Though I guess that makes sense, seeing as it was a gift from Dante-"

Almost immediately, the air shifted, Psyche shutting her mouth the very moment the words left her lips. Both of the individuals halted in their tracks, neither one moving. It was almost as if time had paused, their bodies motionless.

Slowly, Jak turned his head to glance at the Buttermoth Rift Hunter, an unknown emotion in his eyes. "What did you say?"

It wasn't immediate, but Psyche eventually spoke up, orange hues softening up. "Well, I guess that cats out of the bag."

"Answer," Jak pushed, turning around completely, expression turning from unknown to a more recognizable determination mixed with anger. "What do you know about Dante? How'd you know he gave me it?"

"Wow, I think that's the longest speech I've heard you say so far." Psyche shook her head. "Rest assured though, it's nothing bad or anything like that, I just happen to have some insider information is all. I had nothing to do with the Bird Massacre or the attack on the Flaming Sparrows."

"Then spill it." Jak grabbed the hilt of his katana, slightly pulling it out. "What do you know?"

"Well, I don't actually have to tell you anything now do I?" Psyche fluttered her wings and rose up off the ground. "However, should you provide me with conversation and answer all of my questions, I'll reveal everything that I know, as well as some Information that could prove useful to you. To you and only you. All you have to do is tell me what happened on the day of the Bird Massacre. The day before you disappeared from Ornera."


Follow my socials below to help me reach my goal of making this story one of the greatest in the world (i.e turning it into a Manga, webtoon, etc)







