

"That really is one big tree." Mako skid to a stop as the dual Rookies arrived at the edge of NorthClaw. Hues glancing upwards, the blue haired teen did his best to gauge the distance from the roots to the very top of the green monstrosity. "What's the height on it Jakky? I'm thinking 7 kilometers. Maybe a solid 8."

"It's about an 8. Just barely."

The redhead didn't offer any further input as he slipped passed his compatriot. Giving Knox a small pat on the head as he walked by, Jak carefully noted the environment before him.

The Aramlian city had undergone a total reconstruction since the last time the two youths had been there. Under the light of the four moons fixed to the pinnacle of the starry night sky, almost nothing of the old NorthClaw remained.